• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Mechanical Man
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  • Haha no?? There must be an imposter on the loose. Certainly not мой наработки.
    Ne secam se, ali bilo je tad samo 2-3 mape mislim.
    Aight, I posted some bugs and other stuff I found out about when I played the old one, I'll keep playing the new one later today.

    It's good so far!
    Heh. Yes, I'm back into reviewing. I'm not diving all in yet, that habit caused me to slow down really quickly. *Gaining momentum*

    Izgleda zanimljivo, igrao sam ranije verzije. Necu moci da probam sad, jer imam novi komp, a na njemu nemam WCIII.
    No not because armies of exigo was hungarian i liked it because of its underground levels and because you could never know where your enemy strikes you be it above or underground.
    No, It will be on English. I studied English many yeras ago. But however Im often using translator. The only problem may be the grammar mistakes. At school the grammar was my scourge( But in principle, the essence will be clear.
    Yes. How did you find out? At the moment I'm doing a very long campaign.
    Don't understand why the netherlands don't just use tim krul, much better keeper.

    But we will take the Euro by storm, At least semi finals :D
    Well, that's OK. Since all you asked me about was grammar/spelling, I don't even really need to read/know/get the whole story in order to work on that (in fact, it can be helpful not to).

    Unless you want(ed) me to, I won't be editing for "story content"; simply grammatical usage (punctuation, spelling, etc).
    Ma sad svaka vukojebina ima internet. I gde 'leba nema ima internet, takav ti je 21 vek. :p
    Mislim na Gracanicu, Mitrovicu, Leposavic...
    Hahaha, nema interneta? Ma ima svasta u ovim vecim gradovima a ovamo kod nas na selu nema nista..
    You mean Conquest of an Island? I'm going to re-make it almost completely. Since it's quality was not up to par, but don't worry another Campaign I've been working on: Lordaeron's Legacy is almost finished, just need to finish the last mission, epilogue and get the game cache working.
    Oh, you want me to review that one too? I thought you were referring to the multiplayer map in the pending section.
    Well, if I get to the multiplayer one and I like it, I'll move on to the campaign, unless you want me to play the campaign first.
    You're referring to the Elves prologue right, not the Chronicles?
    I've never been a map moderator, but I did review maps. With school and my waning interest in Warcraft III, it's becoming much more difficult to do so.
    I don't think I'll have time to review it soon, but the fact that it's Godfall makes me a bit more eager to review your map than usual.
    I have promised Hebert09 a small review on his map Helm's Deep, and once I get past that I might consider your map.
    Essentially, if you want your map reviewed quickly, I'm not the guy to ask. But if you still want your map reviewed by me, then I might be able to find some time for it on a weekend. :)
    Thanks for the rep! :)

    P.S. I think I'll release an altered melee map of CrossCraft before working on the AIs and the campaign (no AI players, I suck at making sophisticated AIs)
    You just want me to look at the campaign you gave me? Or is there another version out? As for the story I still remember, it was a bit random in the way it was presented.

    First mission, clearing a village of undead that had rather fun mechanics actually.
    Second mission was the hectic defense of the town right? It felt like it came out of no where but I got it.
    Third mission, the siege of the undead castle was nice.
    Fourth mission, was the frozen hell right? Units died in the cold because of those witches. Nearing the end the mission was just got weird.

    I'll need to look at it again though.

    Grammar was actually pretty good most of the time from what I remember, just a few things here and there.
    Jesam (sa cheat), nasao sam ovaj put bastovana sa kljucem. Sad mi je tranzicija izmedju mape 3 i 4 jasnija.
    Hehe i'm not mad at you, i've just been sick this week and generally not very engaged in wc3. Sorry if i was a bit short. The new terrain looks much better! My only comment is that the obelisk should be tinted the same way as the rest of the scenery. It also bothers me slightly that the floor has a greenish hue while the walls are reddish, but that's not a big issue. How are things going otherwise?
    Welll, that's still ok, considering that all game text information (cinematic transcript, unit descriptions, etc) can be found written down somewhere (i.e. the WE files). If you can simply point out what/where exactly you want looked at, and send me the (map(s)) files, that could probably work.
    Hey, i do have access to Warcraft, i'll check it out. Your picture did not display though.
    Hey there!

    I'm gonna go ahead and say "yes", though to be honest I haven't opened Wc3/WE in many moons... Still, I enjoy proof-reading & can do it relatively fast. Of course, that is subject to whether I actually have to play the thing or wander around the WE file, or if you can provide me some text files. : )

    I can get pretty busy, but reading is do-able; whatcha got?
    next campaign will be Fall of the risen? :)
    :) no I think it would fall of the darkness :)
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