This system was a request but turned into something i would love to improve overtime as I gained more knowledge. This system contains:
1. Allows you to buy only 1 item per auction
2. Set amount to 25 items But you could add as much as you wish
3. AI system included that they could Buy and bid at random times.
4. AI people have a set gold amount that is random and reset every auction so there will always be fun buying items
5. Selling function But limited to 6(players slot number)
This version is Completely leakless. It took me a few days for each trigger and the longest trigger took over 2 weeks. It may have bugs since its only v 1 so report any back to me. I may know some right now but i doubt they will happen. This System has documentation on how to install but its mostly pretty simple to install.
Plans to change:
Allow more items to be sold
Redo the bidding keys(arrow keys)
Fix Log v1.01
*Fixed why players couldnt gain items after they bought it
*Fixed gold not subtracking
*Added camera locking n distance
*shorten Text lifespan to avoid alot of floading.
Auction, Auction system, system, item, buying, selling, buy, sell