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Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
This is a very unique map idea I came up with while browsing the hive's vast resources (models, skins ect), and as i checked out the space orc and terran marine models, played around with WE, it hit me; why not create a type of hero arena/RPG/Defence? sounds too complicated? it isn't! Me, being a begginer at map editing, found it as a excellent idea for a debut map into the hive. Firstly, the map has 2 factions; the space orcs and the space marines. the 2 teams exist out of 6 players each. The battle takes place on a deserted planet, the previous race which resided there had been wiped out by a deadly virus unleashed upon them, and now the virus had infected the hosts, turning them into mindless hordes of undead beings. The space marine's mission was to eradicate this scourge on the planet, while the space orcs' mission was to do a recon on the planet, to find the source and report back to base with intel. As the 2 strike forces advance into the planets airspace, a strange nether force had disrupted their ships, causing them to crash into the middle of the city; the main breeding ground of the infestation. You and your team are to regroup, find a deserted warehouse or dormant building and claim it as your Head quarters where you can administer your forces from and eventually attain what you came for... in order to achive victory, you must find a HQ, destroy the other faction and ultimatly remove the scourge from the galexy either by means of destruction or by antidote. each faction has to choose from 9 heroes:
Heavy-weapons expert
I have already began with balencing the heroes, (70% done)
The terrain (15% done)
the story (50% done)
and the abilities (5% done)
this is kind of a project recruitment as well as a map idea, because i require somebody who is good at creating space-type abilities and i require a loading screen as well as a minimap image. I may also need someone who excells at triggering (preferably GUI)

Thank you for taking some of your time to read this, please comment what you think about my map idea and all who are willing to help, please let me know:smile:
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
So, this will be a Hero Arena with a constant 3rd party present attacking everything? Sounds interesting as long as the 'infestation' actively seeks out enemies to convert/destroy and not just camp in a few places.

Will any natives still be around? (A possible ally for one of the player factions)




Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
yes, i already planned the infestation to seek out the HQ's and relentlessly attack.. I'd love to add natives, but i'm using all 12 slots, so that the team can be stronger.. i'm also going to put tanks around the map (dorment tanks) and as a unit enters the tank/vehicle, it changes ownership. and when he exits the tank/vehicle, it reverts back to neutral passive. i already have 5 types of creeps (infested beings), aiming for 10. (going to add amphibious creeps aswell). currently im battling the ability editor =]
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