• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Yo, I saw a thread entitled "Is IcemanBo a Fair Mod?" and it seems he was banned from chat. Just curious, what did he do to get banned from chat? so I can prevent it.
    No, the models are perfect. Almost everything in it is great but the flight system could use some tweaks and the UI is default human. All it needs is a make over. Better preview screen, custom icons, remove selection circles, and a few adjustments to the flight system. The adjustments might be a speed control or a multiboard that reads height, speed, etc. Take your time. Check it out after exams. It could be a quick project with big interest. I think it would be fun and satisfying.

    I think I will go back and bring choplifter to life too. Do you have the most recent copy? I looked and all of mine were bugged except one that was a bit older. The flight system was fine but the missions weren't finished.
    This is out there too and the author gave permission to update it because he isn't going to. I think the Hive should have a Star Wars release because it is so big right now. We (any of us) should update this. It's pretty sweet but is still very rough around the edges. What do you think? Wanna give it a tune up with me? I'll make a star wars UI and all the Icons. It's pretty simple and kinda fun as is, but I think we could make it much better.

    May the force be with you.
    My recent thread i started on off topic, the thing about religion. I cannot post a reply. I think its moved to medivhs tower and i need special previledge to post there yes?
    Haha not really, I understand that you had free time , unlike me, got no time to even make a cinematic or fix my old nub submissions, I'll be active in the very soon future and I'll be releasing more stuff, looking forwards to getting moderation evaluations from you and other comrades.
    Hello icemanbro, how are u? I have an inquiry regarding the recent zephyr. Its in my post on the thread. Will this change anything?
    Yes, then I changed my mind not to upload it so I deleted it. Well, at least it's rejected now :p
    "Nach dieser Runde ist es aus und die Krone ziert mein Haupt"
    Naja, geklappt hats nicht. Vielleicht nächstes Mal.
    Hey Iceman! I'm pretty confident with the new loop structure. Please read below before reviewing it! D:

    I know we had a talk about it in chat, but I've thought long and hard about it, and the actions before checking the deindex are completely neccesary. Please look below for explanations before giving the spell a review to why I think they are completely needed before the deindex:
    [STABLE]Else - Actions
    -------- --------
    -------- saving roll location so we can run deindex conditions --------
    Set MS_dummyLoc = (Position of MS_meteorDummy[MS_indexCurrent])
    Set CP_Point = (MS_dummyLoc offset by MS_moveRate[MS_abilityLevel[MS_indexCurrent]] towards MS_meteorAngle[MS_indexCurrent] degrees)
    -------- --------
    -------- checking if user wants to destroy trees --------
    -------- i need to destroy trees before running the Check Walkability system because trees will consider the path ahead as "not pathable" --------
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    MS_DestroyTrees Equal to True
    Then - Actions
    -------- kill trees --------
    Else - Actions
    -------- do not kill trees --------
    -------- checking if path ahead is pathable for meteor --------
    Trigger - Run Check Walkability <gen> (ignoring conditions)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    CP_PointIsWalkable Equal to True
    Then - Actions
    Set MS_counterDistance[MS_indexCurrent] = (MS_counterDistance[MS_indexCurrent] + MS_moveRate[MS_abilityLevel[MS_indexCurrent]])
    Else - Actions
    Set MS_terrainHit[MS_indexCurrent] = True
    -------- checking if meteor has not hit terrain or still has distance to roll --------
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    MS_terrainHit[MS_indexCurrent] Equal to False
    MS_counterDistance[MS_indexCurrent] Less than or equal to MS_RollDistance[MS_abilityLevel[MS_indexCurrent]]
    Then - Actions
    -------- --------
    -------- actions --------
    -------- --------
    Else - Actions
    -------- --------
    -------- deindex --------
    -------- --------
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CP_Point)
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_MS_dummyLoc)
    It would be both useless and impossible to check for deindex conditions at the top of the loop because it is impossible for the spell to want to deindex in the middle of the first phase. The possibility of deindexing does not happen until phase 2 (rolling phase) since the only 2 deindex conditions are the distance rolled while on the ground or unpathable terrain.
    Thanks for reapproving Spreading Plague o: what kind of rating would you give it?

    Also, I'm a little confused with how to fix the global dummy issue you talk about in my holy spell?

    For the loop in meteor spell, I don't really know how to construct the loop that has 2 phases o:
    Hey, do you have any idea why this:
    call SetUnitTimeScale(udg_VM, -1)
    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_VM, 7)
    doesn't reverse my animation? And udg_VM is responding to everything; but this.
    They have all been updated with the new loop format as well as all suggestions users and yourself have given :) do you mind giving Electric Conduit a review as well?
    What do you want?!

    ̿ ̿ ̿ '̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
    Just a little toy. It takes a jpg or png, and makes all your blps for an icon set. Too easy.
    We could absolutely do that for funs sake I won't be available until Tuesday though..
    Really sorry I couldn't participate in the tournament. :( I ended up having relatives over so my whole Thanksgiving break was pretty packed! I'm glad you got it rolling though!
    Hey IcemanBo! I was hoping to see if a mod can review my updated spells?
    Spreading Plague
    Electric Conduit
    Volatile Light
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