Dofus ORPG Beta release

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Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
Please let my last post die it wasn't a very good one.

My current map I've been working on for a long time now and is almost complete is a MMORPG type map called Dofus.

Dofus is the first ever tactical mmorpg, which is 2d/isometric 3d graphics.
this map is just like dofus only instead of 2d tactics its 3d real time combat instead.

This map features:

a very large world
hostable on bnet
single player compatable
8 players
anti pk system
unique pvp system (just like the one in the real dofus)
levelable devil and angel wings
alot of cities, npcs, monsters, and quests
all custom content, like items, heroes, and spells
12 heroes to choose ffrom
customizable heroes and builds
3rd person/overhead toggable camera
very tough boss secret boss and final boss monsters
a unique campaign that you can participate in diffrent story lines
maximum level of heroes is 200
tons of secrets
capturable areas to gain benefits for your alignment
2 choosable alignments brakmarians devils bontarians angels
team based
battle grounds for pvp only
savable heroes
dungeons to fight powerful monsters for the chance to get powerful items
advanced monster ai for smarter stronger monsters

bird's eye view of part of the world:

NOTE: there are alot of custom content, and I do NOT take credit for any custom models, textures ect. except mimimal credit for the bontarian and brakmarian angel and devil wings, only take credit for making those.

All credits should go to thier rightful owners. since I've been working on this map for about a year (long delay times probably a month total) I've lost track of where and who I got the custom content from.

first beta complete beta test will be released when I've completed the world. it will contain no guilds or quests. after I complete the world I'll make the guilds and quests.

EDIT: I can't make this post with diffrent text and stuff becuase for some reason all the buttons at the top of the post editor arent showing up.

UPDATE: Beta test released. beta has over half the functional world except some bosses and dungeons I'll add in later, for now this map will give you a good idea how the map will be like.

The map is not protected, you can open it in world editor only with world editor unlimited patch.

please keep in mind that there is much to explore and much to discover in this map, just becuase you keep dieing doesn't mean game over. This is a very difficult campaign especially by oneself to complete, theres a reason theres hardley any death penalty.

please report bugs. and enjoy it please. if you have any questions feel free to ask. also note that this map will have alot more missions and quests to do later on to make it more exicting, currently only has 4 primary quests. the prologue to the main story.


  • Dofus-Dofus Campaign1.w3x
    3.3 MB · Views: 129
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The terrain is pretty poor. It can certainly be improved, and that is not a compliment. You use Warcraft III cliffs too much, however you made good use of them I suppose in the seventh screenshot. You lack tile variation and you barely have any environmental variation.
You chose a good fog start/end and the color is good too. Blends well with almost anything so it isn't too creative, but for an ORPG it's good. Work on the terrain and don't stop working on your map(s)!
Level 10
Jun 26, 2007
first you sould add some debug commands, it's hard to test this without

then, some technical points:
- why monsters, PNJ, bontarians and brakmarians are playables?
- the beggining is very laggy, what the hell the game do?
- ESC don't skip the cinematic, just the current sentence, that's painful
- this selection system is obsolete, it was the one we were using before the tFT version, we've done some better ones now
- some selection circles are missing (maybe because these class aren't done)
- that's "osamodas"! "osadama" doesn't exist, don't insult my class ;p
- spell aren't correctly placed on the skill's learn panel, please sort em
- autoreselect the hero after he'd died, it should be better
- i suppose that the iop is not finished, cause it is really unbalanced
- you need a better english translation, "the sacrier launch his foot"? you sould copy the text from the website
- some mobs are hard to target, they're too small
- camera management make me sick :s
- unit's sound sets don't match...
Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
About the osamodas this is back when I thought they where called osadamas, I guess I forgot to change it. for the rest part I'll definatley look into these, thanks.

I"m assuming you you've played the beta and saw the way I updated the terrain if it still looks bad can you tell me what I should do? I'm not good at making terrian.



Level 4
Aug 18, 2007
I agree with what yoshi says, and the camera is really all fucked up. Atleast you should make the player able to scroll closer to the hero, as it is now, you can't see anything in the starting place since the houses are between you and the char. Fix it :)
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Took me 3 seconds to get sick of the game hating the view let us free roam it its harder to look for shops. I lost interest after hitting lvl 5 please spice it up a bit.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Don't be afraid to improve the terrain when you believe you can! Read some terraining tutorials, some by HernanG are actually helpful. I recommend you study up on those tutorials. I guarantee that it'll be worth your time in the end.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
not to rain down on ur fun but you should try and move mobs away from eachother so a lvl 1 isnt going agaisnt 3 guys barely able to kill one guy i cant judge terrain anymore ive seen wc3 wow terrain and jessssususuusuus christ have fun
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
lol I'll take that as a compliment.
And Yabooer is right, you need to place the mobs seperately apart from eachother otherwise the player will pull too much aggro and wipe easily. Haven't tried this online though so if this is configured for online play then I suppose it isn't as big of a deal.
Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
Well it's not all that hard at low levels by yourself if yoiu;re fighting the right things, at level 1-10 you should fight tofus and evil dandelions, at level 11-15 you should be fighting boars and prespics, level 16-20 boars prespics and miliboowolfs, and frankacia leucryphite a quest boss if you can take her.
levels 21-25 mushd and crabs, level 26-35 piglets, and level 36-45 should be fighting blips and blops.

