

-Author Description:

  • Pack of models for the theme of "Bandits" in a classic and simple style.
  • This set was partially inspired by this resource: "Bandit-Assassin"
  • In this set, I edited the texture of the "Footman16" user to give the bandits a more classic look.


  • Authors' Credits:"Ujimasa Hojo";"johnwar";
    "Sunchips";"Blood Raven";"Wanderling Soul";"HerrDave".
  • I edited the resources of the authors' credits or made geosets and details for models from scratch.
  • You are allowed to use the resource in your projects, and you are also allowed to edit this resource.Just don't forget to mention my name or leave a link to this resource;)
  • I forbid you to upload this resource to other sites!!!

-Update List:

  • 24/04/18-Resource access to the hive.
    24/04/19-Elimination of orange and yellow warnings for models.
    24/04/20-Eliminate all green warnings by 85-100% for all models.
    24/05/19-Additional optimization, correction of the spawn of all geosets in the "Decay Bone" animation at the end for 1/1000 of a second.
    "(Thanks to "Lefroit" for that optimized models)"
    24/05/20-Correction of "normals" for some models.
    24/07/23-A new "Ambal-Killer" model has been added.
    24/07/24-Correction of the normals on the spear and bag of the "Ambal Killer" and missile model, as well as reducing the shadow on the face.
    24/08/01-Remodel:Marader, Killer,Robber,dubina.
    24/08/28-Remodel:MageApprentice,Hunter,Raider.(The Hunter has been changed to a Crossbowman),as well as some minor changes.
    24/09/12-Slight changes in the Killer and missile, Marauder models.
    24/09/25-"Scias" made an icon for the Ambal-Killer,Bandit-Ambal models.
    24/09/28-Minor changes in the Crossbowman model.
    24/11/07- "Darkfang" made more icons.

Ambal_Killer (Model)

Ambal_Killer-Missile (Model)

DarkMage (Model)

ApostateMage (Model)

Mage (Model)

MageApprentice (Model)

KingALT (Model)

King (Model)

Ambal (Model)

Marauder (Model)

Marauder-Missile (Model)

Killer (Model)

Killer-Missile (Model)

Raider (Model)

Crossbowman (Model)

Crossbowman-Missile (Model)

Robber (Model)

Robber-Missile (Model)

Dubina (Model)

Nice edits for a Bandit themed set. Changes made. Works in-game. Approved!
A lot of nice variations here that might prove useful to a lot of people :) the only question I'd have is that they seem to all be very brown overall. Did you you re-colour the texture using geoset animations to make them overall a lot more brown? As in my original texture there's silver/greyish parts for armour and shin armour that I think could work well on these models.
Level 27
Dec 6, 2022
A lot of nice variations here that might prove useful to a lot of people :) the only question I'd have is that they seem to all be very brown overall. Did you you re-colour the texture using geoset animations to make them overall a lot more brown? As in my original texture there's silver/greyish parts for armour and shin armour that I think could work well on these models.
I made the brown ones so that these bandits could be used with the classic bandits from the game :).
In the future, I will change their skin and add my own unique clothes to each one;)
Thanks for the assessment!

What a solid pack, lots of great Bandits. I'm particularly liking the one made out of the Ogre; while most of the rest are reskins/minor geomerges, that one is pretty unique. Nice work!
They are all unique, you can replace them with standard bandits.
I agree that some have few details, I will update this pack in the future :)
Thanks for the assessment!

Well Made Bro :thumbs_up:
Good job man)
Damn, this is a lot of content put into this pack. Really nice work :)
Thank you all very much!:piru:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Neat overall, prob is some more look variation could be considered. Most have cloaks and are also identical, the last two have the same villager face. The king versions, could use different bags or things attached to the horse or none.
What's a Dubina? Also, the ogre has a belt at the back as well as one in the front.
Level 27
Dec 6, 2022
Neat overall, prob is some more look variation could be considered. Most have cloaks and are also identical, the last two have the same villager face. The king versions, could use different bags or things attached to the horse or none.
What's a Dubina? Also, the ogre has a belt at the back as well as one in the front.
In the future, I will change the face of the first two by changing the hair color or adding a beard.I originally wanted to add the face of a resident with a brown beard first, but then he would look harmless :).
They all wear the same hoods and clothes because they are from the same group :).I will change their skin in the future to make them different ;).
The armored rider really needs to change the bag or remove it altogether, because this is the version where the king is in combat uniform.
Are you talking about the belt buckle?It really should be removed 😅.
Thanks for the assessment!
Level 4
Jun 21, 2017
The models are simply great. They fit well with one another and with the game's style, a very good inspiration from the original model and its texture. The pack offers a well needed variety of units for a creep faction that may need some less equipped variants. I definitively will be using a good portion of this in a personal project of mine.

I certainly look forward to seeing the other packs you have been teasing overtime, and certainly look forward to see what other packs you haven't teased like this one you have up your sleeve.:peasant-ok-hand::peasant-thumbs-up:
Level 27
Dec 6, 2022
There are objects floating at the end of Decay Bone animation for almost all of the models. Please make it so that there are no geoset that appear at the end of the animation. Also, some models have over a hundred of frames that can be optimized in the Sanity Checker.
It turns out that almost all models have all geocets visible at the end of the "Decay Bone" animation for 1/1000 of a second:)
I fixed the visibility of geosets for all models, and the models were optimized.
"(Thanks for the help in optimizing Lefroit)"
You can check again;)
24/05/20-Correction of "normals" for some models.
Last edited:
Level 6
Sep 15, 2020
There are no icons for them now.
I don't mind anyone making icons for these models;)
With your permish then, I could scrounge up some. I could take a crack at taking some screenshots of the portraits on the UI for a set of icons (coz I know you need model owner's consent to upload screenshot icons), and/or attempt to trace them in my personal artstyle.
Level 27
Dec 6, 2022
With your permish then, I could scrounge up some. I could take a crack at taking some screenshots of the portraits on the UI for a set of icons (coz I know you need model owner's consent to upload screenshot icons), and/or attempt to trace them in my personal artstyle.
I give you my permission to create icons and edit my models:)
You can also upload to the "icons" section if you want;)
Level 6
Sep 15, 2020
"Ambal" is bruiser, brute. "Dubina" is cudgel, club.
Huh fair enough. all I found was that Ambal was a Tatar prince and that Dubina is a Russian surname derived from a slang for a strong, but stubborn person. Tho I'm not surprised, there appears to be a huge Slavic following for War3 I only recently clued onto. I can see modelmakers naming things based on their culture as an in-joke, it'd be like me, an Australian, creating a Spell Breaker with a boomerang instead of a glaive and naming him Kylie.
Did you ever consider that you might be doing something wrong or that the game version you are using is buggy (and probably stolen or pirated)?
Both mages work just fine in the newest legit editor and game.
Also nothing gets done by yelling.
Level 27
Dec 6, 2022

Information for those who received a notification about the resource update:

Remodel:MageApprentice,Hunter,Raider.(The Hunter has been changed to a Crossbowman)



Minor changes:Ambal,Ambal-Killer and missile,Bandit Killer,Marauder.
Maybe some people liked the old versions of the MageApprentice and the Hunter, so I'll leave the old versions under this post.:smile:


  • OLD Hunter and MageApprentice.rar
    443.3 KB · Views: 35