» Create your defined artistic style using the mighty alpha-tile

Level 11
Sep 1, 2008



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what are you saying, that the tile can be used as some kind of.. layer beneath doodads?
it's most definitely not a tutorial currently. it explains how to import an alpha tile - it doesn't explain any of the parts that you've done there, i took a wild stab in the dark, which i think is right.
plus wouldn't the walkable box in destructibles make this a lot simpler - apart from the snap-to-grid stuff.

tutorials are meant to actually teach people how to do stuff, not just.. introduce an idea. especially in such vague terms. i doubt most people would understand this very much.

also, the images need to be attached to the site
Level 11
Sep 1, 2008
This is a tool, dude. I can't teach/show people how to find their own artistic style.

what are you saying, that the tile can be used as some kind of.. layer beneath doodads?

As pathing for units/any physic engine.

it doesn't explain any of the parts that you've done there, i took a wild stab in the dark, which i think is right.

Mh? I can't see any difficulty using the terrain-palette. Once the tile is imported and applied - you can start working with it.
This is no tutorial for importing senseless stuff into your map. As I already mentioned in my final conclusion, it's a technique and method to boost and improve your work-flow and final achievements.

Let's take a look on the following example:



I've created a stair, using different doodads. On the other screenshot you can see the pathing/mesh of the editor.
In order to use this - according to the rules - you have to place some pathing blockers (on the left/right side), of course.

.. but sure, that's right. This technique requires some basic knowledge with the WE.

Edit: I've attached the screenshots. Give me some time, I'll add some comments. (;
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This is a tool, dude. I can't teach/show people how to find their own artistic style.

excuse me? the world editor is a tool. the model editing tools are tools. photoshop and the art programs are TOOLS. this section is for tutorials on tools (mainly).

Mh? I can't see any difficulty using the terrain-palette. Once the tile is imported and applied - you can start working with it.
This is no tutorial for importing senseless stuff into your map. As I already mentioned in my final conclusion, it's a technique and method to boost and improve your work-flow and final achievements.

I know that, and so do some people, but not everyone does. the whole thing is kind of ridiculous because all you're doing is promoting a texture and vaguely showing how to use it for things.

I've created a stair, using different doodads. On the other screenshot you can see the pathing/mesh of the editor.
In order to use this - according to the rules - you have to place some pathing blockers (on the left/right side), of course.

.. but sure, that's right. This technique requires some basic knowledge with the WE.

again, I know that, but a lot of people do not. a lot of people wouldn't know what you're trying to show with the mesh, and lots wouldn't know that you have to place pathing blockers.

you're not making a 'tutorial' so that it shows how much YOU know, it's meant to educate people on things, they go into the tutorial and go out knowing how to do something (at least in most cases). at least say that it require quite a bit of editor knowledge, because it really does.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
The tutorial looks cool, but I have no idea what you are trying to explain. This... Alpha tile. It's an invisible tile, right? So you have to use it to... Well, what do you use it for? I have no idea what you're trying to explain. :/

If I understood right, it's mainly to put doodads on top of it, and keep it walkable\playable, right? But this can be done with other stuff, like invisible platforms and custom pathing maps. But I suppose this is good for doodads that have holes in them, so they're "see-through", like that metal bridge\floor from Chernobyl: Lost Riddles.
The tutorial looks cool, but I have no idea what you are trying to explain. This... Alpha tile. It's an invisible tile, right? So you have to use it to... Well, what do you use it for? I have no idea what you're trying to explain. :/

100% Transparency Terrain Tile!

In other words it will remove tile from ground but height will remain there, units can go there, build building do whatever they want, just like using large invisible platform that can be lowered on some point, and so on!
Level 11
Sep 1, 2008
But this can be done with other stuff, like invisible platforms and custom pathing maps.

That's probably, well.. that's the point. Platforms absorb performance. Try to use 10, 20, 50 .. no problem. Try to use more than 4000-5000 like we did in Chernobyl - Lost Riddles, unplayable. The alpha-tile absorbs nothing. Zero. We got stable fps and I'm doing good with it. Just take a look on Arcadia, or Rise or Rapture. This is very useful for large projects which depends on a good performance. Using invisible platforms has shown, that you'll loose performance - far beyond unplayability. Furthermore you have to put more and more WORK into creating such pathing-maps. The alpha-tile is easy to handle, absorbs no performance and can be used by everyone.

But, one thing: The grid is your god. The doodads around your mesh are 'just' eyecandy.

So you have to use it to... Well, what do you use it for? I have no idea what you're trying to explain. :/

Should I create more examples? I mean, what is your point of view? This is just a technique, I can't give you tips for a specific idea.
I'll probably create a second tutorial .. something like 'Tips for better ideas'. When you forgot to read the tutorial-comments, do it.

100% Transparency Terrain Tile!

In other words it will remove tile from ground but height will remain there, units can go there, build building do whatever they want, just like using large invisible platform that can be lowered on some point, and so on!