For the monsters that are close to eachother or ones that aggro you when you attack one, they are considered party members, you should know what I mean if you've played dofus if not let me explain. in dofus there is a 1-8 party of monsters and players. when a mob is spawned on dofus they are spawned with a random about of monesters and random monsters from that area in one party. if you attack one you attack them all. just like in the real dofus you need to watchout for mobs and only attack the ones you think you can take.

One reason why I made the aquisition range so low on everything is to determine what is aggresive and what is not. and so that your character doesn't attack mobs you don't want to attack. also for things that are hard to click on, like tofus, just click near them and you will automaticly attack it if you're within 150 range of it.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
ahh never played dofus but im guessing its like the final fantasy thing where you walk around and fight things in a really slow and boring fighting system meh. But alright and i was fighting the tofus still lost lol took me forever to find single mobs used up about half an hour searching for them and dieing many times in the process, i was the sacrier or what ever his name was. And if it is online i probbaly wont be playing it i ussually solo and level by myself so i can get myself better faster, But who knows it might turn out to be a very good rpg i might play it myself in later versions. Do you plan on adding group instances/dungeons for better items? if you have added them i haven't seen them and just ignore the last thing. Goodluck and enjoy making future versions.
Level 10
Jun 26, 2007
im guessing its like the final fantasy thing where you walk around and fight things in a really slow and boring fighting system meh
not really, you fight on a board, one by one, with action point and move point, using spell wich can damage/heal target/area/line with or without view, push, summon, trap, protect, add/remove buff, teleport, etc etc.
that was really tactical at the begining, but add-on after add-on, it is become a "my sword is bigger" game
Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
Theres currently 4 dungeons which are kind of like instances in wow only not as long. There you can obtain unique items that can only be found in that dungeon, it also serves good for leveling and finding good items that the monsters drop.
current dungeons are:
Gobbal Dungeon: Level 30+: The boss of this dungeon is called The Royal Gobbal who will drop pieces of the royal gobbal set in later versions. he also gives you the pet bow meow which needs fixing.
Chafer Dungeon: Level 40+: No boss but if you kill the ChaferMarksmen, you will get the pet Chaferfu.
(Note: in this summoned additional creatures like chaferfu and arachnee are considered pets but they fight instead of just giving you additional stat points.)
The Bulb cave :Level 50+: which is currently in the wrong place but will be fixed when I make Pandala, here if you kill the oni (Bulbig when I make pandala) you will get the ability to capture souls to fight in the Ankama Arena for another chance to fight the monster. Due to a bug in multi play that doesn't allow you to enter the arena I've been less concerned with this. So I'd have to look at the triggers again to see exactly how you do this I kind of forgot lol. But it does work fine in single player from what I remember.
last but not least
the Evil Labrynth. or better known as The Dark Forest. Level 100+: this one is a bit longer dungeon that lets you go up against Dark Vlad who carries the emerald dofus, if you can defeat him you will get the dofus. (he needs a nerf at the moment he's to powerful lol. slower attack speed)
The next dungeons I plan on putting in is the Daisy dungeon, which will give you a chance to get the farmer set from the Famished Flower, the treechnid dungeon, which will give you the chance to find treechnid and ancesteral treechnid sets. And the Soft Oak dungeon which will give you a chance to find another dofus and the Soft Oak set.

There will be more dungeons to come. And about the sacrier while fighting tofus, the sacrier is a little harder to play when it comes to giving damage, make sure you have a weapon equiped. Remember guys you will die afew times playing this game or else I would have made the death penalty worse. The death penalty all is just being teleported back to your aligment city. Becuase you do die alot in this game. especially if you're by yourself.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
keep it up naz i just realized that the sacrier is the hardest. Did have a weapon equiped just to point out something. I lvld easy by pulling the mobs to the guards and getting easy xp =). Try and fix that so people dont exploit it and ruin the game with to many high lvls.
And yoshi games do ask to use your brain not alot but still some of it. You gota think to hit the button and pick out the right spell or attack, You might call it common sense but its still using your head.
Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
I kind of put the guards there for that... I'm more worried about other exploits to be used like single player cheats... -.- please don't use these.

An agility sacrier is pretty good becuase they get faster attack speed which makes up for thier low damage. in the next release I'll enable the codes which makes you have more range with a bow equiped, if I can fix the bug, it was disabled due to a bug. Then you can use the hidsad bow, by then I'll add in elemental damage for weapons, the hidsad bow does significant air/cold damage. Or you can also use daggers.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Yoshi im seriously done talking with you, Your obviously 13 who thinks everything you do is right and everyone is wrong.

