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2Player: The Scourge of Lordaeron Campaign Created by Blizzzard Entertainment. Edited by Pyraeus. Inspired by the work of Whitewolf8.
[TD] Chapter Five: March of the ScourgeEarly the next morning, Prince Arthas Menethil and Lady Jaina Proudmoore approach the village of Hearthglen, along with the escorts of their captains. At the same moment, bandits ride to what seems to be a cemetery on the road to Stratholme...Note
- Use the /AForce and /AVision command as well in game. Read the intro show up. Also, in this map there are two heroes featured now and on both sides. This also includes the difficulty being raised.
A Brand New Cinematic with brand new Sounds!
Passive Constant Abilities
Units Upgraded and New Added
Triggers Upgraded
Runes, along with New Items, added
Choose between Three Difficulty Modes in Game.
New Quest Rewards
/AForce and /AVision command
New Hero for Player 1 (Captain Luc Valonforth)
New Heroes for Player 2 (Captain Falric and Captain Marwyn)
New Spells for Player 2
Enemy's Shout Sounds
Boss Mode
Trivias after People featured in Game
Changelog: All Updates
V.1.3. Released - Lich String names upgraded, separate names now display more then usual, but may bug for some older patches of Warcraft 3. Captain Marwyn will now speak when he encounters Ogres. Chaplains and Dark Wizards have their tooltip upgrade now displayed. Liches have the Reign of Chaos variation of the Lich models to make them look different rather then to look like the previous Lich from Andorhal. All hero's experience increased by an additional 60 percent, meaning you can get to level six if you're a professional. When using gloves of spell mastery on an enemy undead skeleton, their spells will no longer be available to you. Loading Screen for the Stratholme Interlude contains additional information now of why Captain Luc Valonforth does not appear during "The Culling".
V.1.2. Released - Fixed a tiny issue with the Lich sounds, sounds will now play from them when using abilities. Arthas can now heal himself with Holy Light once again.
V.1.1. Released - If there are any bugs. Will update. With permission from CloudWolf to the users and I quote "Everything I make is open-source so your welcome to use my resources for any purpose". With this opportunity given. Arthas Menethil's skin has been updated along with Falric's cape. Special thanks to the member Lockheart for making this possible.
Information:A remake of the Scourge of Lordaeron campaign with my own ideas, systems, and other various custom material added made for 2Players specifically. The plan of my campaigns are usually to make both players special in some sort of a way. For example: Both having their own units, structures, upgrades, and more. To make the Campaign maps harder to play and more interesting. This campaign will be made before the Curse of the Blood Elves. Characters that appeared in the novel will be added such as "Falric, Marwynn, Thassarian, and Luc Valonforth". The captains will be recognizable and not confusing anymore.This map is originally made by Blizzard Entertainment for Warcraft 3: The Reign of Chaos Campaign's called The Scourge of Lordaeron. However, in the beta Blizzard removed some of it's content. Such as the Duelist and some other material in it's future maps. I used this and implemented it into the game. They even didn't feature the full name of Arthas in it and divide the captains that served under Arthas. Even this was added to the game. Their campaign felt as if it didn't capture the Humans much as it did in the Novel. This map features also my new sort of difficulty. Hints that are meant to be divided are and will only display on the screen to the player who requires it. Quests shall now reward both heroes of both players and the enemy sides will be more harder in "Hard Mode" to defeat.Description of the Player's Armies:
Player 1 plays with Prince Arthas Menethil, the son of King Terenas Menethil the Second. Arthas Menethil gathers another Captain by the name of Luc Valonforth along with Player 2's Hero, Captain Falric, in order to investigate a strange plague spreading throughout Northern Lordaeron. After discovering who was behind this plague, or who they at least think are behind it. The two sides and heroes proceed to Andorhal to stop the one they suspect of being the leader of the newly rising dead. Only to find out that there is more to that in their lost land of Andorhal. After uncovering it's mysteries, the players move to Hearthglen to only discover that the Scourge have risen an army to march upon it and crush it.Description of the Undead Scourge:
The Undead Scourge have been heavily upgraded in this map. They have their one base stationed to the south-west and one to the middle. The Undead Scourge are minions sent by the Lich King to ensure the Cult of the Damned succeeds in what they were sent to accomplish. The two Lich, Venim Iceblade is sent personally by Arkus Winterchill to assure they destroy Hearthglen in their march. The Undead Scourge feature new units such as the "Wraiths", the "Fallen Wizards", and the "Atrocity" hulks. Will you be able to defend Hearthglen?Description of the Cult of the Damned:
After their success at Brill. The Cult of the Damned proceeded under the Dreadlord's, Mal'Ganis', instructions to plague and butcher Andorhal. Brill was only a distraction, it would seem, and now the Cult of the Damned are in charge of leading the nearby Undead around Andorhal to cleanse the living from the land. Their main base of operations, during this mission, is Andorhal and they are lead by Kel'Thuzad. The Cult of the Damned have established a base not far from Andorhal and perished along with their leader. They re-appear here and it seems Arkus Winterchill has taken their leadership.Description of Enemy Shout Sounds:
