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[AoS] League of Champions

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Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
Il be able to take a look at the map tomorrow. I can hoost on garena and play it many times and see all the things that reguires balancing. Then i just report them to you. Also i am pretty good at making a good changelog. I suggest putting all the little info there like damage changes and stuff like that.

of course also im playing Garena too so when i tell you to host ill play with you too :)
Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
Just to mention: today or tommorow ill put the characters that will be in beta with their spells and maybe with their description ;)

Added 2 Testers/Balancers 6 more Testers/Balancers needed if anyone wana join as Tester/Balancer send me a pm or write here ;)

Edit: Mgterno started school and he didnt had time to finish the map so the map will be made by Empire_Jackal
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Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
Cool idea i hope its not stoled like firelands...
1.First its not stealed because it will feature systems that other AoS dont have.
2.Second about Firelands what can i say about Dota and Icefrog??? he stealed the terrain too and now dota is the most played map.
3.EternalWow do you want to join as Balancer/Tester?

Topic: Updated the Heroes hidden file also we need Grammar fix someone who wants to join pm me or write here ;)
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Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
Mgeterno11 if you wana help you can just fix our Grammar if you want to help us with that becouse Champions for beta are ready just grammar fix and than we make the heroes in WE ;) tell me if you want to be Grammar fix and Tester/Balancer.

Added Mgeterno11 as Grammar fix and also as Balancer/Tester
Added 3vo1 as Balancer/Tester he dont have account on Hiveworkshop( he is my cousin) he plays dota too much and knows a lot about AoS so i thought he will help us and asked him would he be tester,balancer and he assepted.
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Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
i will be making that trailer u asked for but i still need these answers mybe some 1 here can give me the info

millzy said:
Foronisus said:
ok leave it i dont need for instance im making AoS i have better idea but you will need to make this like cinematic not in the real map you know the map in my signature the second one its for Champions so make text something like Destroy and 5 v 5 heroes are fighting eachother.text -Defend and than base is been defended by 5 heroes and creeps are attacking it.Than pictures of more heroes and text: Choose your Champion.Fight for the light and light effect and angel or for the Evil and shadows and fire and than bam League of Champions take the one in the Signature and make it bigger and put it in the end. Can you make this??

so u want me to create a trailer for league of champions instead now??

u said have 5 v 5 heros maybe give me some details as to there models???

and defend and the base is defended by 5 heros what is the race of the atking and defending teams???

one more thing what is the terrain like since i have to make it my self

also suggestions for music???
Level 13
Mar 28, 2010
1.First its not stealed because it will feature systems that other AoS dont have.
2.Second about Firelands what can i say about Dota and Icefrog??? he stealed the terrain too and now dota is the most played map.
3.EternalWow do you want to join as Balancer/Tester?

Topic: Updated the Heroes hidden file also we need Grammar fix someone who wants to join pm me or write here ;)

Sure i wana join :D
Level 4
May 1, 2010
Hmm... Nice project you have here.
I, too, would also like to help.

I could sign up as a Tester/Balancer/Hero Maker (Designs & proposals only, not an encoder)

I'm not new in the world of AoS projects and would like to help you by sharing my knowledge. :)

I see that you're done with the hero designs.
That's ok. If you ever need my help with Heroes, I'll try to help.
Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
Hmm... Nice project you have here.
I, too, would also like to help.

I could sign up as a Tester/Balancer/Hero Maker (Designs & proposals only, not an encoder)

I'm not new in the world of AoS projects and would like to help you by sharing my knowledge. :)

I see that you're done with the hero designs.
That's ok. If you ever need my help with Heroes, I'll try to help.

Thanks ill add you as Beta Tester/Balancer....

Update: Allmost made the Forum!
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I've noticed that the gold ratio is preventing kill steals which I believe LoL has that too. Especially when you are assist, sometimes you get more golds out of one kill, sometimes less.\

Will you be able to deny creeps or will it be more like LoL where you can't deny your own creeps?

Are you planning on adding LoL features such as brush, lizards, summoner spells, the 6minute dragon, classes and spells designed for jungling, no gold loss upon death ?
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I'm asking the team in the project thread about the possible features they might be adding and what they are thinking off.

Furthermore I think what will help you guys make cool and unique champs (compared to other maps out there) would be to implement abilities with a passive component and an active component. For example you have an ability which gives you passively 20% crit chance and when you activate it, your attacks also leave a stackable up to 4 times poison DoT. But, when you activate it, you don't loose the passive bonus. Yeah this concept is taking from LoL but I like it and it's something I think DotA doesn't have.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Nope, he's talking about abilities. Actually my map has some abilities with active and passive components, you may take a look at it if you want.

Also, why would we ask the coder rather than you? You are supposed to be the project leader, you have to make all the decisions. You have to tell the coder what and how to do, and he has to write it.
Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
Nope, he's talking about abilities. Actually my map has some abilities with active and passive components, you may take a look at it if you want.

Also, why would we ask the coder rather than you? You are supposed to be the project leader, you have to make all the decisions. You have to tell the coder what and how to do, and he has to write it.

We have gold split in plan but he is making that not me... i can tell you about other big systems ;)
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Will you be able to deny creeps or will it be more like LoL where you can't deny your own creeps?

Are you planning on adding LoL features such as brush, lizards, summoner spells, the 6minute dragon, classes and spells designed for jungling, no gold loss upon death ?

Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
no one said about LoL... also Edhel is not member of our team...we allmost told you the whole game... auctually we have secret me and Magtheridon96 that no one other knows when we release the Alpha Version you and our members will know too... its good thing after all :)
Level 15
Jan 12, 2011
So i will fix the map till 11th sept, just wait, Foronius and it will be much better. .D Just wait. :) I am busy but i am working on it.
I hope this map will be cool, after you finished it, i will test it and give suggestions. :D
Actually, as soon as i saw the pic, i knew that this will ne an excellent map. :)

I suggest you to add a boss called Sypxillus, he's model file is the bloodelfchampion,(link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/bloodelf-champion-50619/?prev=d=list&r=200&c=10 and he has to have 40000 HP, 10000 MP, damage: 340-600 and soem strong spells for it. :D
Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
yup ill see if i can find good model through hive.. i auctually drawed a good Champion yestrday but i need a little fixes to him and ill send it to him :)

Oziris: LoL is 10x times better than dota and you say a lot of abilities are same???? Wrong maybe you didnt play it??? also this is not LoL and the abilites are not same its LoC ;)
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Actuallly DotA isn't that unique map either, as there were tons of AoS maps before DotA too. DotA became public, because it was better made than similar maps at that time (and it's one of the worst made things at the moment), but that's all.

LoL is better, because most of the problems that DotA and similar maps (even now) suffer from has been fixed and revamped. HoN, RoI, RotT is a new and individual map too, and they all suck like a boss.
Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
Alpha Version for 2 weeks( may be pushed) sorry but we are working hard to bring you the map in good quality :).Also its sad to tell you that it wont be public only the Testers that are in first post will play the map.Beta Testing may be public or it will be same and there will be new and more players.In Beta Version there will be fixes if there are bugs in our map and also overpowered spells,items and such.Also we will implement new systems in Beta Version.So you wont see all Systems in Alpha Version.Till than Enjoy :)
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