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  • OM is in the making, sorta... It's really a tremendous amount of work for one man to finish it, but I'm trying.
    Oh, and hello :)
    I haven't taken any moderator-step right now. I'll try to change his mind first (about everything he's said).
    Depending on his reply, I'll take action. Thanks for the heads-up :)
    I have some real life problems right now.
    I saw pm but wasn't able to check it.
    I join now just to see messages like this one and to check mod lobby.

    Sorry mate.
    It would be nice to have someone who can hunt maps with errors :)
    Please upload at least 1 picture in map thread so I can link reason for rejection :)
    You, sir, are free to review any map you want.
    Just send me PM/VM with links so I can find them easily and reward you.
    Review was based on older map version I just copy it into new one, and older was rejected because of multiupload. :)
    Katatonia* (already have it), I'll check out Draconian - morning star though.
    I also like the old Anathema (when they were still doom, or at least had some doom influences), Xasthur, Godspeed You! Black Emperor (they're brilliant), Explosions in the Sky (idem), Mono (idem), oldschool Gothenburg, some black-/death metal (hypocrisy) etc.
    I didn't look at it at all, but I don't review on demand, I review what I want to review.
    I'll check the map, see if it's interesting enough in my opinion and maybe, maybe I'll review it.
    usually I ignore demands like this.

    And I'm not 'not social' because I "don't get outta the house much", I'm not social because I have a different perspective than most people and I enjoy being on my own, I love darkness: autumn is my favourite season, a rainy windless day with black thunderclouds is my favourite weather, I read English books about astrophysics, I look at everything as if it were art and I hate fancy/mainstream things.
    I find it hard to talk to people I barely know (on the internet / real life), as I don't have any interests in talking to them in the first place - however: my close friends are a completely different situation, as I love going out with them (to concerts, a café or whatever).
    So I think your judgement is way off the real situation.
    I haven't been inactive, if that's what you are referring to.
    I was merely acting behind the scenes (map moderation, mod's lobby, and I have done more reviews, most of those were maps which got rejected and thus you just never saw them).
    And even then, I don't post a lot... you probably know I'm not a social guy and don't feel inclined to post anything.

    I haven't seen you a lot either :X

    Oh yeah, I'm also working on something (Hack 'n Slash), it's very well possible that I never finish it anyway.
    And of course, there's life: I have to work from 8 to 16:30 every day (and it's a 30-minute ride to work).
    Well, at least I can say that for my end I been completely occupied this whole summer, and I am to do the stuff for the map I promised Robot as the first thing when I am done with the last exam.
    The funny fact is that I wasn't even looking at what the post said or where it belonged. I've just searched under all posts. :p
    Anyway, OM is closing to finish state. For example: Bosses: 3/5 (or maybe 6), new spells: 8/12, new items 30/only-god-knows-how-many.
    So yeap, we're getting there ^^
    I never said you had to be in there, it's just that the entire event is being monitored in that group xD
    I accept all the help I can get, so if you would like to join: I won't say no.
    Thanks :D I'd love it if you helped out ^^
    I didn't send you a message because you're not in the map reviewers group (I asked leadership of that group from bounty hunter2), and Cweener started it on another site (chat), where I usually am.
    The knockback bug...was it multiplayer?you sure?Never had it on multiplayer, anyways, i've once seen which dummy unit does this bug and checked which triggers use this dummy for knockback.Which only 4 does, completely harmless.If queen attacks, if sadar attacks, if Gyrote attacks, if spearmaster attacks....it has nothing to do with "unit enters" and it should be impossible....ill check again...but it might be to hard for me.

    I'll look into the warrior.(and the vanish->no upgrade bug, is old, just forgot to fix it(doh)).
    Yea, I know that luck can be a b****h, but the trick with that boss is that you must not stun or silence him, or else you will be blown away by his explosion. On the other hand, he can be tough if you don't have enough DPS in your team and that's possible in case you have too many tanks. Speaking of which, I have been asking people to send me those PMs with info about damage done so that no matter which combo you take you could still beat mobs up. Now, I'm not quite sure which one of those caused you problems (I guess it was just you stunning him all the time XD) but you know, as soon as I'm done with some stuff I'll post tactics for each boss and tips for mobs before them, but tnx for the info, I might do something about that guy... :)
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Tnx for rep, and here's the rep back. :) I would gladly hear what you have to say about the map and see if I can do something about it. :)
    That's fine they can look on this page that you have permission since it's my map,(now yours)
    I was working on it to i got tired of Anime.. I wil be sending it to you later but give credits to Flash_Kisame,not me
    yeah for sure hehe thx for accept invitation always like some feedback, and people playing my map ;D thx dude and continue
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