My newest feature to my type of a 2Player Campaign maps. The Enemy Shout sounds are heard by normal units and heroic units of the enemies. When a Ghoul or Necromancer spawn. A sound will be heard from each of them. For example. If a Crypt finished training a Crypt Fiend. He'd spawn and a sound would be heard playing from him that goes like "For the Spider Kingdom!". When the Necromancers cast spells. They will shout words at you that will be heard like sounds. Such as "Tremble before the Scourge!". Many heroes do this as well and play their own various sounds. Each enemy now seems more special then before.Description of a New Cinematic:
Menag was once a farmer of Westfall who moved to Lordaeron to start a swell life. He began his own farm, but something was amiss. The orcs invaded his farmstead during the second war and destroyed Blackwood. A residence Menag lived in and had a nearby farmstead at. Menag seemingly blamed the elves of the Alliance for letting a small battalion of orcs slip away from their attacking force and then burning Blackwood to the ground. He even reported this to the field investigators that confirmed this and demanded for the elves to answer for their "failed aid". Menag demanded the title deed of his burned farm and the insurance cowering it signed by Alliance officials themselves. He even offered to rebuild Blackwood and to start anew. The Alliance were preoccupied with war at that time and they considered Menag's request nothing but bother at that time. Outraged by everything he lost. Menag packed up and left Blackwood. He started his clan of bandits that were much like himself: "Abandoned and Forgotten by their own people." The Bloodhill Bandits cowered all routes of Lordaeron's roads. They did not only pray upon the Invading Orcish Horde, but the Alliance themselves. The Bloodhill Bandits were becoming larger and larger with each passing day. To this day the Bloodhill Bandits blame the Alliance for how they treated their own people and let them slip down the dark road they had to. Menag, a bandit lord of the Bloodhill Bandits, robbed the farmer Gerard and his wife Matilda when Arthas was near Strahnbrad. Menag stole Gerard's ledger, full of vital information regarding the estate of the local farmer. Without the ledger, Gerard would lose his farm. Menag then fled with his men across a river as he saw Prince Arthas, a paladin, approaching. Arthas hunted Menag down at the request of Gerard, killed Menag and his band, and got the ledger back. After the death of their leader, Menag, and their secondary leader, Benedict. The Bloodhill Bandits' finest members struggled for leadership among their ranks. With the sudden appearance of the Undead Scourge and the Cult of the Damned. The Bloodhill Bandits have become hounded by the rising dead. Captain Falric's followers are made out of privateers, criminals that were once bad and now turned good. Captain Falric successfully gathered most of the Remnants, but many others retained loyalty to the ideals of their original clan's purpose. These few, these eternal now meet with the Winterchill's Pillagers and the players get to witness a brand new cinematic voiced by Divine Arms. I hope you enjoy it, as we loved making it. Credits:
The credits go to Blizzard Entertainment for making the map in the first place. Edited, made for two players, and everything else - Pyraeus. Custom Model/Skins - 67chrome, assassin_lord, takakenji, CloudWolf, Lockheart, and Tranquil. Custom Icons - Pyraeus, 67chrome, PlankingWolf, and takakenji. AI Edit - Dragunov (Probably his last, he AI-d it a year ago). Voice Acting - Divine Arms. Testers - Pyraeus.
Because I want the ultimate spells to be featured during the Alliance's trip to Northrend where they will face Mal'Ganis and the Scourge to prove that they truly did get ready.
A four star rating on a 2P campaign map? Why yes, that's the case. While it isn't common (but it happens) for these maps to get anything above a three due to the lack of depth in content and innovation 2 player campaigns naturally restrict from, Pyraeus and Co. did a good job in defying that norm. The map has been notably enhanced and most users would not be dissatisfied with the changes as they aren't radical enough to make this 2P campaign uncomfortably different than the others and the original campaign itself.
The maps starts off with cinematics, wonderfully edited to spout some back stories and to accommodate the new custom side characters and units important to the map. The voice acting was superb and matched the setting of the map and helped the customized 'side' story progress in a non dull way. Like all the other 2 player campaigns, it offers the choices of different difficulties along with the save and load. But this one in particular, as far as I know exlusive to Pyraeus', have the option to play single player with control of the dormant player.
The gameplay was solid. The core gameplay of the original campaign has mostly been untouched (That being survive for 30 minutes at Hearthglen against waves of undead with some side quests) with the exception of with a trickle of new, interesting, features. Those new features were all implemented in the map nicely, and players can go find more detailed scriptures about them in the exemplary Hive description. Also, it's been an eternity where I didn't find something of significance to report to a map maker with the intention for me to suggest they fix it. The map simply does great in polish.
Overall, the gameplay was executed excellently but isn't exactly scratching the surface for a five star gameplay rating. The reason is the map lacks the pizzazz, innovation, and other critical acclaim five star maps usually have to offer. Changing it radically to fit those standards are not what I personally recommend, though.
Though Blizzard's terrain for this sub-map in particular was already decent enough, some areas changed slightly in turn for a more pleasing look, usually by doodads.
The custom models were probably one of the lovelier sights to see, as they actually fitted perfectly with the map while also looking spiffy. Most would probably agree that map wasn't over doing the whole fancy model craze.
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