(4)Nervousity v1.1

Player Suggest: 2v2, FFA, 1v1
Map Creator: Zucth
Layout Inspiration: Aldenarine + Plain of Snow


Map Description:
A widely space with backdoor possibility everywhere, how can you hide your nervousity when there is no safe place on this land?

Neutral Building:
14 Expansion Goldmines
1 Tavern
2 Lab
2 Goblin Merchant
2 Marketplace

Creep Camp:
12 Green
16 Orange
0 Red (+4 player base)

-contest shop/merc same distance between two players.
-all expo with possibility to backdoor the opponent, rock/trees. Unless middle expo.
-contest merc/shop p1+extra tome of exp drop. instant lv. 2.2-2.3
-no c4
-I duplicate tile set from Campaign Corruption of the Prince.

-change easy expo creep from golem to orge (TC creeping buff)
-change lv6 Stromreaver Necrolyte -> Darkthul (monsoon)

Creator Note:
-This was create to resemble the gameplay on Aldinarine which you got a very safe base and also a possibility to enter to everywhere cause of the trees wall. Same reason on Plain of Snow but it lot more open space/force to play in the middle and with more neutral to contest. In this case I take Plain of Snow from sc2 not the wc3 one.

(4)Nervousity v1.1 (Map)

Review - Nervousity v1.1 (Version March 5th 2023) Synopsis: Nervousity is a four-player melee map suitable also for 1-on-1 gameplay. The ominous aesthetics give players a slightly off-put feeling. Rock chunks can be destroyed to gain further access to...


Map Reviewer
Level 33
Feb 19, 2011
Review - Nervousity v1.1
(Version March 5th 2023)
Synopsis: Nervousity is a four-player melee map suitable also for 1-on-1 gameplay. The ominous aesthetics give players a slightly off-put feeling. Rock chunks can be destroyed to gain further access to expansions, making them more vulnerable, while contesting the central expansions gives players a lot of information, though at a very central location.
Map Aesthetics: The visual theme is ominous: the lava and vine tiles look unnatural, and out of place, but still somehow fitting. The tile usage is decent. The central cross area is missing height variation which is present nicely everywhere else. A mixture of Barrens rock spires with green vibrant trees looks a little strange but it goes with the conflicting feeling the terrain art gives. Visual clarity is good.
Map Layout: The layout is very functional, giving various pathways for players to traverse, while the destroyable walls give extra flavor to tactical angles. Good placement of Goblin Merchant and Mercenary Camp - I like how they are split between players for contesting - good job. The central area provides less exposed expansions, assuming one can establish one there, as the central location is what makes the area vulnerable. Nice creep placement with green camps so close to the spawn, though the orange Mercenary Camp and Goblin Merchant camps are very desirable to go as fast as possible.
Neutral Objectives: Good micro placement of creep camps. The Mercenary Camps tomes can be cheesed very early with Archers using Shadowmeld by blocking the narrow pathways, preventing the creeps from attacking back. Very nice creep strength maneuvering with the expansion camps - leaning toward taking the more vulnerable expansion first. Creep camps also form nice compact and thematically coherent groups. The Experience Tomes is a nice tweak towards heavy contesting on the four objectives. Overall very nice job.
Map Gameplay: Follows the standard melee ruleset very nicely with extra flavor brought by destructible walls and Experience Tome drops. The layout provides multiple expansion opportunities while various (non-gold-mine objectives) are contestable.

You forgot to mention Marketplace in the map description, might want to add them to the list of neutral buildings. Also check mentions of Goblin Laboratories and Mercenary Camps.