I feel sorry for non-famous classes such as Warrior, Druid, etc...
I think they got potential too, don't you think ?
Especially Druid, swarm you with their Mana Crystal.
I think Druid has some pretty sweet potential. I wouldn't say they are OP, but they have strengths--especially with innervate. If you time it well, you can get a really strong unit really early, and it can get serious momentum.
The drawback for druids, IMO, is that they don't have a serious insta-kill. They have neutralize, which is awesome--but it gives the other player 2 cards which is sometimes more valuable than the unit killed.
As far as OPness, I think the strongest combo is force of nature + savage roar. It is 12 damage + 2 damage from hero, and +2 damage for all other units. If you have enough units (even if they are weak), it can be 20+ damage.
As for warrior, yeah they lost a bit of strength after the charge nerfs. They are a good longevity class, and they can work really well with grom and enrage units. IMO, their most valuable card is
Frothing Berserker. I literally had the shittiest deck in arena, but I had two of these guys and they started getting 13+ attack. I've seen some interesting tactics with an armorsmith + shield bash too. I saw someone get ~15 armor and gib the enemy.
However, what I wanted to bring up is "Archmage Antonidas". Got him in the Arena Yesterday as Mage. The Deck in this run was crap, but thanks to Archmage I was able to win twice anyways. And really, It was worst deck I ever had.
This Card is insane. It costs 7, granted, but the effect is just woah. It can allow a mage to toast the enemy hero fast as hell as long as he has some magic (Secrets count). The Archmage states that as long as he is on the field, each time you activate a spell, he gives you fireball. Also, activating one of the fireballs also counts as a spell of course, giving you another one. If The enemy cannot kill Archmage within the first turn he appears, he is done for. Having Archmage and 2 1-cost spells means 2 Fireballs out of thin air , that spawn an infinite Number of Fireballs. In the first Turn he's there...After that: 12 Damage each turn. Insane. Oh also, "the coin" counts as a spell and gives you a fireball.
I have yet to get him, but he is a pretty insane legendary. If you leave him up for more than a turn w/o silencing, you'll usually end up losing to the mage. Imagine if the enemy had that gnome sorcerer apprentice or w/e. 9 mana for 3 fireballs. Insane. I really want to get him in an arena deck.
Talavaj said:
Mages synergize just as well with Alexstrasza and they don't have to mess around with molten giants that may run into taunts but nuke the enemy directly. Alexstrasza, 2x fireball and 1x frostbolt = 30 flat damage to the enemy in two turns ignoring his entire board.
Yeah, but it is always difficult to rely on getting one card. All the times I've seen Alexstrasza played, it was either to heal up to 15 or to drop someone just a few points to 15 (since it is such a late card--9 mana). I think I'd rather go with Antonidas or Malygos.