You mean you didn't meet werewulf yet?
Me and him have met on wc3c irc ages ago but didnt mingle much and i was just drunk when i typed the last msg here.
But seriously, having a neutral side is bad, it would destroy the purpose of pvp servers, and it would taunt those that would like to pvp with a neutral race.
And not any race or any race that is drooled by fans can be made into a playable race.
1. They need a reason for their races' mass quest in the world.
2. They need to have a large population.
3. They must have a social/economic(whatever the hell that word means) structure that makes them capable of having large cities or towns.
4. They need to have a ..well...neutral stance to races, they mustn't be bias or selfish.
5. They must be able to communicate, certain races in the warcraft lore and shit have their own language, only.
6. They must be humanoids or human like in order for the equipment system and mount system to work.