• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Got bored...and made a model. :p

-Made the heads more different
-Improved arms' wrap
-Made the spilled belly an actual part of the belly
-Removed the flesh lump from the spilled belly
-Replaced blood particles with plague particles
-Merged the lower part of the spilled guts with the lower part of the stomach

Give credits if used and don't edit w\o my permission. Enjoy!

Abomination, Ogre, Abominogre, Zombie, Undead, Hulk, Frankenstein, Flesh, Horror, Two-Headed, Dumbhead, Giant, Plaguebearer, Sin'dorei300

Abominogre (Model)

Misha 4th Aug 2013 Moderator's Review: wrap his arms a little better, especially outer side just below shoulders and whole inner side of the arm. make the spilled belly an actual part of the belly and not something that's just attached on...




4th Aug 2013
Moderator's Review: wrap his arms a little better, especially outer side just below shoulders and whole inner side of the arm. make the spilled belly an actual part of the belly and not something that's just attached on it.. remove that big flesh lump from the spilled belly thing, as it doesn't even have back polys and just floats there without sense. redo his crotch.. it's.. disturbing o_O and, lastly, figure something else than blood for his cleaver and hand particles

merge the lower part of the spilled guts to the lower part of the stomach, right now it still looks like it's just attached, and some spikes are just floating there, shouldn't they kind-of go into the mesh?
the rest is pretty much ok, only that you should fix one apparently too much pulled vertex on the right head's left cheek

19:33, 22nd Jan 2014
Kwaliti: Updated and approved.

17:24, 23rd Jan 2014
Deolrin: Added rating.
rewrapping an ogre was a pretty cool idea, it just needs a lill touch of uniqueness, perhaps something that fixes that abomination cloth at the necks of those two, or, if that is not doable, maybe one of the bunch having just one eye wrapped on. his feet are a lill odd too.. abomination is having toes in the texture, right? Oo

not sure what else to suggest oo but he could use something embedded around him




This is very useful, all I would recommend is to make one of the heads a little more distinguishable other than that 5/5
Level 9
Feb 12, 2010
There's one faulty thing that really stands out, which is that the open belly isn't really attached convincingly to the main model, looking at the model from the side ingame reveals this too, there's no backside to the hanging stomach n' guts.