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2Player: BloodElf01

2Player: Curse of the Blood Elves Campaign
Created by Blizzzard Entertainment. Edited by Pyraeus. Inspired by the work of Whitewolf8.




Chapter One: Misconceptions At Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos' base camp, near the outskirts of Dalaran, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and his warriors arrive bearing ill news. Note - Use the /AForce and /AVision command as well. Thank you.

  • Passive Constant Abilities
  • Load System
  • Tech-tree weapon and armor upgrade system.
  • Units Upgraded and New Added
  • Triggers Upgraded
  • Runes, along with New Items, added
  • Choose between Three Difficulty Modes in Game.
  • New Quest and Quest Rewards
  • /AForce and /AVision command
  • New Hero for Player 2 (Nilan Steelheart)
  • New Spells for Player 2
  • Trivias after People featured in Game

All Updates
  • V.1.3. Update - Expanded map, added unreleased Blizzard island and north lands that was removed by them, added new goldmine, added Goblin Laboratory, added Goblin Shipyard, added new creeps, upgraded creeps, upgraded Undead Scourge, added new army (Dreadlord Insurgents), added bridge that connects the Son Of Jay's Ogre Legion base to the Undead Scourge's base, Kael'thas now has a passive ability called "Arcane Shield", Templar's Holy Light no longer has healing reduction upon each bounce, added enemy attack sounds, enemy bandits will ambush the players at some point, added scoreboard at the end of the game, renamed player 2's hero to "Nilan Kassan", added new AI for both enemy teams, and updated UI for both players
  • V.1.2. Update - Replaced the Worker of the Blood Elves that looked like a High Elf and turned him into a Blood Elf Worker. Icon also set. Enjoy.
  • V.1.1. - Released - If there are any bugs. Will update.
Information: A remake of the Curse of the Blood Elves campaign with my own ideas, systems, and other various custom material added made for 2Players specifically. The plan of my campaigns are usually to make both players special in some sort of a way. For example: Both having their own units, structures, upgrades, and more. To make the Campaign maps harder to play and more interesting. This map is originally made by Blizzard Entertainment for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne's Curse of the Blood Elves Campaign. However, in the beta Blizzard removed some of it's content. Such as the Spell Breaker's Defend and some undead models. I used this and implemented it into the game. They even didn't feature the full name of Lord Garithos and Kael. Even this was added to the game. Their campaign felt as if it didn't capture the Blood Elves much as it did in World of Warcraft. New quests were also added so that the players have more fun. Some BETA content such as Tiny Blacksmith has been restored. If any of the player picks up the Lumber or Gold Stack. Both players will get it. If for example, Player 1, uses Tiny Blacksmith, although it's mean for Player 2, the building will immediately turn into the Player 2's faction. So this map will ensure you still have that same Warcraft 3 Campaign-Ish feeling like you did in the original. Tiny Building Built and Observatory repair. Description of the Player's Armies - Player 1 plays with Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and his brethren of Blood Elves. Ever since they lost their home to the devious undead scourge. They have named themselves Blood Elves in honor of their fallen brethren, but they are heavily addicted to magic. This is hurting the Blood Elves and with each moment tearing them apart. Player 2 plays with Nilan Steelheart and his brethren of Dwarves and Humans. Nilan Steelheart is a devious commander sent to oversee the Blood Elves and to help them take back Dalaran. Player 2 is under the command of Lord Othmar Garithos and this party is sent by Garithos as a back up plan in case if the Blood Elves fail. Description of the Undead Scourge - The Undead Scourge have been heavily updated in this map. With a Doom Lord, Void Stalker, New Fiends, Gargoyles, and Abominations. The Undead Scourge raided Dalaran and managed to summon the devious Burning Legion to the world of Azeroth. They were responsible for the fall of Silvermoon and Lordaeron as well. However, they haven't heard from Archimonde, nor their leader Prince Arthas Menethil in months. However, they still follow their leaders' demands. To ensure that the lands are plagued and mortal life ceased to exist. Credits:
The credits go to Blizzard Entertainment for making the map in the first place.
Edited, made for two players, and everything else - Pyraeus.
Custom Model/Skins - SinisterX, Hayate, Damob, assassin_lord, and Cloudwolf.
Custom Icons - Pyraeus, SinisterX, 67chrome, and Cloudwolf.
New AI By - Dragunov and Ragnoras
Testers - Heinvers, Forsaken, and Pyraeus.



