Naz the sacrier is gona be either a ranger or a rogue? I think thats pretty cool but ill stick with daggers, So far so good btw.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Your obviously 13
sure... you're not only homophobic, you're also stupid and you're obviously 16, go back to your room boy
Please stop flamming the user(s) in the forums. If you don't have something nice to say, keep it to your self. Naz was just speaking his opinion and every man/woman is entitled to their own opinion. If you disagree, then disagree in a formal and polite fashion. Insulting others on what they think repeadidly will not be tolerated. Continue to disobey the rules and you will be sorry.
You have been given an infraction due to your insolence.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Ah I apologize for mentioning Naz, mistaken him for Yabooer for some reason. Anyway he did not mean that it was a game for homosexuals, he used the word gay in a sense that the game is stupid. Please do not take this personally and ignore this topic if you wish to continue arguing. Yabooer has done nothing wrong but state an opinion. I replied to your private message with even more details.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Well you're complaining like a thirteen year old girl on a forum for christs sakes! Arguing and trying to prove a rhetorical point is not worth getting banned from this forum, is it?
And are you even a homosexual at all to begin with? If you aren't, then you really need to find better activities than complain about things that are none of your concern.
Level 1
Aug 10, 2007
Hi I have been watching this thread and i just now got some time to play it, I'm hating the camera I would love it if you could do a free roam i personaly hate it when the camera is locked.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
TBH (To Be Honest) I prefer locked cameras. They make the game more interesting and unique. Kinda like WC3:WoW's camera, although we give the player the freedom to use the old fashioned WC3 Camera :p
But maybe the camera should be adjusted a bit in this map, or give more variety of cameras for the player to choose from.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Hey Yoshi, I would just like to say im sorry for the way I acted and for anyone who was offended by me saying the word "gay" I'm sorry to you also. I hope we can start over and be nice friends Yoshi.

Back on topic I kind of agree with Square It adds to how the game is played. But I prefer free look its easier for me and i would love it added on this map since theres so many hills and when your walking up a hill your just staring into the hill. I also found a bug I don't know if it has been brought to your attention. When I was a sacrier I put on a bow and dropped it and put on the daggers it still seemed i had range so i put the bow back on and see if i could get rid of it. It added more range after doing this a couple times it maxed up to 4195 range.
Level 10
Jun 26, 2007
Hey Yoshi, I would just like to say im sorry for the way I acted and for anyone who was offended by me saying the word "gay" I'm sorry to you also. I hope we can start over and be nice friends Yoshi.
That is exactly what i want.
the next time you dislike a kind of game, just say that you dislike it ;)
excuse accepted.
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Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
I'll see if I can make the camera unlockable. I'll be working on the map today.
I'm planing on making the first competitive battle ground, called Jiva (Bontarians) vs Domen (Brakmarians) this battle field can take place without players, but the players can join in if they want to help. This battle ground starts 10 minutes after the game starts and last for ten minutes. and starts again after an hour. If the Bontarians win, they get the passive ability of Jiva's Blessings, which raises all bontarian's defense by 30 for 10 minutes. If the Brakmarians win then all Brakmarians damage is increased by 100 for 10 minutes. But you have to be level 20+ to get the effect. there will be 2 other battle grounds. this one will be located inbetween bramkar and bonta in Western Cania Plains.

To win this battle ground you must have the highest score between the two teams after 10 minutes. to get scores you must either kill players of the opossing side, or capture shrines. To capture shirnes you have to kill the guarding players and then wait near the shrine for 5 seconds without there being any enemies near it. If you capture a shrine you get 10 points. if you kill some one you get 1 point. Rank will be increased/decreased if you are on pk mode.

I'll also add in a few pvp only items including shields and weapons. for pvp items you only get their special effect if you're on pk mode. and if you have the required rank.

when all of this is complete and a few bugs are fixed I will submit the update.

oh an I'll also add in the Soft Oak Dungeon, and a few other sets and the ability to gain sppecial benifits for having set items on.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Your LOP hero has an aura that increases damage. You did not change the buff, it still has the trueshot aura buff on it. I'll post more later.

Okay, first things first, make it so you don't die fighting one or two enemies. The agro distance is too far as well. Maybe I didn't play right, but I quit in a few minutes because I couldn't take an enemy. If I was supposed to do something before taking an enemy maybe you should explain it.

I tried another character the Feca. I did better, maybe I did something wrong with the Lop, but she got a much better starting weapon. It gave defense while the Lop had -2. I could only use 1 of my three stat points to add to attributes. Not sure if it's a bug or me.

Honestly you need to make it a tad more fun, and also you probably don't care, but it does lag a bit on slower computers. I have a shit graphics card (But 1gig ram, so it's not a slow computer, just weak graphics) so that's probably why, but it will lower the amount of people that can play it (no one wants to play a laggy game, at least I don't).

Keep working on it though, don't stop!! You tile variation is pretty nice in the areas I looked at.
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Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
havent got a chance to work on it yet but I have worked a little bit on it I'll try to find more time. Craka, you said that this was hosted on bnet a few times? intresting! It wasn't me who was hosting them either.

also it's called Iop not Lop =P but the Iop is more of a damage user and the feca relies more on defense. you have to remember though that if you try to fight the wrong things you could die easily... When I've fought tofus with the iop at level 1 I didn't die that much... Are you fighting if you're level 1? or what was it you where fighting? also keep in mind this was originally made for teams so it's alot harder by yourself.
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