• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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    i will send it as asoon as i find some time. Iam busy right now
    One year has gone and still nothing.. but never mind, i don't need them anymore because im retired from warcraft :S.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Sellenisko. :D
    How are you doing?
    Your models are really cool.
    hmm.. do you have any experience in editing already existent animations?
    Yeah sweetness, because I'm hoping for the dragon to be like the Hippogryph from the Night Elves side in which you use one unit and then the other then it transform into one unit. I will make it as well you can dismount the dragon and the dragon himself will have his own attack power and some with the Dragon Rider.
    Hope you are liking the idea man and I see you are on my Destruction of Azeroth album.
    Hey man do you mind making a Dragonmaw Grunt unit in your model style with the Dragon as well riderless?
    Greetings Sellenisko,
    I have observe your Models and its very good... really very good.. I decided to recruite you as our Modeler.... You are going to edit, animate, and bug fix Models for the project.... If possible we ask your little-little-little time for the project..... Though I do not expect that 100% of the time you would be working for this project... We will give you time to make it....
    Our goal is to make 100% Epic maps for people to enjoy anytime they want. If you are asking, "What would I do?" You would just simply provide us Models that needs to be edited, animated, and BUG fix in our projects to be used in the Project.
    If you have any more questions, please fell free to Private Message / Visitor Message me. You would not regret in joining this project.I tell you my friend... :) With your help it would be 100% Epic , 100% fun....

    For the Glory of the Hivest!!! :p

    Admiral Jack
    hey sellen can you send me a copy or link of the models you used in Savage of the gilneas i would like to use them for my wow map btw how are the aspects going?
    I'm ready for start any works after the Texture Contest. It's been a long time I never online. Sorry, mate. :(
    Nice :)
    Its alright if its not soon but as long as it will be released, its fine for me.
    Besides, those doodads look awesome.

    Also, just a quick question, what program do you use to make those?
    Hi Sellenisko,
    How are you doing?
    Have you finished the Deathwing model yet?
    Anyway, would you teach me to modeling? Because i cannot and i saw your models and they are excellent! I want to make cool models, too. So please tell me how to modeling in a pm. :D Thanks.
    hey can i have your permission to edit your NE artisan model for some private project? credits will be given ofc.
    Sry GoldenDeamon...i sead that cuz Sellenislo told me that you dont have trigerer so...but I now you are still working on it :)
    <span style="font-size: 15px">Hey man how you doin :)...anyways I need to ask you something wery important...since you project is down (Savage of Guilneas) can you give me the map resources and i will finish it pls...or if you plan to continue working on it can you only give me the resource map pack pls man pls...i cant stop looking at those pictures...100000 ideas are in my head if i only have all those models pls...thing of this and let me now :)</span>

    PS marko9
    Hi Sellenisko,
    How are you doing?
    Have you finished the Deathwing model yet?
    Anyway, would you teach me to modeling? Because i cannot and i saw your models and they are excellent! I want to make cool models, too. So please tell me how to modeling in a pm. :D Thanks.
    fine! :)
    you start to make a presentation and before you post it, you show it to me? And than we improve it together before we public the project :)
    Triggerer found?
    If not, we maybe should do a presentation with our concept + your unique models and my allready done terrain :)
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