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Armies of Northrend 1.9

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Trayd
-There are 2 custom races for you to play
-The map if for 8 players, and 2 teams
-You can play as The Scourge
-Or you can play as The Ice Elves
-Both races are totaly customized
-Each race have its own strategy:
-The Ice Elves are powerful but they are few in numbers (reach the food limit fast)
-The Scourge concentrate in numbers but their units aren't so strong

-In the begin they are like every race, a common one (exept the heroes)
-When reaches the last Town Hall upgrade the Ice Elvens become extemely powerful like:
-All units gain special abilities
-Can train the so mighty Glacial "Giants"
-Can train the powerfull Spiron Wizards

-Scourge units waste few food slots so their armies are very big
-Skeleton units are hardly "defeated", cus they can "raise" themselfs
-Plague Erupters ans Flesh Giants are elite soldiers and very powerful
-To beat the Spiron Wizards the scourge uses the Nerubian Warlocks, but they aren't as powerful as the Spiron

For the sake of file size decrease and bugs prevention the special events and game modes were removed

Version 1.1
-added custom command buttons icons
-fixed Hunk animation timing (attack e movemen)
-fixed a bug that allows the Ice Elven to train 4 heroes
Version 1.2
-added some custom spells for the Lich King and Trayd heroes
-fixed some minor typos
-added an AI for the Ice Elves
-added some custom icons
-fixed some minor bugs
Version 1.3
-removed custom command butons for file size decrease
-added a new custom spell: Shadowstep (Thanks to Berserk for creating it)
-balanced some spells
-added an AI for the Scourge
-removed the hero requiriment of certain scourge units (So the AI could work)
-scourge units strength and food cost decreased even more
-frozen meteor spell crash error fixed (i think)
-file size decreased to 3.76 (it should work on lan now)
-fixed some minor bugs
Version 1.4
-map changed to a bigger one
-added new spells
-creep levels increased
-custom loading screen now works =D
Version 1.5
-added more players, now there are 8 players, 4 Ice Elves and 4 Scourge ones
-to prevent bugs wen there are more than 2 players, the game replace the trigger based spells with others that don't use triggers, the replaced spells are: Summon Portal, Hibernation and Kmah Rage
-replaced the Lich King model with a no horse Death Knight (reason: see the comments)
-new AI, hope this one don't have errors =D
Version 1.6
-fixed a bug that let untis affected by the Hibernate spell to move
-Summon Portal and all other trigger based spells works even with more than 2 players
-fixed a bug that do not let the sword of Spiron Masters appears wen there are more than one in the game
-fixed a bug that do not let the fire effect on the head of Falled Death Knights appears wen there are more than one in the game
-custom loading screen removed for file size decrease
-added special event, just tipe: -doom
-fixed some minor bugs
Version 1.7
-added special events and game modes: -sheepfall / -ethereal / -free for all
-fixed some minor bugs
-fixes some spells
Version 1.8
-reduced the strenght of some heroes (not too much)
-new model for the Fallen Death Knight hero
-computer players owned gold mines does not have 10001000 gold anymore
-army of the Dead spell now summons only 9 skeletons and they can't rebirth anymore
-map is no longer protected, feel free to open it and help me find any error :D, but please do not modify it without my permission
Version 1.9
-Special Events and Game Modes removed
-New custom spells - thanks F0rsak3n
-New custom models
-Minor bugs fixed
-Hope the game crash if fixed now =]

-Thanks to the custom things creators: infrenus, Tenebrae, N00byStance, Kitabatake, perfjert, Dienesiit, Sephirot_VII, S4nji, Burning_Dragoon5, Mr. Bob, Lord_T, Mephestrial, Cloudwolf, Kelthuzad, Skrik, CARZYRUSSIAN, 67chrome, ~Void~, Mr. Goblin, Willtheallmighty, Daelin, JetFanginferno, Shamanyouranus, Mc !, Tarn_J
-Special Thanks to: General Frank and XS-Angel, for alowing me edit their models, F0rsak3n who helped me with some spells, and to my great friend Harisson, the one who created the Ice Elves idea with me.
-If you find your model or icon on this map and your name isn't on the credits, sorry, and please say it to me so i can put your name here =D

want to take a look at the Ice Elven story?
want to join in the project and know more about the campaing?



Altered Melee, Ice Elf, Scourge, pvp, Ice, Undead, Elf

Armies of Northrend 1.9 (Map)

12:23, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
There are lots of problems with this map, specially with the Ice Elves (weird... I have a campaign where the main race are the Ice Elves xD, not uploaded)

Let's start with the cool stuff, everything is well planed, is balanced (talking just about races, not terrain, etc.), is cool, not very original, specially with the scourge, but it fits.

