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    I just get annoyed when zerg rushing is disabled ;p
    well...In domination mode you can instantly rush to capture points :p (especially with undead)
    Well, that barracks training is just for testing.It will be much different.
    At the start every player gets a base (starting position), basic units and a veteran (leader)

    Humans:you send your veteran to a village to get some recruits (villagers), after the recruits finish the training (it's quite short) you chose their "mastery" (will it be a footman, archer,...).It is recommended to send that unit to a training ground (you will see it in 0.03) to improve battle experience.Human players also have an armory (tech structure) where you research stuff to upgrade your units (minor bonuses) and research stronger units.
    example research:you can train footman at start.In order to train a vanguard you must upgrade armor and "Loyalty".You also need to forge armor, sword etc. in order to begin the training.Every armory has an armor/sword/etc. stock.but wait!there's more!you need metal (iron) ore :D
    you get the ore from the village (AI will automatically send you ore and food)
    and even more!your units must eat something at least once a week (it's gonna be quite simple)
    no eat for 2 week=low moral, death
    same for water system.drink once a day or die :p (there will be floating text indicators)
    same goes for horses (village->train->arm->maintain)

    in short:send veteran to village->get recruit->train him->arm him->train him (battle exp)->maintain with food and water->wait for the enemy to come or attack others

    Undead:extremely simple:
    go to village->kill villagers->revive them->arm them (if needed)->keep your veteran close to them->attack or wait for the humans to rot :p

    I probably forgot something :p

    so yeah, no ZERG RUSHING
    rushing only in domination (capture) mode
    and of course, beware of diseases, bugs can f*ck up your whole army unless you have an
    well...the 0.02 I uploaded seems to be full of unexpected bugs :p
    in a week or so, I will release a 0.03 with many many MANY bug fixes and a nice fort :)
    guess who?:cgrin:

    does this look ok?(does it work fine, could it be done better, etc.)(in your damage modification trigger, the critical strike part)
    DMGS Get Critical
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    DamageEventType Equal to 0
    (Unit-type of DamageEventSource) Equal to Meat Wagon [6]
    Then - Actions
    Set DMGS_CriticalChance = 7.00
    Set DMGS_CriticalPercent = 1.75
    Else - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    DamageEventType Equal to 0
    (DamageEventSource has buff Undead ) Equal to True
    (DamageEventSource has buff Presence of Death ) Equal to False
    (DamageEventSource has buff Dullahan's Presence ) Equal to False
    Then - Actions
    Set DMGS_CriticalChance = 7.00
    Set DMGS_CriticalPercent = 1.75
    Else - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    DamageEventType Equal to 0
    (DamageEventSource has buff Undead ) Equal to True
    (DamageEventSource has buff Presence of Death ) Equal to True
    (DamageEventSource has buff Dullahan's Presence ) Equal to False
    Then - Actions
    Set DMGS_CriticalChance = 12.00
    Set DMGS_CriticalPercent = 1.75
    Else - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    DamageEventType Equal to 0
    (DamageEventSource has buff Undead ) Equal to True
    (DamageEventSource has buff Presence of Death ) Equal to False
    (DamageEventSource has buff Dullahan's Presence ) Equal to True
    Then - Actions
    Set DMGS_CriticalChance = 10.00
    Set DMGS_CriticalPercent = 2.00
    Else - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    DamageEventType Equal to 0
    (DamageEventSource has buff Undead ) Equal to True
    (DamageEventSource has buff Presence of Death ) Equal to True
    (DamageEventSource has buff Dullahan's Presence ) Equal to True
    Then - Actions
    Set DMGS_CriticalChance = 15.00
    Set DMGS_CriticalPercent = 2.00
    Else - Actions

    edit:for this one too :p
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    DamageEventType Equal to 0
    (Level of Battle Expirience New for DamageEventSource) Equal to 1
    Then - Actions
    Set DMGS_CriticalChance = 3.00
    Set DMGS_CriticalPercent = 1.60
    Else - Actions
    me again :D
    how to detect the moment when a unit finishes transforming?(Bear/Night Elf Form)
    I tried, and I failed :p
    who knows :p
    this seems to work (but doesn't support angle attack)
    Archery Target
    Game - DamageModifierEvent becomes Equal to 1.00
    DamageEventOverride Equal to False
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    (Unit-type of DamageEventSource) Equal to Archer [1]
    (Unit-type of DamageEventTarget) Equal to Archery Target
    Then - Actions
    Set DamageEventAmount = 0.00
    Unit - Set level of .Exp points for DamageEventSource to ((Integer((Real((Level of .Exp points for DamageEventSource))))) + 3)
    Else - Actions
    I need your help about that angled block :cgrin:
    According to this (part of the) trigger which is in "DMGS Get Block", when Archery target takes damage from archer, it will take 0 damage and Archer's .exp ability is leveled.It's not working for some reason :p
    target takes damage, archer doesn't level his ability=problem
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    DamageEventType Equal to 0
    (Unit-type of DamageEventTarget) Equal to Archery Target
    (Unit-type of DamageEventSource) Equal to Archer [1]
    Then - Actions
    Set TempLoc1 = (Position of DamageEventTarget)
    Set TempLoc2 = (Position of DamageEventSource)
    Set Facing = (Integer((Facing of DamageEventTarget)))
    Set tsSource = (Integer((Angle from TempLoc2 to TempLoc1)))
    Set Source = (tsSource + 180)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    Or - Any (Conditions) are true
    And - All (Conditions) are true
    (Facing - Source) Less than or equal to -25
    (Facing - Source) Greater than or equal to 25
    Then - Actions
    Set DMGS_Block = 300.00
    Unit - Set level of .Exp points for DamageEventSource to ((Integer((Real((Level of .Exp points for DamageEventSource))))) + 3)
    Else - Actions
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempLoc1)
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempLoc2)
    Else - Actions
    Ohk... I need to test if my multiboard system is mui.. There is no other way I cant test if it works. I tried the Jass Newgen Pack, it wrote can't find war3.exe when I ran the multisession.... Can you think where the problem might be?
    Hi I can't seem to make the kloader work can you help me? Some times it says cannot run more than one instance, some times it says unable to initialize some times a black window just opens and does nothing. Only 1 instance works
    Does this leak?if it does, how to fix it?

