• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Armored Watchman

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
"Oi, you there, stop!"
Medieval knights do not need shields, they only need big long stick.

Big thanks to the original authors!
Weapon: Iron raven by Blood Raven;
Armor: Plate Armor Knight by Gluma;
Helmet: Captain by Rhapsodie; (base model by johnwar)
Base model: made by tillinghast (swordsman);

Armored Watchman (Model)

No Horns (Model)

-Fix sanity issues. You can test your model without uploading it in the Utility tab, Model Checker. -The gut-mesh should become visible as the model disappears into the ground. -The model should not be visible even when it has gone under in Decay...
Level 26
Mar 16, 2018
I could make a dark soul map with all of your models because they all look awesome.
hmm probably good idea to add roll animation for knightess
Is really handsome,but the movements are a little too formal, and you should be bold if you can.He is more like a janitor than a powerful champion.
it sweeping time

Stop! You've violated the law!​

Have you heard of high elves?
That's a solid one. :peasant-thumbs-up: I like the overall style and especially the animations. There's just one thing that could be improved - creating a variation of the model using only ingame textures.
maybe later
Overall a very nice model. But personally, I think it might be lacking in 1 or 2 more base attack animations in which he uses the halberd/bardiche.
attack 1 was made from For Honor Lawbringer's fastest poke attack, and the weapon is placeholder, I want to change it to Asssssvi guardsman's halberd when he is online again



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
-Fix sanity issues. You can test your model without uploading it in the Utility tab, Model Checker.
-The gut-mesh should become visible as the model disappears into the ground.
-The model should not be visible even when it has gone under in Decay Bone. Fix visibility. I am going to have to check your other models for that, aren´t I?
-Reduce the amount of clipping during the walk animation, especially from the back. The front is often consistent and gives it a better illusion of being natural.
-Site rules demand a collision sphere.
-The health bar needs to be higher. Fix the extension.
-Center the portrait camera and portrait backdrop.
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