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Achieving Immortality via World Editor

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Okay so I had an idea. For each and every one us no matter how adamantly we prioritize our own survival and live our best life, there's always a chance of something unexpected and horrible happening where we might unexpectedly die younger than we intended to.

So, since Reforged makes everyone feel old and feeling old causes me to think about coming to terms with the reality of my own eventual death (no known humans have escaped death), I suddenly had the idea that because Hive is a website it might be immortal, so by extension it might be possible for the digital extension of ourselves to achieve immortality if we could create an avatar of it in World Editor, then save the map with the interactable runnable digital expression of ourselves and then upload this map to Hive -- where it might stay, forever.

And thus I have hatched a plot that I might be able to become immortal using World Editor and Hive. So I thought I would make this thread about the idea even though I did not do it yet, to get other peoples' thoughts. If you were to encode your own immortal representation of yourself as a neutral interactable unit on World Editor, what would your immortal unit self be like and what kinds of stuff would it do for the rest of eternity?
Level 5
Mar 1, 2020
Something tells me that we are eternal already as a part of an all-encompassing united mind. Maybe our consciousness is just too narrow as humans to see (beyond the known to) the unseen & will be available again in its entirety once our time has passed... Basically, immortality lies in our own natural death if you ask me. So, enjoy the ride, don't worry & be happy.

Source: Trust me bro

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So I was working on the map in this video that is a single player RPG about Retera overcoming his current state of being. In the video the end is kind of a joke and I just get an archimonde character and keep casting dark portal until it all goes crazy. Maybe I should have a different ending than that. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Maybe in this map Retera ends up using a disguise to become Vendro the Wind Mage?

Edit: In my RPG, Retera has 9 item inventory, like a dreamstate of achieving the impossible even while being imprisoned.
the "Yeti-ra"
Haha. No, I do not think I want to do that currently. I would prefer to finish the Warcraft III mod that I had been working on in the 2010s, or a spiritual derivative of it, and the tools that I have built for myself and that I want to continue to enjoy using are exceedingly Warcraft III-centric. This is similar to how I was not modding Starcraft 2 even though it had a newer, and more extensible system. So, in this creative space, I wanted to be able to iterate on and modify the Warcraft III concept, to make a spinoff of my own, rather than something entirely separate. That is what leads me to the concept of the Warsmash Mod Engine, which is like a close second to what I wish I could actually do, which would be to modify the source code of the Blizzard game Warcraft III to create a derivative work for fun.
Level 16
Aug 20, 2009
Haha. No, I do not think I want to do that currently. I would prefer to finish the Warcraft III mod that I had been working on in the 2010s, or a spiritual derivative of it, and the tools that I have built for myself and that I want to continue to enjoy using are exceedingly Warcraft III-centric. This is similar to how I was not modding Starcraft 2 even though it had a newer, and more extensible system. So, in this creative space, I wanted to be able to iterate on and modify the Warcraft III concept, to make a spinoff of my own, rather than something entirely separate. That is what leads me to the concept of the Warsmash Mod Engine, which is like a close second to what I wish I could actually do, which would be to modify the source code of the Blizzard game Warcraft III to create a derivative work for fun.
Hi, 2010 is over a decade.
Whatever you plan to do, there is never a good reason to stick to something for too long.
However much you love something, that is just too much time.

You might be comfortable with the dev environment, surrounded with all the tools you're familiar with.
But staying in your comfort zone for too long destroys your growth as well.

You're probably living in a psychological horror created by yourself.
There is no hater, people, or demons binding you.
The only thing binding you is yourself, make yourself a free man.

Time to move on and build a standalone title based on what you have learned. (Heck use Warsmash core to build a standalone game)
Like every good artist, learn to throw away your masterpieces. The next one will be better. (Maybe not, but the next next one!)

And lastly don't fall into the noob trap of taking on gargantuan tasks alone. (For too long!)
Good luck new hero! :)
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