• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • woah never notice your VM def, sorry for long respond ^^

    yea i'm 'kinda' new here, i've coded a few things back in 2009, (even lurks this place and other site for codes lol), but recently i start learning jass a bit

    pleased to meet you :D
    Dear defskull when you can, see my spells and tell me what you think of them.
    Look for Losam Spells and see some of my works
    Give your opinion, is important to me.
    hey def, do you have facebook.. skype.. anything like that?
    whould be easyer to talk with you
    I would have to employ my brother to educate you on that matter, I personally do not keep track of it, but it all adds up into a single plotline with a huge amount of twists, without subplots
    Hehe, I'm thinking of scorpions, but to put them somewhere else, other quests, since these stone statues doesn't fit to a scorpion. I will use the worm for sure, but perhaps in other place too. I was thinking of Earth Lich by -Grendel, but he removed the model by no proper reason as well as one cool Egyptish serpent model and I got pissed when I realised it was deleted, crap. These resource deletions make community suffer and not admins at all, they don't use it, community use their resources. I pm'd -Grendel but he won't reply, guess I'm not worth of sending a pm. PeeKay too, asked him about some bugged icon of his, some badass icon would be perfect to egyptish map, no respond yet been online many times. And hey, nice spell, I may use it.
    Thanks. It will be empty for the bigger part of game and it will make players wonder why it is empty, because you may get there in early beginning and find nothing. In later game I'm thinking of making a quest so that you must return to that place and kill some epic sand boss.
    The position was abolished. It was decided that mini-mods were of no more use then users providing their reviews. Just promoting moderators would be better.

    Thats one thing though. I dont share :D But thanks for this conversation though, it was nice. Im headed to bed for awhile. Tchao. And as I said before, keep up the great scripting work, people like you make the Hive go 'round ;)
    Nah. Mini-Moderator was as close as I got. Temporarily got that raider icon, but that was subsequently removed. Our purpose was solely to make the Map Moderator's job easier. But i've watched the site for awhile to know the flow of things.
    Well, looking back at my old posts, I hope I've at least matured a tad bit :p After all, being 18 going on 19 is a big age gap from when I was 14.

    But the answer is no, The Hive has not jaded me yet. And I would hope that a personal lack of self-importance would allow me to stay-myself if given power. But, you never know. You? :)
    Yeah, people change, or show their true colors. These past few weeks have been quite interesting to say the least.

    And no, I'm sure Ill be keeping that habbit for the rest of my time on the Hive :D
    Haha, it was funny seeing now how wrong Rui was: " As per signing your name under the post, it doesn't mean you have a giant ego. You'll eventually grow bored of it, like I did."

    Anyways, keep up the excellent scripting work :)
    Somehow I caught you viewing the Development Director thread. Looking back at the old days?
    I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you :O [/jk]
    I didn't know much about this GetLocalPlayer thing. Your explanation was helpful :)
    Hey. I was making the desert and thought it would be cool to show you the progress. This perhaps might be the Valley of the Forbidden Gods, statues are burried with sands. Felt of giving own interpretation to the mythology. I think it looks cool, what do you think?

    I am waiting for shinji to respond and Apheraz to find a new partner, until the first one reports back. If the first doesn't respond until later today and the second hasn't found another duelist, I will pm all of you with the date. :)
    Why not confident? Your voice is weird? I need a voice for the Hero, you should give it a try. Three people already shared their voice examples.

    Hmm, do you know any Hiver who might be a girl? I have the first text for Isis and one line for Hero, just ndh have to overview it and fix grammar, edit it for better impression, he sleep at the moment.
    I sent you a private message, but you do not seem to response. :<
    The village a done, abilities are done, big part of items are done, game modes are done, ability selection system done too.

    So can you send me the example of your voice? And do your sister agree to voice act?

    Now I may be moving to the desert. ndh dealt with begininng's cinematic text very well, another Hiver may record it within a day or two.
    Well, thanks for taking a look anyways :)

    Btw, when do you think you will be able to start the systems for the project?
    Hehe, thanks. But it is still too simple there, I want something more, something that would make people say *wow*, but it is only a desert. :(
    Here are the very first screens of the map. It is diffucult to make astonishing terrain and environment art as Egypt is nothing but a desert, hehe.

    It is the part of Village Nieufellan. The big NPC will be Isis, she stand near the altar of Horus.

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