It also gives Aghanim's ultimate bonus! Meaning if you give it to Lion, he gains permanent mass ulti. Also, Alchemist can farm up a midas, boots and battlefurry by minute 11 now, he's overbuffed and gonna be nerfed pretty soon.
It's not about balance, really, it's more so about having obvious tier 1 picks and heroes with more obvious strengths and weaknesses.
But you do have a warning, however :x
Sniper is still 1st pub pick, I think. PA was always a viable mid, since with bottle she can spam her dagger way more, giving her ridiculous last hitting ability, it also helps her get early momentum, and you should know you do not want PA to have levels and farm before everyone else, on pubs with uncoordinated teams, she's just not going to be countered at all, because blademail, MKB and Ghost Scepter just don't exist.