• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • What version of 3ds max have you got? Because i have a version that's rigged and ready for 3ds max 2010 that i have yet to animate. I have some other really cool halo models that you really need to see, such as a covenant corvette, UNSC frigate, the halo itself (which i can send you), a warthog (just the mesh without crew), and right now i am working on High Charity. YES i have been in a bit of a modeling flow lately.
    Hey bro! sorry for not reply! My pc is being fixed...too long for my taste... its couple of weeks and still it has not returned from service... It will tke some time :/ Sorry again! Will inform you when all is back and good :) Please ask Misha about it, iam busy at the moment... Iam trying to do all the non W3 stuff untill my pc with all resources are back :/
    I can. But not as before, because my collage has started, so 70% of my time is going into studying... Before I was in the high school so I had a plenty of time... But I would try my best to help you out mate ! =)
    Let us rejoice in the coming oblivion! I'm on a path of chaotic enlightenment! After I'm done this school semester I personally will create the best squad system ever. Combining features from urs, mechs, riotz, and some others.

    It will have reinforce, auto-reinforce, squad leaders, able to purchase different weapons for some of the units in your squad. This is going to be for that Age of Darkness map I'm going to revamp soon.
    Ill ask him, when I have time. Im in a hury right now. Tommorow Ill ask...Promise ;) he said that when his version is done and release, we are free to make any versions and release it. So dont worry, your work wont be a waste of time :)
    Oooooh thats fucking awesome !!! (0.0) Epic! Something like that was exactly what I ment when I told you i wanna dark dragon! Looking forward for new wips!
    I cant send you Personal message with pasetabain. ... I dont wanna this be release into public, its for my personal War map which will be release in public... Can you make the inbox available ? :) I would send you mesh with base texture...
    I dont ahve the deathwing...but i have something else i might need help with. It is something like shadow dragon or dark dragon...would you be interested ? :)
    Dont worry, take your time. I need to make the mesh first. I have some really old version of him and it sucks by my new standarts. So i will create mesh, animations and after that ill send it to you and you can take any time your want, i will wait :), dont worry about that :)
    Man, thats totally awesome texture! Sorry i didnt noticed earlier! Its really awesome! Thank yu very much! ill show you wip and mesh when i got home ;)
    Great! Thank you very much! I saw your resources, nice work indeed. Iam more of a fantasy modeller, but Iam also willing to improve. I loved for example good old Fallout for a scifi. If you will have in future some ideas for a paired modelling, ill gladly try to help :) And thank you again for the weapon!
    Greetings i noticed you response on ym request. Apparently chr2 took the request and is already working on it. But if you would like to help me still, i have two more request, if you would be interested. One is quite simple, just making skin for weapon http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/requests-341/texture-just-weapon-request-239343/ , the second one is making skin for one model from the project of WOTH this guy
     Anyway, thank you for your time :-) and please, leave me a respond ;)
    Hello !
    I was just wondering if you can give me the halo utm(I wont upload it as my work,I just want to play it)
    because I joined THW late and the map was allready deleted :( So please if you could...
    I manage to approve your map with a review as well, pardon me if your request got delayed
    Hey, just read the visitor message you left. Sure we'd be down to test with you. Come to Clan MnM@USEast anytime when we're on.
    Oh, sorry. Maybe its just embertilton. I'm also at [email protected] and on facebook @ Ember Tilton. Bnet and Gerana accounts = Legal_Ease. I'll try to get on tonight but definetly this weekend.
    Reviewed your Realm of Carnage. Looks great bro in its early state. Looking forward!!
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