2Player Campaign, 2P Campaign, Campaign, Altered Melee, Melee, Defense/Survival, Offense, Strategy/Risk, Curse of the Blood Elves[/tab]

2Player: BloodElf01 (Map)

11:58, 15th Mar 2014 Orcnet: Map approved, game is fitting as a co-op and very much Kael'thas player is given a new look and tech based upon Blood Elven lore. Keep it up




11:58, 15th Mar 2014
Orcnet: Map approved, game is fitting as a co-op and very much Kael'thas player is given a new look and tech based upon Blood Elven lore. Keep it up
Level 10
Sep 1, 2013
Hory what?!
The blood elves' buildings in this chapter are too blood elvish. They're just working for Garithos, so maybe Garithos gave them some human troops and some peasants that don't know how to build blood elf buildings? I mean, I would guess people would get this.
I just suggest that you change the buildings at the start to something... More human-ish.
At some future chapters you should probably change them to something blood-elvish.
Level 10
Sep 1, 2013
He wanted to have that elven feel :) So he already told me that those will remain that way. I won't rate this yet.

Well some people might want the feel of the lore. It just doesn't feel right for Kael to have elvish buildings at Chapter 1.
Edit: I think I got up to the problem. The buildings are too fancy. He's not supposed to have fancy buildings when he's a slave (or something) of Garithos.
Edit yet again: Your credits must credit who the creators are, not what website the creator submitted it to.
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Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
Well some people might want the feel of the lore. It just doesn't feel right for Kael to have elvish buildings at Chapter 1.
Edit: I think I got up to the problem. The buildings are too fancy. He's not supposed to have fancy buildings when he's a slave (or something) of Garithos.
Edit yet again: Your credits must credit who the creators are, not what website the creator submitted it to.
First of all, Kael'thas is not a slave, but a prince of his own people by Alliance right. The fact that Garithos hates him and his people doesn't mean immediately that you can assume his entire race as slaves. But as serving the Alliance by the letter. If he forbid them to make their own types of buildings. Well, lets see... Then there would be usurpers among the Alliance and probably a "Rights-War". Something that Garithos doesn't need right now. So the Elven buildings should be left as it is to represent some moral freedom of the Blood Elven remnants.

Credit Issue:
If I gave credits to each user. I would even have to give credits to the users I don't even know where I got it from. Better giving them to site "names" as credits rather then spamming names. Because it would be longer then my description.

P.S: What are we ratting here? My map or credits?
My sweet short review


I. Gameplay Pretty enjoyable giving the fact that it's a modification to Blizzard's "Misconceptions". Lots of edits have been made to it, but it's still the same emotion with a more dynamic feeling to it. 4.8/5
II. Story Same as Blizzard's but adding a few side-ones in the form of optional quests, detailing some mini stories about the gnolls and Sonofjay's Ogres. 4.1/5
III. Originality I would say a bit of touch to it has been made.
You also added a second Hero, the Templar, a good combination of skills even though they are modified from basic ones. 4.3/5
IV. Systems Well it's a good thing that u added the /AVision and /AForce commands for players. Plus that u changed the behavior of the creeps. 4.7/5
V. Object Data It seems you got it just right for both races. 5/5
Overall Results
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Level 10
Sep 1, 2013
First of all, Kael'thas is not a slave, but a prince of his own people by Alliance right. The fact that Garithos hates him and his people doesn't mean immediately that you can assume his entire race as slaves. But as serving the Alliance by the letter. If he forbid them to make their own types of buildings. Well, lets see... Then there would be usurpers among the Alliance and probably a "Rights-War". Something that Garithos doesn't need right now. So the Elven buildings should be left as it is to represent some moral freedom of the Blood Elven remnants.

