Another Spell Request

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Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
Hey, I got another request, the Anti-Undead Aura that was my previous requests worked properly, this time the spell is going to be a bit tricky, or maybe not.

Ability 1 (Did it my self):There is an ability that causes 100 damage to target instantly.
Ability 2:Now the hero that has this ability also has invisibility, and when the hero casts that spell that deals 100 damage to target instantly while invisible, it will deal 300 more damage to target.

I've seen these kinds of spell in some maps, but couldn't help me much.
Hey, I got another request, the Anti-Undead Aura that was my previous requests worked properly, this time the spell is going to be a bit tricky, or maybe not.

Ability 1 (Did it my self):There is an ability that causes 100 damage to target instantly.
Ability 2:Now the hero that has this ability also has invisibility, and when the hero casts that spell that deals 100 damage to target instantly while invisible, it will deal 300 more damage to target.

I've seen these kinds of spell in some maps, but couldn't help me much.

I'm not sure if it would work this way because the invisibility will break once the unit does an order but you can try checking if he has the invisibility buff once he casts the 100 damage spell... if it will not work then you can make store a boolean into a hashtable to store whether the unit has the invisibility buff or not...

for the 2nd suggestion:

-whenever the unit casts invisibility set the boolean to true...
-when he does an order (attack, cast a spell that isnt the 100damage spell) set it to false
-check that boolean in the 100 damage spell (I hope it is triggered) then set the boolean to false afterwards...
Well, the only way to do such thing is by adding the "Ghost" ability to that unit. There is also another way, but you should involve yourself with GetLocalPlayer and transparency stuff = a custom invisibility. I don't know how that ability worked, I mean, when you attacked, was the invisibility breaking? If so, you will need to implement a damage detection system, that will check if the damage done is physical. Here: View attachment Invisibility.w3x
I made the version that when you hit it, it won't break the invisibility, which is the Ghost-ability trick.
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