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  • You know, when you're bored you might want to check out this. If you scroll a few pages you can see some interesting questions and answers the people have asked me over the months.
    Those things have been taken care of but it was just a bug in the compleate campaign... I am now uploading the whole campaign free of all bugs
    Requesting your thread be closed is a valid reason to report.

    We should probably reword that to indicate so. :p
    I'm afraid that I do not have the proper powers to close that particular thread. Even if I were, a more effective solution would be to use the report post feature (
    Haha, well I disagree a lot with the way the hive conducts itself, and I have a really hectic 'real life', so unless I'm doing something lulzy I won't really be around here.

    You can find me at WC3C or HIVEChan, though.
    I have left, I'm just back for a super secret project.

    What's it to you if I'm here or not?
    Oh, no it's canceled I'm afraid, the campaign. There is no file for it. And the Ghoul's Tale one is canceled aswell. I won't be making any projects anymore, besides some for the contests.
    Well you should probably merge them, and take care for that in future posts. Ask Ghan aswell if you want. Thanks.
    I know that it needs lots of improvements, but I'm not getting back to that project since it's quite big misfortune and I don't want to spend my time hardly working on a 'map' that is not worth that.
    Thread Bumping

    "To bump a thread on an Internet forum is to post a reply to it purely in order to raise the thread's profile. This will typically return it to the top of the list of active threads." »Source and complete details here«

    1. Hive Workshop users are permitted to bump their own threads.
    2. Threads bumps must include new details and / or information, not just simply a word or vague comment.
    3. Threads cannot be bumped within 48 hours of the most recent post.
    4. Posts that violate these rules may be deleted by moderators without warning.
    5. Threads that consistently violate these rules may be closed after the author has been warned.
    I checked out what Ghan said, I'm not quite sure what did he meant. Anyway, nevermind then, I just know about the 48 hours bump.
    I am sorry, I've deleted that resource because of it's poor quality. I was planning to do it quite long time ago, but I couldn't bring meself to do that since noone complained about it's mistakes. However, thank you for your time.
    You double posted, and that is against the rules. However if you double post after 48 hours, that is considered bumping topics. Take a look at our rules. Thanks.
    I needed 10 seconds to understand that ;) but ty.

    Well, as we are making HoMM an RTS, we decided to make units individuals. All units from lvls 1-3 would be even, lvls 4-6 would be even and level 7 would be... even... with itself... :p. Basically, there are also attack advantages against other units. For example, the Pit Lord has a Piercing attack, so he's good against Light armour (although we are using old names from Warcraft, we're using only 3 attack and armour types and also changed them around so it's like a triangle with another triangle around it. If that doesn't make sense, maybe this will: There are different combinations of attack/armour types on different units, and not 2 units in the same race are the same).
    We are basing it off of HoMM 3 (as, in our opinions, it is the best one of the series ;D). I think it would be almost impossible to base it off all of them a bit, mainly because they are all different worlds and alignments change throughout the series. It would be cool to try and implement details from multiple series, but I think it would be much better to base it off just the one.

    To be honest, we haven't really worked that much on it lately :p. The mod isn't dead, but I've had quite a lot to do lately and hope to get back to it at some stage :p. Thx for the interest XD.
    I'm sorry, no, there is no date ATM for the HoMM test version. Oh, and BTW, the version won't even be Beta. Hell, it won't even be pre-Beta, although about 3 races will be complete by then (Oh, alright, I guess it would be a pre-Beta :p). There will be more beta releases later, and I would like to send one to you when it's done (Paku is another who we have in mind). There aren't going to be many people seeing this, as we don't feel ready to show many people what we have yet. By all means, play against some friends over the LAN or just check it out on Single Player, but try and keep its distribution to a minimum lol :).
    Well, I actually started working on Lone Panther 3. While it's still in early development it's at least started which means that it might be finished somewhere near the start of March or so.

    I would, however, really like it if you could watch the rest of the SotHM series. Not necessarily today or tomorrow, but soon. I'm sure you'll like it :)
    I thank you for watching my cinematics and I only hope that you'll watch them to the end. I'm sure you'll grow fond of the story + see improvement in terrain, dialogue, effects and everything really.

    The best is yet to come ^^
    Thanks for watching the Sect of the Holy Mother. Please note that I made the first 2 or 3 parts a long time ago, back when my English was iffy at best. I won't be improving those parts as I was advised to keep them as they are "to show my roots" but thanks for the comments nonetheless.

    I hope you continue watching the cinematics, as they get better and better at every turn.

    P.S. You don't have to tire yourself by writing such long comments because, as I said, I won't be improving those parts so your critique, although constructive and good, is wasted.
    Reputation (+3):
    (Post) (+3) Good observation on your first response. Thanks for contributing to this debate! :wink:
    oh yeah! Well, thanks for supporting me. You are one of the few who think of moral rights.
    hey! uhh this is gonna sound bad, but which mail? >.< i dont remember and i can't find the topic/forum to respond to =\. but anyways, WTF stands for what the f*ck

    lol sry i forget things xD can you give me a link?
    WoW story is irrelevant to Warcraft Lore. So no, it's an all new story.

    Naja'tar is the city of the Nagas in the middle/below the Maelstrom (The huge storm in the middle of the ocean)

    Wc4 was announced.. a couple months ago I believe. I know about the Walls not disappearing, there was no Death Animation so they stayed.

    Remember it's all in beta stages, and I can only play computer on weekends. Thanks for the bugs.
    Warcraft 5 was going to originally be Warcraft 4, with the return of the Burning Legion and the Journey to Naja'tar in the Maelstrom, I changed my mind to that and called it Warcraft 5 since Wc4 is already being announced. The campaign starts with Undead, then moves to Human (Under attack by Undead), Orc (Aids human), and Night Elf (Escapes to Naja'tar).

    Warcraft 2 is pretty much the Orc levels from Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness, they're alright, but the first mission is having trouble (Finding out how to make the 4 Farms/1 Barracks/4 Grunts Objective)
    It was rejected due to the idiots not knowing shit about Warcraft 2 terrain.
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