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Zombie Assault Force (zaf)

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Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
Zombie Assault Force (ZAF) - Modern Warfare Zombie Survival 12 Players Bnet Game

A host bot called jk2pach-host4 hosts zaf on all realms 24/7, add jk2pach-host4 as a friend on BattleNet.
Join ZAF on Facebook and read the latest news and discussions!
Download the map here
Watch in HD

You might as well listen to the three official ZAF songs while reading the information: Night Tension Song, Combat Song and Action Song.
ZAF is a modern warfare zombie survival game in which 12 players fight against hordes of zombies over b.net. (A mode is going to include 6vs6 battles)

The game is supposed to be both challenging and fun. ZAF will have more than 10 waves of zombies including some boss fights. The time in the game moves on and each wave starts at the beginning of a night.

During night sight range decreases but thanks to Nightvision Goggles snipers can still do their job. There is a special system for street lights: Whenever your target is in a light you have a chance of doing a critical hit.

The enemy zombies have been designed to vary from each other. You will face both fast and slow zombies the slow being logically tougher and for example exploding zombies, jumping blood hounds and Meat Flingers that throw meat and zombies at you.

ZAF uses electronics and metal as resources that are needed to cast some class abilities. There is also an experience system for all weapons.

Armsdealer, Demolitions, Detachment Commander, Field Operations, Forward Observer, Medic, Pioneer, Sas Marine and Scientist. (More to come)
Each class has five unique abilities, the players have to work as a team if they are to survive. The level cap is 50 and there is a save load system to load your hero's experience from older games.

Armsdealer - Provides the team with ammunition.
Demolitions - Master of explosive skills.
Detachment Commander - A class specialized in commanding troops.
Field Operations - Scouter with radio skill to call for ground forces.
Forward Observer - Best class for scouting. Can call air support and uses flares.
Medic - Heals and revives fallen players. Cures infections and broken legs/arms.
Pioneer - Builds barricades and turrets for defence. Can also repair mechanical units.
Sas Marine - The basic soldier of ZAF for beginners.
Scientist - Has the most devastating weapon in the game, Ion Cannon. Can also build a mannable big gun turret and a radar that detects zombies.

Carbine, Chainsaw, Combat Knife, Flamethrower, Grenade,
Heavy Support Rifle
Machine Gun, Minigun, Rocket Launcher,
Semi Machine Gun
Shotgun, Sniper Rifle
Super Shotgun
All weapons are attached to the player when he picks it up. All weapons are unique. Shotgun has splash but low range and sniper has the highest attack range. All weapons slow the player's movement speed when carried. Weapons have different bullets. Each player can carry one weapon in hand and one weapon on back at a time.

You can get more experienced with weapons (5 levels) by using them.

A lot of things affect your accuracy. If you are infected or injured your accuracy is lower. Shooting near has a lower chance to miss than shooting far. While proning you have a better accuracy and when getting more experienced with the weapon your accuracy increases as well.

Jeep and Bus. Tank comes later.
Each vehicle uses fuel and can drive over zombies resulting in a knockback effect.

Players receive medals for being the best zombie killer during one wave. These medals are used to gain different bonuses like resources and reinforcements.

The map will have events that occur randomly. For instance the electricity might break down and you need to get to the electric power plant to fix it or there might come a helicopter and drop more ammunition for you. Another event is rescuable survivors who you can use against zombies after rescuing them. An A-10 Thunderbolt II might even fly over the area and bomb zombies.

Radiation affects the strenght of zombies. There are three different radiation types: Air, ground and water.

Air radiation can be reduced with a Scientist ability.

Water radiation is reduced by visiting a water plant in the region.

Ground radiation gets lower when you kill tentacles which btw have an ability to root you to the ground. Imagine a scenario where you are running away from zombies in the woods and you suddenly face a tentacle makes you unable to flee.

Your adrenaline increases as you fight zombies. Adrenaline can boost temporarily your movement speed.

JaakkoAA - Creator of ZAF
King-of_donkeys - Designer

There is no date for when ZAF is released but it is about 70% ready for first release. No matter have you played a zombie survival bnet game before or not you have to try this considering the fact that the map aims to be so much higher in quality than an average map.

What makes zombie survival games fun? Post your ideas and it might end up being in the game.

Screenshots inside the map:


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Level 10
Jul 6, 2007
Do you need good music? Like creepy music??? I can help with that... Meet John Constantine is a good one, i can chop it down and make it small without losing the quality so that might work. Resident evil theme song, moonlight sonata, music like that works well eh.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
The map will have a load system that allows most experienced players to choose their class before beginners. I have one song already so I don't think I need another one unless there is a really good song.

