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- Mar 10, 2009
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Hello, as im relativly new to this forum, and i don't have made many complete maps, i'm wondering if this sounds lika an idea that could turn out good:
The map is something like a Vampirism/Island Survival, but the main difference is, that the titan/vampire/god isn't directly destroying the human/naga whatever bases, but rather helping the lesser races to battle against other tribes. one to two players are "gods", a strong hero character that have no bases, is in the beggining unable to directly attack the tribes, and only keep getting stronger as he is either worshpped or feared by the many lesser tribes. The tribes can either battle FFA, or build alliances.
The 4-8 other players are each controlling a tribe of outcasts, could be human/undead or Night-elf/nagas, depending on wich sort you would want. You establish a tribe, gaining some basics as an altar up, and some houses for a growing population. All tribes have one leader, Priest/Cultist, that performs actions at the altar, to gain favor by the gods, and also strengthen them, enabling them to fight for the final battle. You only have two resources:
Population (Gold, gained by gaining territory and building houses, also by hunting/fishing/farming)
Might (Lumber, Gained by worshipping gods, or destroying enemy altars)
So you don't have a lot of workers that harvests lumber etc.
As the game progresses, you are either forced to build a powerful army, without godly powers, or worship the gods, gaining several benefits in war. Also, some of the gods have non-battle powers, as enabling a larger tribe, faster hunting etc.
The gods themself can either reveal for who they supports at wich time, or they can stay secretly for some major fun in the end. "god" players can chose from several different heroes, lining from destructive infernal master, to the helpful God of Bards. All Gods is immense strong at the beggining of game, but as tribes build armies, and starts getting the gods weaknesses under control, they are bound to either help or destroy the tribes. God have their powers match to their importance in different tribes.
So, this is the basic idea, i have certainly forgotten something. If the concept stays fresh, i would like some major help, as i am not a proffesional coder, and have next to none experience in Jass, and im not that great moddeler/mapper.
Say what you think, come with suggestion and tell me if i have broken any rules.

Population (Gold, gained by gaining territory and building houses, also by hunting/fishing/farming)
Might (Lumber, Gained by worshipping gods, or destroying enemy altars)
So you don't have a lot of workers that harvests lumber etc.