Hey that's good, too. I'll create another layer for the tutorial. May I assimilate your comment? I think it would be great to have several voices in the conclusion.

E: I'll create a simple test-map for a better imagination.
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Level 10
Jan 12, 2010
Ah now i see it that this is just athe standard map grid.
But I have another problem I've imported it and it works when I just stay on the same height but if I use the cliff tool it doesn't work, I just see the normal blizz cliffs.
Level 2
Nov 2, 2010
You need to edit misdata.txt file in your mpq archive! There is max pitch angle value that need to be changed!

Using rise and lower tool you will be able to do that!

where is that and how to do that could someone direct me to a tutorial about that if there is one
Level 11
Oct 31, 2010
okay,what the heck is this ?
you didn't even tell where you got the alpha tile
i never tried but i think it work
get a random file and change the pathing(i think it works)
and then after showing some terrain of your map
you said conclusion
never said anything about what was the pictures
i think what you meant was after using the "mighty alpha tile",that's what you get
you should really explain what every picture was
after looking at all of those,without thinking i thought it was a show-off
but after thinking,i think what i said above
Level 5
Feb 27, 2009
I-I-I..... whoa..... (catches breath) now I can make bridges which look like they're high up!!!! OMG! Thanks! +Rep
Level 30
Jun 13, 2011
Yeah I am a bot) but how to adjust hight now ??? ))) how to pull up and down that alpha? using this?

and how to set no limit to hight parametr

I have no ideas how to make so straight and high "walls"

Updated: -Kobas-, THnx for the file. I just put it into UI folder, now everything works perfectly! YEAHH!!!!!!!!
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Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
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Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Very Helpful tutorial but i don't understand anything....

There is not much to understand. Simply import the Mighty Alpha Tile, add the Miscdata.txt to a UI folder inside your warcraft installation folder, and start creating awesome terrain with it.

By using custom textures and doodads you can create awesome looking terrains like the ones displayed in the pictures...


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Tsk tsk, you're miles off.

It's about setting up pathing using the grid and pathing blockers. You use the alpha tile to substitute tiles for doodads that conforms to the mesh layout. In layman's terms you don't have to waste time with platforms and elevators.
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
fladdermasken said:
Tsk tsk, you're miles off.

It's about setting up pathing using the grid and pathing blockers. You use the alpha tile to substitute tiles for doodads that conforms to the mesh layout. In layman's terms you don't have to waste time with platforms and elevators

I understand that the grid illiminates the entire idea of platforms and elevators, and that pathing can be easilly set up.
I thought the tutorial was more of a guideline on how to set up the Mighty Alpha Tile and Miscdata.txt to "create your defined artistic style"?

The stuff about pathing and the grid is quite logical actually.
I thought the tutorial focussed more on how to use the mighty alpha tile and miscdata.txt correctly :S?
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
I understand that the grid illiminates the entire idea of platforms and elevators, and that pathing can be easilly set up.
I thought the tutorial was more of a guideline on how to set up the Mighty Alpha Tile and Miscdata.txt to "create your defined artistic style"?
The defined artistic style lies in the unique level design that comes from your choice in doodads and, subsequently, how you set them up. The tutorial is about reaching results quicker (i.e. by not wasting time on platforms).

It doesn't brief you on your artistic style, it briefs you on how to define it with less effort.
The stuff about pathing and the grid is quite logical actually.
I thought the tutorial focussed more on how to use the mighty alpha tile and miscdata.txt correctly :S?
That is exactly what it's doing.

The bit about the pathing and the grid is how to use miscdata and the alpha tiles correctly
(note: correctly in this context).
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Then I guess I should've been more specific in my first post about it.

You're right, thank you and +rep :)
What the tutorial doesn't tell and what should be mentioned in my oppinion:

The alpha tile has the same limitation as ordinary WC3 tiles: Every poly and vertex that is BELOW the tile will get cut off as soon as the fog of war hits it. The difference is: for ordinary tiles, you don't care as you don't see them anyway. But here you do. which makes fog of war ridicolously ugly.
Using the alpha tile only makes sense if you lower it below your lowest doodad - so using it as a replacement for invis plattforms is not possible, most of the time - except you deactivate fog of war.
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
What the tutorial doesn't tell and what should be mentioned in my oppinion:

The alpha tile has the same limitation as ordinary WC3 tiles: Every poly and vertex that is BELOW the tile will get cut off as soon as the fog of war hits it. The difference is: for ordinary tiles, you don't care as you don't see them anyway. But here you do. which makes fog of war ridicolously ugly.
Using the alpha tile only makes sense if you lower it below your lowest doodad - so using it as a replacement for invis plattforms is not possible, most of the time - except you deactivate fog of war.

Deactivating fog of war on alpha tiles while the rest of the map still has fog can also work out quite ok. Visibility modifiers ftw!