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Improved Female Demon Hunter

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

A rather simple edit of Blizzard's SD Female Demon Hunter model that is used in a WIP map of mine. Thought that it might be useful to someone.

Here are the changes:

Reworked face geometry to resemble her Reforged counterpart better​

Some torso tweaks​

Demon Hunter's wristbands to make Team-Color pop stronger​

Somewhat fixed the clipping of her shorts with the skirt (although it's not completely gone, just less noticable)​

Different portrait camera angle that looks like Male DH's one​

Tweaked the braids just a bit to make the gap between her neck and the back of the head less noticable​


Improved teamcolor visibility on the skirt's texture
Improved braids once again
Optimized the main model (didn't linearize animations on the portrait since the size difference was minimal but animations were seriously hindered)
Improved UV Mapping in some places
Changed the skin color on her legs to match the body
Tweaked the camera once more and fixed the BG when she is morhped
Replaced her blades with male DH one's (don't forget to update the texture if you have previous model versions installed!)


Model was made for older Warcraft 3 patches (hence the imported texture). It should work in the newer ones aswell.​

Import path is "Textures\demonfemalehunter.blp"​

Upd. - added an in-game screenshot and fixed some sanity checker issues


Demon, Demon Hunter, Night Elf

Female Demon Hunter (Model)

Female Demon Hunter Portrait (Model)

A useful improvement over the in-game female demon hunter. Changes made. Works in-game. Approved!
Level 6
Jul 7, 2023
So much better than in-game one. Although, I wish she had metamorphosis form like this: Fixed Reforged SD Female Demon Hunter
This metamorphosis looks better, yes, but I'm not really sure if based on the site's rules I'll be allowed to merge these two. And my lack of modeling experience wouldn't let me do something similar to that myself :cry:
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Nice edit, and glad to see someone making the original more useful.

This metamorphosis looks better, yes, but I'm not really sure if based on the site's rules I'll be allowed to merge these two. And my lack of modeling experience wouldn't let me do something similar to that myself :cry:
You can ask Retera for permission (& knowing him, he'd be glad to; might even do it himself), and then you guys should be able to combine your resources together (or post a 3rd combined one, with you both as authors).
Level 6
Jul 7, 2023
Nice edit, and glad to see someone making the original more useful.

You can ask Retera for permission (& knowing him, he'd be glad to; might even do it himself), and then you guys should be able to combine your resources together (or post a 3rd combined one, with you both as authors).
Thank you, It's just that I'm a newcomer so I don't know how things work around here :grin:. Maybe I'll reach out to him in a few days, but only after I improve the model a bit (merge it with the portrait and do some other misc stuff)
Level 27
Jun 20, 2013
Nice upgrade, beyond having a female texture for DK and DH as a new thing, these models got a mixture of bad design choices like the shields on the glaives, of the leg section being the same as the 2003 but worse wrapped, or the DK with the boobage and the axe. Even the 2000 beta models looked more lively.

Just hope any texture maker decides to work some beauty for these skins.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2023
Ty dude, could you change the blades? Bc they look like they don't have a texture
Are you talking about "shields" on the blades? Because if yes, then i can put the male Demon Hunter one's with pandas

Is there a way to use this model as the female DH version? If i change the Model File to this one, it's no longer possible to choose between male and female.
Sorry man, I'm not really aknowledged on how this male/female system works. However inside the game's CASC archives female Demon Hunter uses a different model. Maybe you should try changins paths to "units\nightelf\HeroFemaleDemonHunter\HeroFemaleDemonHunter.mdx" and "units\nightelf\HeroFemaleDemonHunter\HeroFemaleDemonHunter_Portrait.mdx" respectively.
You can ask Retera for permission (& knowing him, he'd be glad to; might even do it himself)
I happened to see this thread and I agree, happy to let you guys edit my edits :D

I made a program called Retera Model Studio that makes it easier to combine edits like these.
Level 2
May 11, 2023
Are you talking about "shields" on the blades? Because if yes, then i can put the male Demon Hunter one's with pandas

Sorry man, I'm not really aknowledged on how this male/female system works. However inside the game's CASC archives female Demon Hunter uses a different model. Maybe you should try changins paths to "units\nightelf\HeroFemaleDemonHunter\HeroFemaleDemonHunter.mdx" and "units\nightelf\HeroFemaleDemonHunter\HeroFemaleDemonHunter_Portrait.mdx" respectively.
No, look at them carefully, they have empty texture lines. You should fix it
Level 4
Jul 11, 2016
Are you talking about "shields" on the blades? Because if yes, then i can put the male Demon Hunter one's with pandas

