• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Nahh, couldn't get a sponsor, sadly. Firm won't pay (naturally, that's many thousands of dollars for some coverage that won't bring in as much as it costs). But I get sent off to other events here and there. Going to England in a few days to some Dell stuff and probable will go to Gamescom.
    Ah sorry, no experience with it myself - but from my work as a games journalist, I pick up on the chatter about the various engines, and "word on the street" is that either Unreal or Unity is the way to go. Seeing as Unreal is the most well known, that'd probably be the one where it'd be easiest to get the help you need etc. They also have excellent deals for smalltime developers.

    But whatever you choose, just don't pick Source - It's archaic and very dificult to work with.
    Valves Souce engine is shit, skip that. It's old and nasty. Not very userfriendly at all. If you want an FPS-engine - choose Unreal!
    Been good. Finally in a steady job, though modding has sizzled out into nothingness more or less. Getting started with Sc2 was harder than I thought!

    What about you?
    Nisam igrao Obliviona već dugo vremena, a sad sam si kupio nov komp, a prvo budem igral malo Morrowinda. A kad ćem ga igrati, instalirujem ta mod, a ide mi na kurac da nema crossbow, spears i tako dalje >.< (oni modi ne izgledajo u pravo).

    I koje mode bi dao ti na listo recommended mods, kad ćem igrati oblivion?
    Vidio sam da postoji neki mod gde možeš da voziš brodove, ali imao sem nekoliko problema, u jednom momentu je nema više :S
    Dude, I haven't even touched the Editor in months. I'm just doing school, football, and a job so not really any time to dick around. You need to show me the Oblivion project some time. I got Oblivion on the computer a while back and I'd love to check it out and maybe give you some pointers or something. A fresh perspective on it might help. It is up to you, though. :)
    I was wondering, have you ever tried to Total conversion mod for oblivion called Nehrim-At fates Edge?
    it's awesome, sometimes a tad unclear however but you warned about that in the description, and even then i think that makes it even more interesting.
    Hey, i recently saw you had a mod for Oblivion oO I never knew xD downloading now and I'll let you know what i think ^^
    You know, I could help you advertise your cinematics by posting them all on youtube, which would no longer need users to download them and launch warcraft. However, it's up to you.
    Reputation (+2):
    (Post) Mass Effect all the way! Have you read the novels yet? I'm not sure what to expect from them.
    A čekaj čekaj brate i tebe da uvati to sranje sa faksom.. Ja sam ga već najebao, treća godina na faksu... hahahaha
    Hey CMarket! I just wanted to say that I've somehow avoided "The Clown of As'Latur" so I watched it the other day, and I must say ; That's amazing. I mean the camerawork is just brilliant, and the start or the intro is just perfect with music. I've gotta say you're one of the most talented Wc3 "Cinematic maker's" I've ever seen. Good job! I'm still hoping for a release of TLP3 though.
    ince it sounds like it's obvious, boarding ships, being able to buy them and so on. Because someone was able to do ships in morrowind and it ran actually quite good (unlike horse mod), I wonder if it's possible in oblivion too.
    Haha, might be a little suprised that im finally giving you an update but...

    We finally analyzed and recreate the naga sound effect. Was a bit tough, but I think we got it. Were gonna see how it works for your lines now
    Hey there CMarket, good to see you still kicking abouts, how are you mate?
    This year I barely had time to work on any WarcraftIII related things cause of RL and SCII ;).

    I doubt there will be anything WCIII related releases from my side of the plate.

    Perhaps I will have another look into some new cinematics, but SCII completely wiped my enthusiasm towards WCIII.
    Yeah, I visited that link, but, since I am not familar with the game, I didn't get much.
    Anyway, good luck with it :]

    I was wondering what the voice will be used for; is it for Oblivion or Warcraft?
    Interesting! What kind of modifications did you perform? Lore/scenery/music/gameplay/all of them? :)
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