    Floating Text - Show (Last created floating text) for (Player group((Owner of DamageEventTarget)))
    Again, I deeply apologize for the spelling error; I really am. I'll fix it ASAP.

    Please don't get mad at me.
    About your reply to my leak trigger problem:

    Where exactly do I put your trigger fix?

    For each (Integer ZS_LoopInt) from 1 to ZS_OmniLoop[ZS_Level], do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    Set ZS_TempGroup1 = (Units within ZS_OmniRange[ZS_Level] of ZS_CasterLoc[ZS_CurrentIndex] matching ((((Matching unit) is A structure) Equal to False) and ((((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True) and ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of ZS_TempPlayer[ZS_CurrentIndex]) Equ
    Set ZS_TempUnit = (Random unit from ZS_TempGroup1)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    ZS_TempUnit Equal to No unit
    Then - Actions
    Else - Actions
    Animation - Change ZS_Caster[ZS_CurrentIndex]'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 50.00% transparency
    Animation - Change ZS_Caster[ZS_CurrentIndex]'s animation speed to 300.00% of its original speed
    Unit Group - Pick every unit in ZS_TempGroup1 and do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    Set ZS_PickedUnit[ZS_LoopInt] = (Picked unit)
    Set ZS_PickedUnitLoc[ZS_LoopInt] = (Position of ZS_PickedUnit[ZS_LoopInt])
    -------- Start of Omnislashing --------
    Set ZS_TempPoint2 = (ZS_PickedUnitLoc[ZS_LoopInt] offset by ((Real(ZS_LoopInt)) + ZS_JumpIncrement[ZS_Level]) towards (Angle from ZS_CasterLoc[ZS_CurrentIndex] to ZS_PickedUnitLoc[ZS_CurrentIndex]) degrees)
    Custom script: if IsPointJumpable(GetLocationX(udg_ZS_TempPoint2), GetLocationY(udg_ZS_TempPoint2)) then
    Custom script: call SetUnitX( udg_ZS_Caster[udg_ZS_CurrentIndex], GetLocationX(udg_ZS_PickedUnitLoc[udg_ZS_LoopInt]))
    Custom script: call SetUnitY( udg_ZS_Caster[udg_ZS_CurrentIndex], GetLocationY(udg_ZS_PickedUnitLoc[udg_ZS_LoopInt]))
    Animation - Play ZS_Caster[ZS_CurrentIndex]'s ZS_OmniAnim[ZS_Level] animation
    Unit - Cause ZS_Caster[ZS_CurrentIndex] to damage ZS_PickedUnit[ZS_LoopInt], dealing ZS_OmniDamage[ZS_Level] damage of attack type ZS_OmniAttType[ZS_Level] and damage type ZS_OmniDmgType[ZS_Level]
    Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the chest of ZS_PickedUnit[ZS_LoopInt] using ZS_OmniSfx[ZS_Level]
    Custom script: call Jump.start(udg_ZS_PickedUnit[udg_ZS_LoopInt], GetLocationX(udg_ZS_TempPoint2), GetLocationY(udg_ZS_TempPoint2), udg_ZS_JumpMaxZ[udg_ZS_Level], udg_ZS_JumpDuration[udg_ZS_Level], udg_ZS_JumpGravity[udg_ZS_Level])
    Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
    Custom script: endif
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ZS_PickedUnitLoc[udg_ZS_LoopInt])
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ZS_TempPoint2)
    Animation - Change ZS_Caster[ZS_CurrentIndex]'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency
    Animation - Change ZS_Caster[ZS_CurrentIndex]'s animation speed to 100.00% of its original speed
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ZS_TempPoint2)
    Custom script: set udg_ZS_TempPoint2 = null
    rulerofiron, when are you going to manage your spell workshop again? The spell workshops are getting mostly inactive or busy :(
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