Credit Issue:
If I gave credits to each user. I would even have to give credits to the users I don't even know where I got it from. Better giving them to site "names" as credits rather then spamming names. Because it would be longer then my description.

P.S: What are we ratting here? My map or credits?

Okay, so the elves have their remnants of their good ol' buildings.
Still looks too fancy though.
Anyways, you have to give credits to each user. You don't need to credit the people that you don't know where it came from. Haven't you seen other maps? They have a box. In that box, when you open it, is a long list of credits.
Edit: Hell_Master was taking a look into this with me, and he also thinks that you should fix the credit issue.
Level 10
Sep 1, 2013
Well, in that case. If I can't remember some and don't have to add those I don't remember. Alrighty, done.

Uh... No, you HAVE to remember. Every map has to credit every user.
Did you even read the rules?
A FULL credits list:
Both in the Hive description & quest log in-game. What needs to be in the list? Name of the authors. (Optional: Name of the resource)

Edit: Also, every map you have has that problem.
Edit yet again: Please excuse me if there's something wrong with I said, and correct me.
Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
In most of my maps. I just give credits to the sites. Giving credits to all users is insane. None can remember. Also, even thousands of users don't follow that rule. They add the names in credits but not what they are credited for. Although it's pointless. I added who I could remember and who is no longer "deceased".
Level 10
Sep 1, 2013
In most of my maps. I just give credits to the sites. Giving credits to all users is insane. None can remember. Also, even thousands of users don't follow that rule. They add the names in credits but not what they are credited for. Although it's pointless. I added who I could remember and who is no longer "deceased".

"Not what they are credit for" is optional.
Level 4
Jan 8, 2014
There is something i miss from the proolog , i cant save game and load it with my friend or the /AVision or /AForce command dont work since Bnet says anable to find the comment :/

I mean your Orc 2 player campaigne
Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
There is something i miss from the proolog , i cant save game and load it with my friend or the /AVision or /AForce command dont work since Bnet says anable to find the comment :/

I mean your Orc 2 player campaigne
Then use GArena, rather then the original Battle.net. The game gives all the items you could of acquired from this chapter and gives it to your heroes in the next, or just places it on the Circle of Power. I will update my old 2Player: Exodus of the Horde just for the battle.net's issues with the command. As for AVision and AForce, you really do need GArena, because there are also more commands within the game I hid. :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 24
May 15, 2013
You know, just a suggestions, a "suggestion"
Maybe add a naval force, the green undead has one, they will also attack, either AI or triggers, the purple undead will use sky barges, and also the player's force has also a naval force, try removing those goblin shipyards, but the players forces' shipyards can only be unlocked when the players have arrived at the central island, also,
maybe you should add another separate area where the humans can make it their area for base, so the two players can't have delays

This is just a suggestion, you can either do it or not it depends ;)
Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
Undead attacking by sea is a bad idea. The player just establishes a base somewhere inland and the boats can't reach them. AI piles up mobs and errors happen. Sky Barges deliver the attackers across the sea. That has to be used and already is. Also, thank you for your suggestion, but let me explain one thing to you below.

I don't wanna add all my ideas in one map and then in the other ones be pointless of what to add. I want the players to have that experience as if they are unlocking something new with each map they play. The naval forces did come to my mind, but only for chapter two of the campaign. Now it's just beginner's build base and attack sort of deal. Hope you understand.
Level 1
Dec 23, 2011
Tried this in hard with a friend. Neither of us is really an expert but we'd like to think that we are at least decent. But we ran out of gold to mount another attack and lost. Maybe we could have won if we assaulted the gnoll base instead of bothering with green. However the worst part, not that there are many, of this map is the reworked upkeep system. It really is quite annoying having max 50 food and I think the upkeep system is in general the worst part of WC3. If that would be removed, I think hard difficulty would be fine. Especially if you compare it to the campaigns difficulties. Also, considering the length of this map, I the level cap should be lifted. But other than that, it was a great map.

I know this is an old map, long completed, but I just wanted to give my 2 cents.