Baine Bloodhoof Young (& Alternates)

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
-Made with ReteraModelStudio

This was a fairly simple, personal model I made because I was tired of Baine just having the default TC model and decided to share it. I figured he wouldn't have his totems since he's not a chieftain yet. I also changed some of his armor, gave him a new weapon, and changed his fur to be a little more orange and white as well as making his horns black-ish to better resemble his WoW appearance, giving him just a little more uniqueness.

There is an alternate version that is meant for the Rexxar campaign. Since he's a prisoner being rescued in the questline, he has no armor and is using a Centaur Khan weapon (the great axe.)

I'm an inexperienced modeler so forgive me if somethings wrong. I only made the model since I didn't see any other reforged versions of WC3 Baine. I hope some people find it useful.

UPDATE: Added a proper portrait and made some minor changes to his horns, straps, and skin texture. Hopefully this brings the model a little bit more up to par. Make sure the portrait name and model name match for it to work.

Baine Bloodhoof No Armor No Weapon (Model)

BaineYoungArmored_Portrait (Model)

Baine Bloodhoof Young (Model)

Baine Bloodhoof Young No Armor (Model)

Everything else works properly but the ordinary Tauren Chieftain's facefx stopped working; I'd recommend giving your models their own custom facefx based on the said Tauren Chieftan since they share the same base AWAITING UPDATE until it's resolved...
Level 37
Mar 11, 2017
Hello! I like your idea and it's actually something I also been doing.
The weapon I think you should let it be the original axe because is more tauren like
I have this baine model remade from the default tauren chieftain which uses all of caine animations and has many of caine armor components. Want to use this as an update? This way we don't add to many baine models :D
As you can see it's the tauren chieftain but I gave him the tauren unit horns which look more like in wow. Did you made them black. And also gave him most of the armor pieces from caine
If you want to keep your idea it's ok I will upload my as a different alternative
Baine captured by centaurs

Baine tauren chieftain
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Level 9
Feb 26, 2020
Hello! I like your idea and it's actually something I also been doing.
The weapon I think you should let it be the original axe because is more tauren like
I have this baine model remade from the default tauren chieftain which uses all of caine animations and has many of caine armor components. Want to use this as an update? This way we don't add to many baine models :D
As you can see it's the tauren chieftain but I gave him the tauren unit horns which look more like in wow. Did you made them black. And also gave him most of the armor pieces from caine
If you want to keep your idea it's ok I will upload my as a different alternative
Baine captured by centaurs
View attachment 400081
Baine tauren chieftain
View attachment 400082
Thanks for the feedback.

I like the axe too, but I gave him the spear just to further differentiate him from the default TC ( I kept the feathers and loose strap decoration keep some of the tauren feel to it.) He also uses a spear in vanilla WoW so it kinda works with his younger WC3 era version


I like your version too though. I think you should upload it too just to have more choices. Hopefully someday, someone could get his Native American headdress modeled onto him for when he becomes chieftain and starts to look closer to his awesome artwork

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Level 37
Mar 11, 2017
Thanks for the feedback.

I like the axe too, but I gave him the spear just to further differentiate him from the default TC ( I kept the feathers and loose strap decoration keep some of the tauren feel to it.) He also uses a spear in vanilla WoW so it kinda works with his younger WC3 era versionView attachment 400127
I like your version too though. I think you should upload it too just to have more choices. Hopefully someday, someone could get his Native American headdress modeled onto him for when he becomes chieftain and starts to look closer to his awesome artworkView attachment 400128
Working on that too :D I think i'l see if someone can upload the wow model of baine and use the armor from that on a reforged tauren :D


Also why I also have chosen the axe was because of it looks exactly like the axe baine from caverns of time uses.It's even named axe of tauren chielftains

Also a side note. No need to add pictures with full scale. You can make them a bit smaller :D
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Level 37
Mar 11, 2017
The model has many of the default tauren chieftain issues. I would suggest using my model as a default and add your textures/weapons to it Baine with all of Cairne animations

Noticed issues:
  • Geoset body issue(wrong node set) -> issue from default unit
  • Leg and cloth collision -> issue from default unit
  • You deleted the back side of the straps and kept the front side and that makes it look wierd :) better delete it completelly and add a new one.
You can also see the issues here where I made the fixed & improved versions Fixed Tauren Chieftain
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Finally a Tauren hero that doesn't look exactly like the regular Tauren Chieftain (from an RTS perspective). This is mostly due to the removal of the totem.