• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Ako zelis mogu da uradim print screen za prvu scenu da vidis o cemu pricam(mada cu najverovatnije izmeniti neke stvari tkd ako te zanima?) :)
    Ceo moj cinematic (recimo 70-80%) je costum modele i teksture,koristim UTM(ako znas sta je to) inace dosta costum modele importujem koji su rip iz WoW-a jer su HQ takva je i zamisao da bude sto realisticnije,lepse wc3 obicni modeli su zivo govno a nema problema ako mng zauzima bar meni nije :)
    Pa nesto u obliku pakla,istorija Lucifera i njegovih demona znam da ti zvuci mozda cudno (ne nisam antihrist samo da znam ahah :D)ali jos odavno mi je pala ideja samo je nikad nisam realizovao.Inace je moje reci "zanimanje" da citam o istoriji boga,andjela,djavola itd i dosta sam informisan tako da sada pravim svoju neku ideju o tome sta se izdesavalo pa mozda nekome bude i zanimljivo.Naravno sad se bas trudim da mi cinematic bude u full-u bez baggova i tako a imam ideju i za svoj sledeci projekat tako da videcemo sta ce ispasti iz svega ovog :)
    znam znam i za mishu ma drago mi je zapravo sto nas ima ovoliko mada nisam bas ocekivao :) kolko imas god brat?
    Ne znam stefane to je jos od pre godinu ipo dana kad sam pravio cinematic na starom kompu uzmi skini moj cinematic "Another Way to Die" i eksportuj model i teksture :)
    Did the polygons themselves disappear? If so I believe ye hit delete instead of detatch as new geoset.

    Either that or the geoset's new uv position was over a transparent part of the skin (thus appearing invisible)
    If you know how to disconnect sets of polygons as geosets and re-attach them, you can disconnect a piece, uv map it, click 'Project', stretch and skew where needed, close and re-attach.

    The only flaw with this method (the one I use for rather hard skins) is that the poly-count will increase, because if you weld the polies at the seams back to the original ones, it'll break the wrap.
    Download it from Hive. Test it and than tell me. Because here on Hive is pack i helped finishing. More models and finished and should be all working.
    Though my wrapping skills aren't the best, I can give ye a pointer or two if ye'd like!

    As for the request, I am still plagued by the problems that hit me before, so I can't start the model without corrupting it somehow.

    I hail from the withered and backwards land of America, land of the silliest of sods!
    Sure, good sir.

    I apologize about the delay for the requests, I've had a wild schedule lately.
    Oh that, it's quite simple. I will assume you already have already imported the texture into your model and wrapped it. If you have, you just click upload in the model section. It'll ask for a couple general information, basically actual Model, Portrait Model (Can be an alternate model instead of the portrait if you want.) ect. After all these pesky details, you go to the bottom of the page, agree to the hive submission rules. They are not long, so I suggest viewing them before you continue, since it saves you from a lot of future trouble.

    Then, you'll automatically will be linked forward to enable you to attach skins. That's about it. After all skins that are custom has been attached, you'll be done and the model will be uploaded.
    I'm currently working on three things - finding the textures to begin making the model (still can't find the belt) the A7V Tank, and further stylizing the French models of the 'Wrath of the Kaiser' project.

    If you can find the texture paths that the models use, I'll be able to get underway with the reconstruction of them immediately!
    It's not in a finished state to be released. It is very buggy and unfinished, so I'm afraid I can't do that.
    Im not really sure what that mean xd, may some sort of Point or Money is needed to download?
    Hayate, how about u make me a profile on that site, i'll give u username, email and password, cause the picture of the words changes.
    Holy gnad-balls on an open fire that model looks complicated, if I could figure out what pieces were used from where, I could reconstruct it.

    But the animations I'd not be able to do.
    Hi there, You asked about the model in the Screenshot on my album, Someone made this model on WcUnderground website, It's HoTS Tyrande's model on her panther.
    Well. People are people. And did you asked personaly Direfury if he will release it? It is a nice model, but it would be better if he release it. AS far as i remember, he was releasing many models not that long ago, maybe he will release these soon.
    Sometimes I do. But I dont have much time. But if your request interestt me really really enough I might do it. Well, you can ask anyway, in worst scenario I will just reject, in 50/50 I might think of it and in best I will do it. So...what is it?
    I do indeed, but some of the requests I've received I havn't been very qualified for.

    However, lets hear your request good sir, if its possible I'll see that it gets done!
    Sorry, it is nota model but a sketch made by photoedition (CnP).. ask some modeler to make it real... people kept thinking it was a real model e.e
    Oh Wait, You can Rotate The shield 90 degree, that way you no need to animate it
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