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A request for an animator for well-along project

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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
MadCD's Request Sheet
I'm MadCD, and together with WhiteHawksan we're producing a game involving lots of space ships XD However me and hawk have very little skill in animating and but are competent modellers/map builders.


Man has spread over the galaxy yada yada yada WARFARE xD Booms about 70-80% done. All the models are textured and working, bar 1 but that doesn't need animation. Total 4 units for upgrade anims, 8 ships for death/movement anims.

Name: Walter, if you accept this request you will be reffered to as walter.
Type: Animation
Details: Animation for upgrading, death, movement etc.
Images: no, you can't have them. The voices tell me so.

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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
if it will help I'll add screen shots of all the models, but you'd have to convince me thats its worth doing them again after PSP decided to screw them up last time -.- I.e Only if I get some serious offers of help.
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
bad-ass? I breathe bad-ass :p they're of varying standard, but I think some ofthem are pretty good tho. Obviously a scout isn't going to be as detailed as a battleship. I'll get some screenshots up when I get back from holiday on the 19th. Then you can see if you're up for it.

Also I will almost certainly be releasing the models on here.

Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
alright heres a few pics


Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
It is hard to find help these days... with these 'uber modelz ZOMG or no help at all', uber map to go above dota or no help at all... I'm starting to think that looking for paid requests over the internet is wayy more of an offer than asking here.

One question: Did you make that space yourself? And would you share it? I can't wait for SC2 to come to get rid of that damn fantasy game where I won't have to create interface or space. War3 always makes good looking stars look like shit ingame. I would give you points+credits just for sharing the space tile and I'm sorry I cannot help you with animations. I'm making attempts to make a good looking space tile and this will save my time of more updates to mine.
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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
Sure, I'll post that space tile up in the next few days. The animations that need doing to these are really simple, but with my gf moving house and next term at uni starting soon I don't have time to learn to animate atm.

Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Huh? Why go MSN? Thanks very much. This is much better than mine, I'm deleting mine and never ever making it myself, even though I can. Because to make it like yours I would have to remove the bigger stars and the galaxy. We will w8 for SC2 that has better itself.
+ credits if in public. xD
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I didn't know such photos could be made. Once I took a pic of the night sky and it was very hard to see even few stars in the jpg. When I took a public pic to use for my attempt to add some good looking shiny stars and a galaxy it looked very bad ingame and there was a quite obvious contrast between the cut parts of a star (also dark) and the black background because war3 makes it all look very pale ingame, a thing I hope will change in SC2 (for other things there will be enough cool space tileset there).
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
3 reasons firstly, my gf has a professional Digital SLR camera. Secondly I Live in the countryside so theres no light pollution, and thirdly I touched it up a bit in Photoshop first.

Also it was a clear summer night with absolutely no clouds.
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
~bump~ and what this...


All the models have ribbons and shizz now. All I need is for an animator to make the death/upgrade anims. If you know how to animate this sin't difficult. Can a veteran get some help already?

Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
I've been modelling for 7 or 8 years. I just use Calligari Truespace, and all the tutorials I have for 3ds animation are for 3ds5 and I have 4.2 which jas a totally differant dope sheet editor.

I'm also a veteran texture artist, tho I don't have a tablet anymore, but I still have a scanner. Add skinning to that and I can build most of what I need. However, without any tutorials written for 3ds4.2 and warcraft III that I've found so far I don't really have time to try and convert whats in the tutorials from 5 back to 4.2

well if that didn't answer you're question more thoroughly than you expected, heres the lite version :p



I doubt you'll find an animator, as far as I know there are like only(well there are like 2 more) 5 warcraft animators that do know IK and bipeds, one of them is me, others are jigrael, TDR, MechnicalMan and Chriz. Yet, TDR does not take requests, Jig neither, Chriz's lost, mechanical is busy with his campaign and I'm Busy also.

Of the other warcraft animators, there's Rao, KingBoo and some others, but most animators are unactive; and most of these are actually more inclined towards modeling.

Anyways, space ships, like rao said, aren't difficult to animate, all you need to do is some bezier movements and some effects. I doubt you end using more than 2 or 4 bones.
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
lol nothing that complicated, 1 bone, disappears when its dead. Thats it for ships, if someone could point me in the direction of a wc3 tutorial for animting in 3ds4 I could do it easily. I already talked to RDZ but he won't do it coz I'm using a ripped texture as the ships will only ever be availbe through the map, unlss I somehow get bothered to release a new texture for them, but I don't really see the point seeming as if I remade it it'd just look as close to the original as I could make it. Although saying that I may do it later just to release some decent space-ships oto the hive, as thy're only 5-10k each + about 50K for the texture.

The only thing thats really getting me is animating the buildings, they need upgrade anims, which means 2 scaling operations and 1 thing being hidden/unhidden. and a building operation which requires some particle emitters to be hidden/unhidden.

Its only 3 buildings and I reckon if someone could either show me how, or do it themselves it would take less than an hour total I reckon.

Well, just disappearing it wouldn't be a problem, just use magos to do that and is very easy unless you are retarded. First you create a new sequence (ex. death) in sequence manager. After that you open geoset animation manager, you assign the newly made geoset animation to the main ship geoset and then you write the frames when should disappear/appear certain geoset under alpha part. It doesn't require any talent, only some guessing numbers to make it disappear in correct time.
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
intersting.. I'm curious as to what the model looks like though, and since I have one less obligation to finish(I've dropped out in doing my favor for ghost765, he's just crazily persistent), I guess, this could be next in line

now if you have doubts to my animation expertise, and that I'm just someone whos trying to steal your work, I could show some animations I've already done

hmmm... do you think you can make minas tirith stuff? i.e. walls, buildings, etc.

yep, this is desperation.. and one of the reasons why I don't wanna do stuff for you anymore..
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
well time is money becuase when I'm not messing about I'm buy earning money, as I get paid by the hour time = money quite literally xD

EDIT: Also I wasn't complaining about you bothering me, you've been pretty good, hence why I'm still working on your request :)
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