(8)Dofus - MMORPG

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Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
anyway, I'm having problems with the dang weather effects like always. The ones I have set up in regions just like the tutorial said to , make it from the region properties and it shows up in the world editor just fine but it doesnt show up ingame. but ONE time the global rain effect showed up one time right after I reformated my computer and ever not ever since did it ever show again. and I have not installed any custom content to the wc3 directory since then. so I don't know what the heck it's problem is but if the dang weather effects would just work it would lok a whole lot better. and I don't have time to work on the map yet I have made afew beginer quests so far but I'm not done with the beginer story line. so i still have some work to do on it before I release abeta and I havent had the time to work on it rcently. i've been playing guild wars and been doing some other stuff in real life. so I won't beable to work on it for another while. this is why i've been working on it for about a year... but about a month total non stop. I've started on this project way back in december last year so. alright I got to go now see you.
Level 10
Jun 26, 2007
sorry Nazra7, but you're a few blind about dofus...
(you look like peoples who thing that MGS was the first MG...)

first, you've to understand that there is no unique features in dofus
all features of dofus were existing before dofus on other games
the think wich is unique in dofus is the whole game
gameplay, background, system, etc etc

then, don't talk about originality when you just adapt rules
and stop exiting yourself every time some one say a negative thing
free attack is stupid, but free defense is stupid too
dofus is not a perfect game! (and it's not your's!)

I also think you shouldn't insult the other map maker works
small map can require a lot of works, i know what i'm talking about

other point: fight doesn't look like dofus' system
don't say that the same system only because you adapt the spell
... where is the tactical "one by one" fight? it's important
you say that you can't because it's too long, and...?
well, maping ask for works, welcome in the map makers

last point, your map can maybe provide tons of hours of fun...
but wc3 is not persistant, and i've never tons of hours to play

to finnish, don't forget that mapping is for fun
adapt the rules of a game in a other one will never make you a genius
so stop be so serious, that's really useless
Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
yes yes I'm sorry shouldnt had said some stuff I did I would work on making the gam tactical it is possible I discovered but it would take avery long time to change the battle system. I'm working on it. I'll be working on it today. to make it tactical.

but you one thing is for certain this game does has alot more work into it then most maps do. all games I download are very simple and easy. MaybeI don't play enough wc3 maps from other peole becuase I"m more intrested in creation myself. maybe I look at the map and and say oh it looks like that one map i played before. and just judge things by it's cover.... even if it is that way I still had no right to say it. I'm sorry.
Level 10
Jun 26, 2007
well, don't forget that many map require a lot of balancing work
the DotA maps need a hudge balancing work on the hero, and on the ground design
all TD wich look simple need a lot of balancing work to in order to have a correct difficulty
that's the same for the "bonus race" rts map where all race must be balanced
and balance is an hard and borring work

in fact, you often can't see the amount of works a map has required : terrain design, modeling, skinning, triggering, JASSing, balancing, text writting... so many things to do
making a map is a long works with many details that players will never look at
sample: in mine, that was very hard to manipulate 8x8 data without 2D array, but nobody can notice this point by simply playing my map
Level 2
Jul 18, 2007
Man nazra i know how u feel, when i used to play runescape i was into the suggestions forum alot and i made like countless posts, all thorough, and very detailed and it barely got any responses, but all these other bad grammar poorly stated posts kept getting all the responses and it made me mad just like you were.

So if it makes you feel any better other people have had this same feeling and problem
Level 6
Feb 25, 2005
YoshiRyu said:
in fact, you often can't see the amount of works a map has required : terrain design, modeling, skinning, triggering, JASSing, balancing, text writting... so many things to do...

Indeed. How well done a map is can surely be measured by how much you don't notice. In a bad map, you notice every little fault. Therefore it tends to be like: the more work you put into a map, the less cred you get in average for the work.

A shame, but true :)
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
terrain design, modeling, skinning, triggering, JASSing, balancing, text writting... so many things to do

Its true i made an rpg took me about a year and a half finnaly release it i was a complete dumbass and posted the one that wasn't protected because it was late at night and i was tired from working on it next morning i see 4 or 5 rips of it saying Dumbasses orpg and all this bull shit. I quit it after it was ripped so much hard work...
Level 10
Jun 26, 2007
This page is an insult to the English language...
Well... are stranger an insult to your holly language? do you think all english speakers to be better that the other ones? are you racist?

I'm not english, not american, not australian, i'm french and i do my best

And what's weird is the fact Nazra is getting insulted from everywhere
Starting a post on a forum of map maker with "my map is the best one, all the other one are now useless" makes people a little angry, that's not weird.
Nazra himself admit it was not the good way to introduce his work...

What does this means?
Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
omg what the hell is wrong with you guys?! Who gives acrap how people word things on this! It doesn't insult the english language! only some turbo nerd would say something so stupid.

You understood everything in this thread everything has been said you understood it and thats all it needs to be. only reason you don't speak leet here is becuase you're not allowed to. if some one was speaking leet fine that IS an insult to the english language thats what you nerds do stop complaining about how people speak do you have any shame that how nerdy that sounds??

now on to my map discussion. I've updated the terrain it has more terrain texture and hills. if you still don't like the terrain tell me what I should do with it. I'm not a terrainer. well atleast not aexpert one.

also let me ask one last thing that debates my map on how unique it is or isnt. Sure maybe all of my feautures arent extreamly unique maybe some of them are over used. But tell this.

Yes or no is all I need if you answer yes then show me the map you speak of. if no then my map is unique end of discusion.

so Yes or no, is there ANY other ORPG map made by ANYONE in ANY wc3 community that has THIS MANY feautures in it? One that combines the best feautures of all other maps into one? Is ther or is there not another map like that? Yes or no?
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
:O We got our selves an RPer here? Nice.
And Nazera, don't flame like a ten year old kid arguing over whos the best Power Ranger. Never results in positivity in the end.

The terrain is the major turn off for me in this map. Bad tile variation, don't see many doodads placed, and I'd like to see some special features such as a buff bar or something.
Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
Let's let this post die please, 1, it's a bad post 2 I totally acted like an idiot here and I'm sorry.
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