I personaly loved one hero of the Ice Elves, Hunk, The Living Mountain, I loved the model and how it is used, but there is a huuuuuge problem with this, and is the animation, when it hits, you can see it, but the sound and the damage occur like one second later, you have to fix that, also the movement is weird, the animation is slower than his movement, making it look like if it where skating.

Most of the problems are with animations, specially with the movement and attack, and are quite common with the Ice Elves. There are also lots of typos, fix that.

Try adding some extra features for single player play, like AI.

That's all, I will make a full review when you fix most of the problems.
I personaly loved one hero of the Ice Elves, Hunk, The Living Mountain, I loved the model and how it is used, but there is a huuuuuge problem with this, and is the animation, when it hits, you can see it, but the sound and the damage occur like one second later, you have to fix that, also the movement is weird, the animation is slower than his movement, making it look like if it where skating.

i know this problem, but there is a bigger problem
i just don't know how to repair it :bored:
if anyone knows please say it, i'm needing the help :smile:
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Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
Is very simple to fix.

In the object editor, well... the obvious thing, select the unit you want to edit, now, in the art section, there'll be a something like this "Art - Animation - Run Speed" and also "Art - Animation - Walk Speed" you need to change that to fit the animation, you can also change the movement speed.

To fix the attack, "Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Backswing Point" change that to fit the animation, you'll also need to fix the "Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Damage Point" those are seconds, if you set those two to 1, it will take two seconds. Check how much time the animation takes, that way it will be easy to fix.
Is very simple to fix.
In the object editor, well... the obvious thing, select the unit you want to edit, now, in the art section, there'll be a something like this "Art - Animation - Run Speed" and also "Art - Animation - Walk Speed" you need to change that to fit the animation, you can also change the movement speed.
To fix the attack, "Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Backswing Point" change that to fit the animation, you'll also need to fix the "Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Damage Point" those are seconds, if you set those two to 1, it will take two seconds. Check how much time the animation takes, that way it will be easy to fix.

thaks for the tip! i have fixed that, new version 1.1 already uploaded
ps: steel trying to create a good AI
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
I already download the new version, but you didn't fix the typos, so I take a little time to tell where are some of the typos, I did not check the spells. I'll put in the left where the typos are, and in the right the typos.

Ice Elves
Create Mages Temple - temle, mistical
Build Council Hall - Snate,
Research Fruit Production - increacing
Creates Artifacts Box - Tree of Frost, Tree of Ice, Frozen Tree
Train Blue Warrior - Defencive
Lumber Harvesting - Peasants
Summon Trayd - Frot Shard
Summon Sarion - adept (that word shouldn't be there)
Create Kmah Altar - assaul
Create Spiron Temple - Mistical

The Scourge
Summon Bones Hall - Infantary
Train Skeletal Infantary (Yes, you put infantary in the title) - Infantary, Infantaries
Research Teaching of Blight - cas

Probably there are more, you should fix that as soon as you can.
There are also some other mistakes, like no space after a point or coma, and more, I just tell you this because is really important to eliminate all those problems to have an excellent quality map.
this map is not playable in battle.net or Lan.
the map has to be max 3.99 mb large.
please fix this, or you are only able to play it at singleplayer against AI (bots)

I used the Widgetizer on the version 1.3, but it only decrease the loading time, i just don't know how to decrease the file size :bored:
Someone knows a program to reduce the file size? :confused:
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
If you want to reduce filesize, in my humble opinion, you should remove the custom icons for movement, attack and all those basic commands. I don't think that's really necessary.
Level 4
Jun 1, 2009
brazil or not, its not very hard to run things through MS word.

too much imported models which is not needed. Models do not make a good map,
good idea does.

Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
woot im guna give this map a 2/5 becuase of the fatal error while i was playing. fix it and you got an awsome map. i had the giant hero for the ice elfs and i got the frozen meteor skill. about 1 second after i got that CRASH! games over.....

Well its a really good map other then that and i was having alot of fun. Awsome models. i think the game was very fun(which is sayin somthin cus i usually dont like these kinds of maps to much) but like i said fix that and youll get 5/5 from me!
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i had the giant hero for the ice elfs and i got the frozen meteor skill. about 1 second after i got that CRASH!

Wel, i removed the custom model used for the spell, hope that works, however using the normal effect of the spell (infernal) will make it quite strange, but the error should be fixed now. And thanks for reporting me this, you helped a lot :thumbs_up:
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
One time i talked with a guy who had alot experience about mapcreation.
He talked about a tool that reduced his filesize(of the map) to 45% of the amount it had before.
Anyone knows a thing of such tool?^^

Use threads for these questions, not in the map sections.. :/.

on topic: seems as a good idea. I'll make sure i test it when i have free time. ;)
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
dear god make this more players. this game is awsome and i want some epic fights like 6v6! AH RUN FROM THE ARMY OF GIANTS!
dear god make this more players. this game is awsome and i want some epic fights like 6v6!

