• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Were celebrating it the same way we do every christmas. So nothing special really. Well, except maybe that it's the first time I celebrated it with my special someone. :3

    How bout you? enjoying your christmas? :D
    Weird but the HumanTile04 did worked for me but nevermind, at least its now working for you there.
    Its only the TimeIndicatorFrame that is really not working but the HumanTile04 is working.
    Srry for not responding earlier, i couldn't access my profile because of a THW bug.
    Anyway, i'm glad to hear it works. :)
    I do actually have a separate thread for that purpose - but yes I do. Though I have been somewhat slow lately with it :wsmile:
    I guess that could count a little bit. :D
    I think you did the right decision when you stopped watching naruto. It sulks nao. :<
    You overwrite here:
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    (Current order of t_unit) Equal to (Order())
    Then - Actions
    Set t_loc_2 = (t_loc_3 offset by (Random real number between 1.00 and AI_move[AI_mode]) towards (Random real number between 1.00 and 360.00) degrees)
    Custom script: call SaveLocationHandle(udg_AI_hash, h, 1, udg_t_loc_2)
    Unit - Order t_unit to Move To t_loc_2
    Well I told you other ways to do it too, a constant check shouldn't be too RAM intensive as well you can change platform height if you ask the right people for the custom script to create a destructible at Z height. Your just having the same issues as others did in 2008 and even further back... =(
    Hmm.... I am sure you'll figure it out, an idea is platforms or no pathing combined with fly height and setunitx/y.
    I totally forgot about it! sorry!
    Its done however I messed up a lot of your triggers!
    Every time I moved the brushes and a trigger got deleted.........
    Actually as a matter of fact, no. I've never heard someone say that before :p. Thanks for telling me that.
    Dang. This is stumping me also. I'm not really sure what else there is to try other than changing the angle variable by adding random values until you get the desired effect lol.
    Try this one.
    double angle = Math.Atan2(Chest.chests[0].minY - Move.position.Y, Chest.chests[0].minX - Move.position.X );
    Enemy_Shot tempshot = new Enemy_Shot(Chest.chests[0].minX, Chest.chests[0].minY, Chest.chests[0].minY * Math.Cos(angle) * 0.1f, Chest.chests[0].minX * Math.Sin(angle) * 0.1f, Game1.bossmissile);
    Hmm that is very odd.

    Try this one.

    angle = Math.PI + Math.Atan2(Move.position.Y - Chest.chests[0].Y, Move.position.X - Chest.chests[0].X);
    Enemy_Shot tempshot = new Enemy_Shot(Chest.chests[0].minX, Chest.chests[0].minY, Chest.chests[0].minY * Math.Cos(angle) * 0.1f, Chest.chests[0].minX * Math.Sin(angle) * 0.1f, Game1.bossmissile);
    It's ok lol i love finding out things like this.
    I'm currently making a form that has a few games. (It is like a multiclient form)
    And helping others always gives me good ideas.

    Try this one.

    angle = Math.PI + Math.Atan2(Move.position.Y - Chest.chests[0].minY, Move.position.X - Chest.chests[0].minX);
    Enemy_Shot tempshot = new Enemy_Shot(Chest.chests[0].minX, Chest.chests[0].minY, Chest.chests[0].minY * Math.Cos(angle) * 0.1f, Chest.chests[0].minX * Math.Sin(angle) * 0.1f, Game1.bossmissile);
    Ok that is what i thought lol.

    Try this.

    angle = 180 + Math.Atan2(Move.position.Y - Chest.chests[0].minY, Move.position.X - Chest.chests[0].minX);
    Enemy_Shot tempshot = new Enemy_Shot(Chest.chests[0].minX, Chest.chests[0].minY, Chest.chests[0].minY * Math.Cos(angle) * 0.1f, Chest.chests[0].minX * Math.Sin(angle) * 0.1f, Game1.bossmissile);
    I'm guessing that is not the desired effect then ? I thought that one would i was checking to see if you accidently were using .minX / .minY instead of .X / .Y
    If angle is an int that could be the reason it is going the wrong way. It is rounding the float to an int and messing it up.

    Also im getting 66.5570792850377 as the angle for the numbers you gave me. Make sure you are getting the same. (that is the angle in degrees.)
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