Apotheosis Development thread

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Level 14
Jul 12, 2018
I've been told to make a thread like this after i started wrongly posting stuff about the map in the map thread. So i uploaded my first map last week (here) and updated it today based on feedback from bnet. The next version will fill in some more upgrades and unit availabilities but I consider this mode mostly complete and fully playable now and will soon move on to the next mode.
The goal of the project is to offer maximum replayability value in a single map.

The map has a lot of content, right now there are 17 playable factions with custom units and heroes, i suppose i will post some of them here instead of there.

Currently it looks like this:

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Level 14
Jul 12, 2018
In order to try to provide some value, here's something i did that might be useful if you're trying to balance a large number of armies/races/factions.
It won't get you the fine balance, but it's a good way to save time on the rough balance.

I have a trigger in the editor version of my map called armytest, and when i run it, the map cancels all ongoing actions, sets current gold to 0, gives full map vision and creates lines of each army spread out across the map, all neutral, each unit type in amounts proportionate to how many there would be in a normal map scenario or how many would spawn in an amount of time that makes sense to measure.
In front of that line is a line of the army i chose when i made the command.

So for example, i have 17 armies, and when i type "-armytest 3" it creates one instance of each army, and then one instance of "Army 3" lined up in front of each of those.
Next i go "-fight" and all the units belonging to "army 3" except for the one instance that spawned when 1 of every army spawned becomes mine. The rest of the units become enemies.
Now all i have to do is watch the fight play out and then write down the numbers for each army, defined as total gold owned by me (all from kills) at the end of the fight. Do 3-4 runs for each army, you'll have a clear idea of what groups are underpowered and which ones are overpowered.

Negatives/concerns of this approach:
-requires that your "gold per kill" is made to be in proportion to a unit's toughness
-it can take a while to write the trigger (i might have done it inefficiently but picking unit types in gui takes forever)
-it does not take range and kiting into account well (for player-controllable units)
-it's nonspecific, but you can hack it into more specific pieces if you want
-You have to keep an eye on total mismatches by looking at where an army got decimated without killing many of the enemies even if the total gold count is in the right range
-the more randomness you have built into your fights the more data you need to collect for a clear picture
-mind the facing; if one army starts the fight facing the backs of the other army, you won't get good data
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