• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • The Explaination is A little Complicated, can you explain it simple-ly what I need to do?
    My instinct tell me this will be texture animation :O
    Is it something like conveyor belt?
    A base Model for me to Animate will be appreciated XD
    Exactly that. That's why I love Direfury's models. He makes them totally different. I would love to be like him, but that's not possible.
    Yeah, but you could always learn matrix eater. Transfering animations seems legit when not know to animate. I myself want to learn to animate but it is hard.
    Lol, :eek:.
    Not as good as me? You rock with that attachments, dude. I meant something "walking"? :D
    Hi InfernalTaker, for the chessboard thing, I am sorry, i didnt mean it to say that, i just wanna tell you there is more than one way to do something that time :O look like i screwed up pretty badly,

    My way of "proving" might be a little rude to you and im sorry for that
    Im just getting too much stress lately and words will
    Come out from my mouth "or finger" unconsciously
    Also, i am aware that i am not a master of making this resource, and i always is, that is why i am sometimes depress on hive because i know weak i am,i hope you can pardon me, and lets be buddy :)
    (I lost my mind easily recently and this is why i sound arrogant recently)
    Your page is full, so I sent you a PM, I'll reply with a short version here too, just in case.

    The board looks good! 35 KB is a reasonable file size for such a model. But you could reduce the vertex count from 992 down to 81 by sharing the vertices of each corner with all of the corners of same-colored polies that are touching it. Every vertice would be part of 4 triangles; you'd have less points than polies. You'd cut the file size down to about 5 KB.

    Also... How the hell did you even manage to have 992 vertices for 128 triangles? That's literally impossible. Even if all of your triangles were separate and not connected, with their own 3 vertices each, that would still count 384 vertices. You have at least 608 vertices that aren't even part of a polygon.
    I'm working on the bone set right now.. I only finished the helmet and shield.. I'll be using sindorei's bone armor + your bone pauldrons for the skeleton armor... do you have time to complete your bone set? like making bone boots and bone gloves :3 It would be awesome @w@ ...oh and I'll also be using your black steel breastplate for the destroyer's armor set :3 nice item attachments btw ^_^
    Oh..ok.. I will and I must rep u xD I sent you the link of the thread ..you can find a link of pastebin at the bottom part of it., thanks again :3
    Thanks, which textures would you recommend then? I find pandaren's upper body a fine subtitute but i cant find anything for the tentacles.
    I am sorry i was being rude to you. Of course you can rate resources however you want, it is nothing to take seriously - i am glad you like my models in either case. I know i've been negative towards people before, who later turned out to be genuinely nice people, and i don't want to be on bad terms with you.
    I realize it is a bit smug to bash people for not giving you a perfect rating, which is why i chose not to make a big deal out of it. I just hate it when people act like they are the "Guide Michelin" of modeling, or when people give 4/5 because "nothing is perfect". Perfect models are what we have the Directors Cut for. I am perfectly fine with you giving me a lower rating, but you could at least motivate your rating with constructive feedback. My opinion is that rating should be based on how well you excecuted your concept rather than a scale of "from best to worst model on the hive".
    humm.. looks like your grass post created quite a commotion .u. whatcha think i should do about it?

    as for that grass texture, it's combo-recolor, which ain't enough effort, really
    huh? from where are you again? xD these two names are really often used for girl siblings near the same age here XD

    I think we might be talking about two different things. I leave any discussion or consideration as to the right-or-wrong-ness of others uploading his work elsewhere for another day. For the sake of argument, I don't care about that.

    I was entirely talking about HerrDave, to HerrDave, about his attitude about "not asking for credits". That was an existent issue, in that he literally had stated "I will never ask for credits". That's the issue I was talking about, and to which I responded.

    Does that make more sense?
    He stated that he doesn't care how they use his resource, and they actually did still credit him for it anyway.

    There's no problem here, so why make one? Why waste half a page talking about it? Try not to forget that the whole purpose of this site is supposed to be to provide resources for people to use. This isn't some copyrighted painting museum meant for people to see and not touch. We're a modding community, remember?
    Woah there, hold on a second. Are you having a bad day? I definitely didn't mean to raise a ruckus with my comment there. o_O

    First of all, "half a page"? I literally wrote 2 lines (@ full screen), so not sure where you are coming from there. :<

    Secondly, he did not simply say "he didn't care" (though I would try to persuade him otherwise even if he did); he actually said "I will never ask anyone to credit me". That is the comment to which I was referring; he seemed to state this believing it to be good & implied it indicated his "free domain"-ness.

    My point then is the same now: I think an artist should be (& should want to be) credited for his work. To me, it is the height of disrespect to do otherwise, and while I appreciate "not wanting to be a bother" or "wanting to be free domain", I still firmly believe they should ask & receive recognition.

    Now I may not convince anyone of that... But whatevs. I did, however, attempt to make that statement in a non-confrontational way, so as not to offend.

    However, while the recipient was not, a third-party was... Which I'm not sure I understand.


    So again. Thank you, but I of all people recognize the difference between "museum" and "modding community" in this context. I'm all about the resources being provided. I simply think it's ethically imperative that "credit given where credit's due".

    It was always my ream to have some map filled with my models, some project of Warcraft lore maybe with many heroes of Warcraft I made or something like that. It happy moment when i see my model put to goodd use :)
    Hmmmm..that sounds tempting... Well we can agree on something. When i finish my bachelor part of study in June we can ddiscuss my secret projects an might create something really cool. I have still a few things in mind and I would be gladd to work with you.
    I am really really really sorry to tell you, but that project was cancelled, we are no longer working on that. I was hoping we might release it as a template, for other people to use it, but i was not able to contact goldendemon who made it andd had all the maps...so it is practicly lost.... :( I am really sorry
    Damn :D it has been a while since last I hadd 17 notifications :D Last time it was when i uploaddeddd my first vrykul heroes an people found out I am workin on HoS project :D Thanks for all the comments and suggestions.
    So I changed the texture of my sword and reduced the filesize a bit but can't get it lower... any ideas?
    BTW don't check on the screenshot for the new texture, for some reason it won't work.
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