I'm glad this topic was opened. I'm an avid wc3 cinematic watcher.
Wc3 - The Making. It was alright, but some scenery jokes were too long to the point it was no longer funny. (like the jurassic park one for example)
Shipwrecked - I didn't like it that much as the rest because some of the chapters made me sleep... and the characters didn't even have names... Captain? Lol?... My favourite shipwrecked chapter was the last one for the great actions and the voice acting was average at best.
Cult of the Damned - Voice acting a little above average, good story, good usage of camera techniques (The ghost parts were unbelievably good) my only complaint is the usage of the villager model for the main character, when the camera zoomed to him, he looked funny. Warcraft 3 cartoonish style are not really made for dramatic stories...
Creature of the Night - I didn't have the chance to watch it all, but it started out quite good.
The Voyage - The guy who worked on "Kingdom of Kaliron ORPG" and other previous works like Cinematic Tri-X. I think he's the first person to impress me with his terraining skills. The story is not so good, but music from the final fantasy and chrono trigger series were featured... Not to mention the terrain excelled for its time (2003 and 2004). He only made two parts and I wished he made more... Too bad... It would have been a classic adventure.
The funniest cinematics were by Teal, who made Undead Invasion and the snow theme map, I forgot the name... The snow map was hilarious, with some funny references to Matrix, alright voice acting, his cinematics make me laugh.
Second funniest would be the Tournament Series by King Klear. A really light hearted series, I wish he made more.
I believe infrane made some good cinematics too, but I don't remember the names of them.