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a new chapter

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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
*Kalek ignored the intrusion, thinking whatever animal it was had bolted into a forest. And no human in their right might would disturb him for fear of invoking his wrath. But, as he sought to go back to his slumber, he could sense an anomaly of magic near him. He could feel it's prior touch against his skin, and knew it was unlike any arcane force he had ever encountered. Raising his head, he viewed his surroundings, searching for the source. No humans nearby, as loud as they naturally are, they weren't anywhere close. But a strange formation of wind caught his attention, and made him stand up to inspect it further*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*Torin watched as the giant creature began to move. It was looking towards him. Torin felt a sudden chill. Torin never saw such a thing in a forest before.* 'what was it?' 'what was it doing here?' *Torin did not feel save. He softly dropped to the ground on his paws. As his fur turned darker. His paws felt heavyer as his fur fell down all together. It became as hard as stone.*
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
*Kaden watched with curiousity and surprise as the fox took on rock-like properties. He sensed a changed in the magic aura surrounding the fox. Looking upon the fox from various angles, he could practically smell the earthy essence now protecting the forest creature. 'Was it something in the forest,' he wondered, 'or is it the fox itself...' as his eyes studied the strange phenomenon before him.

The wind shuddered through the trees and Kaden lifted his head, staring off into the woods. They were coming. They were still far away, but they were coming. Standing upright, he burst open his wings into the expanse of the clearing.*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
Torins now stone fur jumped up creating spikes, Torin was stunned. It was such a giant creature! Torin took a last look at it and ran back towards the stagecoach as fast as he could. the parts of stone stared to fall off. breaking on the ground. turning to sand, then dust. Then vanish in the winds.

*The girl stepped in the stagecoach again.* "I think we should get moving again." she said.*
"Hey, are you coming along or do you wish to stay here?" the man in front yelled."
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
*Down came the powerful wings as they kicked up a whirlwind of grass and dirt. Again, a wind of force rushed forth from the dragon. Soon pushing himself upwards, his mighty draconic wings carried him up, away from the forest floor, and away from the slowly approaching enemies. Looking around, he sought the direction home, and, picking one opposite to his recent prison, rushed forth over the trembling forests below.*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*the coach stared to roll softly then faster. they were on the move again.*

*Torin jumped out of the bushes and... No stagecoach here?! "I'm sure it was here!?" Torin looked around at the trees and bush. They are the same. He looked at the track. It continued. They left. Torin felt a chill go over his spine. He quickly ran following the path.*
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Somehow, I'd expect Sonya to be more mature than the nie year old girl.

*The Wraiths and ghosts dissapeared in an instant. Silence reigned in the city, and the streets were littered with lifeless bodies.

Yet, Rhiannon was not pleased. It wasn't that the spirits did a bad job, in fact, they were very efficient, yet... there was something about Hellion she didn't like. Was it because he asked a question then had his mages attack? Maybe even the fact that no matter what she said, he had already made up his mind? She didn't know.

But when the Wraiths appeared, she waved them to continue and dispence of the souls they had collected. They then floated down to a large room. At the center of the room, a large, round, and smooth, blue crystal stood from floor to ceiling. The room had no doors, no windows, and the only way to enter was through portals or phazing through, as the ghosts could do. Rhiannon then continued to think about the three "leaders of the world".*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*Torin felt exhaustion already though he hadn't been running for so long. what made him so tired? Torin felt like sitting for a moment. Until he saw the Stagecoach in the distance. Torin ran as fast as he could, wind appeared under his paws. "almost there!" Torin ran to the side in hope of jumping up.*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*Torin looked up while running. He saw something disappearing. Torin was getting tired. the coach was getting further and further away from him. He had to think of something.*

*The girl looked at Sonya.* She stuck her head out to look. She looked around and at the back.* "Sorry but I do not see anything.. I think you just miss him." *The girl sat down again.*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*Torin made some noise making clear that he did not want to talk to Sonya.*
*He sat down an looked at the bracelet. Things went trough his head. "Is Nirthy still somewhere around? alive? and where..?" Then thoughts about Sonya went trough his head. And he felt sad and betrayed.* *Torin yelped a bit as he lied down again.*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*Suddenly the stagecoach hits a rock breaking a wheel. Torin flew up and was sliding off the roof. He yelped of not understanding what happened. he fell off the roof and came closer and closer to the wheel. "that thing is going to kill me!"Torin yelped in panic as it was still spinning around at a high speed.*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*Torins eyes are wide open looking around but seeing nothing. his heart felt like bouncing around in his whole body. He did not know what just happened. He looked at his paw. something was holding it. He stopped falling. it was The one who pretended to be Nirthy!? "why.. how.." *Torin climbed inside trough the window.*

*The girl yelled and the dog was barking. not knowing what had happened.*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*Torin felt warm. But he did not know if it was from what just happened. Or because Sonya was still holding him. Torin looked around for the bracelet Sonya gave to him. Lucky.. it was still stuck around his paw. Torin wanted to be away from Sonya. But he did feel saver like this. He was very confused. His heart beat dropped. He felt really tired, Torin slowly closed his eyes and let every thought fall away as he fell asleep.*

*The girl steps out of the coach taking her dog with her.* "Ehh.. maybe you should come outside too." The girl said to Sonya.*
Level 9
May 23, 2009
*Suddenly a rabbit jumped out of the bushes. the girl jumped up. but after seeing it was only a rabbit she calmed down. But her dog went chasing it.*
"No, Vangels! stay here!" The girls shouted as she ran after her dog.*

*Torin opened his eyes. The girl had awakened him. his mind was blank for a few moments not yet relying on his senses. Torin turned his head looking right in Sonya's eyes.* "Why did you save me?"
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lol I didn't exactly chase them off. They just didn't bother to stop to notice me in front of them. I found you soon afterwards. Also, varsaigen was supposed to be waging war with you.

*"Grrr, At this rate, it'll take months. I need to find a way to get more. No doubt those Void Lords would try to stop me. The Archon doesn't seem to be much of a threat, but I'll still have to be careful." Rhiannon stood up and opened a portal and stepped through. "Hmmm, I think I know exactly who to go for."*
you know... i just had about enough of just me and Lore RPing... I'd urge you people to start posting right away!

NOT discussing

but RPING :/

Have I been understood? make something happen soon or i might just start removing inactive members... :/

... and with that out of the way.. let me say that i'm... just irritated :/ nothing that serious..
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Misha, for some, the problem is time. Some of us have school and/or work, and this isn't the focus of our lives. Now, as much as I hate losing any RPs, this has kindof died. Nothing important is going on for anyone, and everyone is waiting for someone else to post first. If you're going to complain about no one posting any RP posts, why don't you take the first step and do it yourself? I'm at the point where I have nothing to post, and I'm sure everyone else feels that way too. Remember, nothing ever goes according to plan.
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