- Later in the game, allow people to have a choice of getting a new hero, then evening xp. (As in, your heros level 20, then you turn both into level 10s)
- Mains should be able to attack, so if theres a few creeps attacking it you wont have to run all the way over.
- Invasive creeps. Creep camps will walk into the middle of the lanes and cuase havock somtimes.
- Telepoles. An item that allows you to Place down poles long the map, that you can town portal to.
- Spawn backup. One player decides a lane needs creep backup from another lane, and starts a poll. Each player can vote. If more than 50% of the people vote yes, a chosen % of the creeps in a chosen lane will go to the lane the poll starter choses. Once that player does it, he can only do it one more time. Maybe make it so he cant do it untill a certant amount of time has passed. In some way, you should probably make it so it can't be done too often. Maybe make it so they can only make a total 200% of the creeps come in total. (He could do 10% 20 times, or 100% from two lanes at the same time.)