Sorry man, I'm not really aknowledged on how this male/female system works. However inside the game's CASC archives female Demon Hunter uses a different model. Maybe you should try changins paths to "units\nightelf\HeroFemaleDemonHunter\HeroFemaleDemonHunter.mdx" and "units\nightelf\HeroFemaleDemonHunter\HeroFemaleDemonHunter_Portrait.mdx" respectively.
Yes, pls use male verison blades
Level 6
Jan 9, 2024
Sorry man, I'm not really aknowledged on how this male/female system works. However inside the game's CASC archives female Demon Hunter uses a different model. Maybe you should try changins paths to "units\nightelf\HeroFemaleDemonHunter\HeroFemaleDemonHunter.mdx" and "units\nightelf\HeroFemaleDemonHunter\HeroFemaleDemonHunter_Portrait.mdx" respectively.
It worked! This model is a big upgrade to the Blizzard one. Thank you! Also for updating the glaives.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2023
Simply setting the path to "Textures\demonfemalehunter.blp" will replace the female texture but not the male texture?
From a technical point of view, male and female DHs indeed both use different textures. But the texture path of this model is different from it's vanilla counterpart. Basically, it doesn't replace the OG texture, just imports a new one, thus making it possible for both models to co-exist in the same map if needed.
(Just in case: I do not recommend using the texture that I have provided with the OG model. I didn't make it with the unedited model in mind. Just consider vanilla and my versions completely separate from each other.)
Level 6
Jul 7, 2023
Did you tried to integrate from Lula 3D's Bouncing Boobs technology for this model? :D (Yes, this actually exist, the PC game name is Lula 3D)
I've just looked it up. Damn, what a game 😅... But in regards to this model, no, I didn't even know such a thing existed. I just made them rounder(?) without making them that much bigger. But don't get me wrong, it's not because of the "ooga booga I like round polygons". I just never understood why all the SD Blizzard models had triangles instead. They could clearly make them more "realistic" with the same amount of polygons. Some would assume that it was for the sake of not oversexualizing women, but a lot of textures and interesting animations clearly say otherwise. 2002 was a different time, for sure
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
I've just looked it up. Damn, what a game 😅... But in regards to this model, no, I didn't even know such a thing existed. I just made them rounder(?) without making them that much bigger. But don't get me wrong, it's not because of the "ooga booga I like round polygons". I just never understood why all the SD Blizzard models had triangles instead. They could clearly make them more "realistic" with the same amount of polygons. Some would assume that it was for the sake of not oversexualizing women, but a lot of textures and interesting animations clearly say otherwise.
After Tyrande's Secret has a very questionable picture in the map section, I'm amazed that some people does not wanted to test the borders of "what is not naughty and naughty", but gladly for now - and for my knoweldge - Tyrande's Secret is the only one and unique in this point. Meaning: it's a good thing that you are not "overimagined" the mentioned part of the body there, but Blizzard did questionable choices too. Do not forgot, when the first Tom Raider Video games hit the market, the mentioned body part is triangular or squar(ish) at the time. :D
Level 15
Sep 26, 2007
Hmm... I tried the model and noticed two issues (for now)--one of her blades goes through the ground during her death animation, and the other is that she has a male Demon Hunter's death sound... well, that doesn't sound quite feminine, does it? I have one small suggestion to fix that "manly" death sound (standard form's death sound only), if you're interested... four different event sounds are needed for this. I know it's not perfect, but the result will be interesting! Here's how it's done... in my case, with War3 Model Editor. Anyway, in the Node Manager:
  • Change the Event Object's Data DDEM (Demon Hunter death SFX) to DSOR (Sorceress death SFX), and in the Event Tracks, set it to around 18152... this will be the first part of her death sound where she falls down on her knees.
  • Duplicate the modified Event Object, and change its Data DSOR (Sorceress death SFX) to KMKG (Mountain King attack SFX), and in the Event Tracks, set it to around 18133. This somehow simulates one of her blades being dropped, though it's a bit hard to hear.
  • Duplicate the modified Event Object, and change its Data KMKG (Mountain King attack SFX) to DJAN (Jaina death SFX), and in the Event Tracks, set it to around 19784. This adds the second part of her death sound where she stabs herself with her blade and then collapses on the ground.
  • Duplicate the modified Event Object, and change its Data DJAN (Jaina death SFX) to AUIH (Impale land SFX), and in the Event Tracks, set it to around 20480. This simulates the self-stabbing sound with her blade.
When finished (and after doing some trials-and-errors), it should look like this, then save the model and give it a shot:

And presto! Now, behold the result:

EDIT: Disregard my suggestion (I was unaware that things work differently between Reforged and Legacy versions), though this will be left here for "non-Reforged" users only.
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Level 15
Sep 26, 2007
Of course, my "little experiment" above was ONLY for those--the "Legacy-lovers" (and especially the "1.26-version-only-users") like moi, who do NOT have Reforged. Besides, how should I know? Sigh

Nevertheless, thank you for sharing the sounds, it's always great to put Reforged's sounds into good use... a pity that I don't have the WHOLE collection of "Reforged-exclusive" audio, but on the other hand, I'll take what I can get.
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