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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Yeah I built an application as part of a software engineering course this year. It's pretty powerful and fun too.

Powerful my a**, start up Eclipse with ADT and watch it burn your RAM xD starts out with 700MB, leaks so much it builds up like 2GB by the end of the day (needs at least 3-4 restarts over an 8 hour session)... Emulator is slow as hell (and the current HAXM causes both Windows and Mac to go BSOD, so no x86 emulator, unless you install it on VMWare (only tablet OS can be found as x86 iso though)... But both need Hyper-V to be disabled, so no Windows Phone 8 emulator for you while doing that, and Hyper-V hates Android and turning it on and off needs come command line / registry messing and a reboot).

And when it comes to the designer, things sometimes turn out to be extremely awkward, especially if you use a listview or a viewflipper :/

Also there are bugs like Eclipse importing R into your code, making you unable to export the apk. Or like getting a random corruption so you have to backup your entire workspace, delete it, make a new one and import your workspace data.

So, it's a cheap platform, prepare to face the downsides of being cheap -.-

Android Studio looks better, didn't have too much time with it though. But Eclipse is annoying and slow, plus there are other annoying things. From a developer's view, WP and iOS are waaaay better than Android.

So in short, I don't really like it, but I only get Android jobs :goblin_boom:

There is also a Native Developer Kit for Android and Visual Studio if you want to work with C++.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Powerful my a**, start up Eclipse with ADT and watch it burn your RAM xD starts out with 700MB, leaks so much it builds up like 2GB by the end of the day (needs at least 3-4 restarts over an 8 hour session)...
This feat alone is pretty impressive seeing how Eclipse is mostly coded in Java so should not be able to leak. The big question I would ask is why it has a working set that grows, what does it do with all that memory? I mean if it was a memory leak, you could just keep using it until the process crashes due to OOM as it would page the leaked pages out since they are not part of the active set. Any slowness you experience would be then be caused by it removing your file cache, which reveals the slowness of your backing storage configuration.
I built an app that supports 2.x -> 4.4, with 6 activities, search support, settings, 3 XML parsers, resource fetching, and asset management in about 30 hours. Never had any issues with eclipse, the AVD, or the SDK.

My emulator launches in about 30 seconds, eclipse in about 15. Never noticed any loss of performance either, and I often left them running while I played games, etc.

I find python in eclipse to also be quite nice.
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