I think... Practically everything is wrong in this terrain. I'm sorry.
Where to start? You should zoom out, the camera is far too close to the ground and
the doodads, that unit (with stretched textures) covers nearly a third of the terrain,
I'd remove it. The sky (blue) doesn't fit with the fog (green), which should always
be the case in scenic terrain, it just looks... Wrong if it doesn't.
You should also consider picking your doodads more carefully, too much doodad
variation is rarely a good thing. For every terrain, you should pick a couple doodads,
and then device your own "eco-system" around those doodads, think nature, "how can
I make these plants seem as natural as possible in this scene". Basically, you should
bunch them together more, currently they're too scattered, it really looks like you just
took a handful of doodads and threw them out at random. Nature is chaos, true, but it's
intelligent chaos, and so there is a kind of order to it that seems chaotic at first glance.
Tinting is also something you should do better, the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) tinting tool
is something you should use to dampen and vary the extreme texture contrasts. Too
much contrast is rarely a good thing. Other than what I've just told you, if you
want to get better at scenic terrains, I recommend reading and practising with the
tutorials in this thread: