Please let my last post die it wasn't a very good one.
My current map I've been working on for a long time now and is almost complete is a MMORPG type map called Dofus.
Dofus is the first ever tactical mmorpg, which is 2d/isometric 3d graphics.
this map is just like dofus only instead of 2d tactics its 3d real time combat instead.
This map features:
a very large world
hostable on bnet
single player compatable
8 players
anti pk system
unique pvp system (just like the one in the real dofus)
levelable devil and angel wings
alot of cities, npcs, monsters, and quests
all custom content, like items, heroes, and spells
12 heroes to choose ffrom
customizable heroes and builds
3rd person/overhead toggable camera
very tough boss secret boss and final boss monsters
a unique campaign that you can participate in diffrent story lines
maximum level of heroes is 200
tons of secrets
capturable areas to gain benefits for your alignment
2 choosable alignments brakmarians devils bontarians angels
team based
battle grounds for pvp only
savable heroes
dungeons to fight powerful monsters for the chance to get powerful items
advanced monster ai for smarter stronger monsters
bird's eye view of part of the world:

NOTE: there are alot of custom content, and I do NOT take credit for any custom models, textures ect. except mimimal credit for the bontarian and brakmarian angel and devil wings, only take credit for making those.
All credits should go to thier rightful owners. since I've been working on this map for about a year (long delay times probably a month total) I've lost track of where and who I got the custom content from.
first beta complete beta test will be released when I've completed the world. it will contain no guilds or quests. after I complete the world I'll make the guilds and quests.
EDIT: I can't make this post with diffrent text and stuff becuase for some reason all the buttons at the top of the post editor arent showing up.
UPDATE: Beta test released. beta has over half the functional world except some bosses and dungeons I'll add in later, for now this map will give you a good idea how the map will be like.
The map is not protected, you can open it in world editor only with world editor unlimited patch.
please keep in mind that there is much to explore and much to discover in this map, just becuase you keep dieing doesn't mean game over. This is a very difficult campaign especially by oneself to complete, theres a reason theres hardley any death penalty.
please report bugs. and enjoy it please. if you have any questions feel free to ask. also note that this map will have alot more missions and quests to do later on to make it more exicting, currently only has 4 primary quests. the prologue to the main story.
My current map I've been working on for a long time now and is almost complete is a MMORPG type map called Dofus.
Dofus is the first ever tactical mmorpg, which is 2d/isometric 3d graphics.
this map is just like dofus only instead of 2d tactics its 3d real time combat instead.
This map features:
a very large world
hostable on bnet
single player compatable
8 players
anti pk system
unique pvp system (just like the one in the real dofus)
levelable devil and angel wings
alot of cities, npcs, monsters, and quests
all custom content, like items, heroes, and spells
12 heroes to choose ffrom
customizable heroes and builds
3rd person/overhead toggable camera
very tough boss secret boss and final boss monsters
a unique campaign that you can participate in diffrent story lines
maximum level of heroes is 200
tons of secrets
capturable areas to gain benefits for your alignment
2 choosable alignments brakmarians devils bontarians angels
team based
battle grounds for pvp only
savable heroes
dungeons to fight powerful monsters for the chance to get powerful items
advanced monster ai for smarter stronger monsters
bird's eye view of part of the world:

NOTE: there are alot of custom content, and I do NOT take credit for any custom models, textures ect. except mimimal credit for the bontarian and brakmarian angel and devil wings, only take credit for making those.
All credits should go to thier rightful owners. since I've been working on this map for about a year (long delay times probably a month total) I've lost track of where and who I got the custom content from.
first beta complete beta test will be released when I've completed the world. it will contain no guilds or quests. after I complete the world I'll make the guilds and quests.
EDIT: I can't make this post with diffrent text and stuff becuase for some reason all the buttons at the top of the post editor arent showing up.
UPDATE: Beta test released. beta has over half the functional world except some bosses and dungeons I'll add in later, for now this map will give you a good idea how the map will be like.
The map is not protected, you can open it in world editor only with world editor unlimited patch.
please keep in mind that there is much to explore and much to discover in this map, just becuase you keep dieing doesn't mean game over. This is a very difficult campaign especially by oneself to complete, theres a reason theres hardley any death penalty.
please report bugs. and enjoy it please. if you have any questions feel free to ask. also note that this map will have alot more missions and quests to do later on to make it more exicting, currently only has 4 primary quests. the prologue to the main story.