There will be a system that allows host to kick anybody easily at any time out of the game to encourage fair gameplay.
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Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
New screenshot of zaf countryside:

EDIT: Yes there will be optional quests. Like if the team can complete the first optional quest they will unlock a tank. They game has seven classes: Engineer, Scientist, Medic, Sas Marine, Armsdealer, Field Operations and Demolitions. All of these have five unique abilities and the players have to work as a team if they are to survive longer. I was also thinking each class could have its own mini quest so each player will also have a solo mini quest.
EDIT2: I updated and will update the first post so check it for new cool information about the game.

New screenshot again. I like this one and could use it in a cinematic.
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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Well what kind of zombie game will it be? Are 12 players going to be owning zombies or just barely surviving them? If it's the first one, I'd say try to look for some nice metal songs. If it's the latter, I'd still look into metal. Get what I mean?
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
Well what kind of zombie game will it be? Are 12 players going to be owning zombies or just barely surviving them? If it's the first one, I'd say try to look for some nice metal songs. If it's the latter, I'd still look into metal. Get what I mean?
Well it will depend much on the difficulty but anyway there will be a lot of zombies. There are easy, normal and hard modes at the moment.

Here is a new screenshot from the game. This ogre named Havoc is one of the strongest zombies with an AoE knockback attack.
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Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
I suggest a mode in which one team gets to control special zombie types while the other team tries to survive and then the roles switch, like in versus mode of left4dead.
Yea. I will do modes after I have finished most of the main waves. I think that would be 6v6 then. Because the map size is 256x256 it could be little hard for the zombie team to find the players, I guess there should be some kind of tracking ability for player zombies.

Other modes I think could be fun are 6v6 capture the flag, 6v6 king of the hill (controlling random areas) and FFA where there is an item you need to carry to get points while others try to hunt you down.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Nice trailer. Looks cool. Just a question. You say (and show) vehicles on the map, and say they use fuel. Is there a way to refuel a vehicles gas tank?
As a follow-up thought, you could use gas stations to refuel vehicles, but blow up when killed or after some event or something (if you havn't though of that already).
I can't wait for the release, or even a demo.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
You say (and show) vehicles on the map, and say they use fuel. Is there a way to refuel a vehicles gas tank?
As a follow-up thought, you could use gas stations to refuel vehicles, but blow up when killed or after some event or something (if you havn't though of that already).
Yes there is a fuel station. Fuel items can be used to refuel vehicles.
the minute-long intro with no pictures of the game was unnecessary.
Actually it took 37 seconds and as far as I'm concerned 37 seconds is not a long time. Besides I think the beginning looks good and the beginning is something I haven't seen on any other wc3 video. I wanted to make a little bit something different like something a movie trailer could be.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
This map sounds awesome.
The screenshots are nice, and the city also great as well.
I can't wait the beta release, I have to test this map big-time.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
I have just succesfully finished a new system. It's an experience system for machine guns, snipers, shotguns, pistols and flamethrowers. One class for each ammo type. The weapons have 5 levels each and the level affects accuracy and possibly some other things in the future. The better the skill with flamethrower the more fuel the player is able to spare when attacking. Most time-consuming part was creating a multiboard with experience bars. But well I did this during this one day but lol I had been just lacking a little motivation to do it before.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
I want test this map also :p
Well easiest way would be to join clan zaf at northrend realm. Since the map is not ready yet only requirement is that the map is not given to non-testers.
Will this be playable for 1 player?
1 player can play it but it would be really hard unless I balance it for one player. The game is meant for max 12 players and it will be most fun with other players.
Level 7
Dec 19, 2008
Ahh.. i can't play on battle net, only garena...

I think there is no testers (except me) on garena :(

Well... i can test map in singleplayer!

Some usefull cheats can help for testing exploits(bugs) on map...( it is like debug mode)

PS: Testers must test game on everything, but don't enjoy game itself...
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
I might answer the question for Jaakko:

There are 2 cameras available. The first (standard camera) is the normal wc3 camera with no special zoom out's/in's
The second camera is a fps (first person sight) camera, which enables you to see from a THIRD person perspective ^_^

Bot cameras are accessable with:

-cam (normal wc3 one)
-cam2 (fps one)
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
The game is meant to be played with the normal camera except the camera distance is greater than in normal warcraft 3 camera. I made a 3rd person view camera for fun but it is a lot harder to play that way.
The game is meant to be played with the normal camera except the camera distance is greater than in normal warcraft 3 camera. I made a 3rd person view camera for fun but it is a lot harder to play that way.

If the the Distance is a problem, just add a strong fog that doesn't go far. When you turn on the First camera shooter you will see only dark in the distance + disable the sky :D
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