Your anus.
some of you are making me ....3 more slot to answer!fast!...some of u guyz description are incompleted...remember dont wright to long,the user above me almost got it correct! answer plz
What do you mean almost correct? That is what a blackhole is. It's a dense region in spacetime with incredibly strong gravity that radiates itself away over time in the form of Hawking radiation.
What part of the blackhole do you want to know about? The question is quite broad.
some of you are making me ....3 more slot to answer!fast!...some of u guyz description are incompleted...remember dont wright to long,the user above me almost got it correct! answer plz
And.....the result is 0,none of you get it correct...however doomlord almost get it correct.......I WILL NOW SHOW YOU THE ANSWER FOR THE BEST DESCRIPTION FOR A BLACKHOLE......................its........a.......WhiteHouse!!...thats the answer
A BLACKHOLE......................its........a.......WhiteHouse!!...thats the answer