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Basic Object Editor Questions

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Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Throughtout my years of using the world editor, I have focused on terraining, triggering, etc. However, I have never actually focused on the Object Editor, which I somehow can't come to understand. It brings me to the questions of:

1. Damage - How is it calculated? What do the dice/base values effect?

2. If I have a hero and set it's health, the value is always higher... how is this effected? Level? How much per level?

3. Is there any way to make an upgrade/item that does absolutely nothing but can be changed into doing basicaly anything (Like for exampe, enable an ability, but also be able to add extra damage)

+Rep if you help me, and thanks for helping me out! :ogre_icwydt:
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
2. Ah yes, I completely forgot about strength...

3. I can do that, but is there an upgrade that does absolutely nothing then?


For #1 is it Base + Side x Dice?
Level 9
Jun 25, 2009
Oui, monsieur

yes it is

EDIT - oh, but remember that the primary attribute of a hero will also effect his/her damage

It's something like Attribute bonus+damage. but the dice are the amount of times of sides per die, which sides per die would be the difference of amount of damage.

For example. I have an archmage, which intelligence is 10, it has 10 damage in object editor 1 dice, 12 sides per die, the damage would beeeeee:::

21-33, if there would be 2 dices, the damage would be 21-55 :) if the sides would be 2 and dice would be one, the damage woul beee: 21-23.

I hope i explained something.

Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Wait... Intelligence effects damage? I thought it was either strength or agility...

I don't really understand what Tiche said... what I was thinking was that 1 x 12 + 10 = 22 damage - whatever determines the second number...

Can you explain with a math formula? That might be easier for me
The main attribute always affects damage. If the hero's main atrtibute is Intelligence, they will have their damage increased, when Intelligence increase. Same goes to Agility and Strength.

In Warcraft III, heroes have minimum and maximum damage.

Go to Object Editor, scroll to your hero and in the Combat section. Let's check Attack's 1 combat.

There is Number of Dice and Sides per Die.

• The minimum damage of the hero is: (Primary attribute + Number of Dice)

• The maximum damage of the hero is: (Primary attribute + (Number of Dice * Sides per Die))

Example: Blood Mage has an Intelligence amount of 23, Number of Dice = 4, Sides per Die = 7. If his base damage is 0, then:
Minimum damage: 23 + 4 = 27
Maximum damage: 23 + (4*7) = 51

So, his damage will be 27 - 51.
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
The main attribute always affects damage. If the hero's main atrtibute is Intelligence, they will have their damage increased, when Intelligence increase. Same goes to Agility and Strength.

In Warcraft III, heroes have minimum and maximum damage.

Go to Object Editor, scroll to your hero and in the Combat section. Let's check Attack's 1 combat.

There is Number of Dice and Sides per Die.

• The minimum damage of the hero is: (Primary attribute + Number of Dice)

• The maximum damage of the hero is: (Primary attribute + (Number of Dice * Sides per Die))

Example: Blood Mage has an Intelligence amount of 23, Number of Dice = 4, Sides per Die = 7. If his base damage is 0, then:
Minimum damage: 23 + 4 = 27
Maximum damage: 23 + (4*7) = 51

So, his damage will be 27 - 51.

So, wouldn't it be Base + Primary Attribute + Number of Dice and Base + Primary Attribute + (Number of Dice x Sides pr Die)?
Level 9
Jun 25, 2009
So, wouldn't it be Base + Primary Attribute + Number of Dice and Base + Primary Attribute + (Number of Dice x Sides pr Die)?

Meh, i'm sorry, but when i wrote Arch mage primary attribute was intelligence. Oh whatever. I'm sorry, but i can't actually write you a formula, because i suck at math, but i tried to explain everything, try reading a bit harder or i can explain again, but with more precision and stuff.

Meh, always tryin' to help.

Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
If you don't want to complicate yourself with formulas, I recommend using Wc3 Unit Tool. It calculates all that automatically.
And like other users said, primary atributte adds +1 damage per point at default. I think no one mentioned this, but you can change how much damage is increased in Advanced > Gameplay Constants and same goes for HP bonus per STR and etc.
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