I'm working on puting some more players, but to do so, i will need to remove the Lich King hero and put a "normal" death knight instead, it will make no sense if two or more players have the Lich King at the same time :xxd:

Edit: I don't know if will be a good idea to make a map with more than 2 players, some hero spells uses triggers, with more than 2 players these spells could bug, the only way is removing these kind of spells, then the map can have more than 2 players... :bored: thinking about that...
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Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
Are you using triggers for this? If you are try to use the basic AI editor... Hope you find it soon, I love your map ^^ xD
Are you using triggers for this? If you are try to use the basic AI editor...

well, i uploaded a new version, and used a completly new AI, hope yhis one don't have any error :gg:
and the new version can be played with 8 players :grin:

Hope you find it soon, I love your map ^^ xD

thanks, i'm working hard on this map, i had the idea of the Ice Elves years ago and now that i've finaly found somewere to show it i'm doing what i can to make the race as i ever "dreamed"!!! :mwahaha:
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Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
The bug is still there... i'm not sure where the problem is, but I think is that it activates when you try to summon more than 5 peons... or you get and expo... I think is there the problem, I'll check again to be sure.
The bug is still there... i'm not sure where the problem is, but I think is that it activates when you try to summon more than 5 peons... or you get and expo... I think is there the problem, I'll check again to be sure.

Strange, i've tested the maps and since the version 1.5 that error didn't hapened... well, i think that i will upload the version 1.8 unprotected, than anyone can help me find that damn error :thumbs_up:
Yknow, this kinda fits my campaing-in-the-making. Both races will be included there, as will the dwarves and orcs as the enemies, no allied race. Will use your idea^-^ as a basis for the Scourge and Ice Elves

cool, will be good to see my races in a campaing!! :grin:
i hope that if you would use my races exatly as they are, you would give me the credits for that. :smile:
Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
There are some serious bugs, not very important ones, but you notice them:
-I belive some of the heroes are way overpowered(Chaos dmg. and +30 int/level????) I know some of the overpowered heroes costs 500gold more than the other ones, but really, they are way too good :S
-Some or one of the gold minds are only at 10000 gold when the otheres are at 10001000(and why this number?)?

There are more ballance issues and such, but I like the effort put into it, for example are all the tooltips correct, which I did not expect. So a lot of effort is put into this map with a few major problems. I will give you 3/5, but if you reduce the number of units created by bots, so I won't lag out again :p And I have a GOOD computer, It can fast be 4/5 or hight :p More effort please, and gj with the AI script, just reduce the number of units (skeletons) :smile: Seriously(Summon 24 skeletons to the battlefield?, and if you have the upgrade which make them raise upon death, they will live forever????) Please fix this things to give some ballance and to remove some lag.

-I belive some of the heroes are way overpowered(Chaos dmg. and +30 int/level????) I know some of the overpowered heroes costs 500gold more than the other ones, but really, they are way too good :S
-Some or one of the gold minds are only at 10000 gold when the otheres are at 10001000(and why this number?)?

Well, i placed on the description that the heroes are POWERFUL, but if that becamed a problem i would decrease their power, and i will do so, next update they will be less strong, and the gold mines with 10001000 gold, well this happen only wen a computer player is controing that mine, this would to make the game a bit harder, you now... the computer is never without gold!!! But perhaps i will remove this too :smile:

There are more ballance issues and such, but I like the effort put into it, for example are all the tooltips correct, which I did not expect. So a lot of effort is put into this map with a few major problems. I will give you 3/5, but if you reduce the number of units created by bots, so I won't lag out again :p And I have a GOOD computer, It can fast be 4/5 or hight :p More effort please, and gj with the AI script, just reduce the number of units (skeletons) :smile: Seriously(Summon 24 skeletons to the battlefield?, and if you have the upgrade which make them raise upon death, they will live forever????) Please fix this things to give some ballance and to remove some lag.

About the AI training so much units i can't do anything, if i reduce the number of units created by the AI (specialy the scourge) they will become to weak, and the Death knight spell that summons 24 skeletons, i will reduce that number, be sure :D, and the summoned skeletons will not have the reborn ability!!! And thaks for the comment, help is aways welcome :thumbs_up:
Level 3
Jul 26, 2009
nice map, i liked the heroes and cutoms models, but the Scourge is kinda too strong, increase their food request or the units strenghs to balance more the two races, right?

the hero Trayd is very POWERFUL, i liked him!