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Yet additional Triggering Problems

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Level 2
Jan 15, 2010
Sorry for the messed up triggers. I just don't know how to write them in the site well. I'm a newbie. Hopefully you can understand them.

  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Uses an item
    • Conditions
    • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Rod of Necro...
    • Actions
    • Unit - Change ownership of (Summoned unit) to Neutral Passive
    • Unit - Order (Summoned unit) to Attack (Triggering unit)
There's this pile of corpses, from which I can raise corpses with

the Rod. I want the raised units to turn into the neutral side and

attack the user of the Rod. However, this trigger won't do it.

Where did I go wrong?

2. I need to explain the following trigger (or should I say

triggers. There are 2) before I present it. There's a field with

lots of trees. In that atmosphere there's a task. You must

ressurect a single dead tree. If you do so, there's a unit called

"Nature Keeper" who will then destroy a gate for you to progress.

However, if you destroy a single tree, he will kill you

  • The Good Result
    • Events
    • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • ((Last created destructive) is dead) Equal to False
    • Actions
    • Unit - Order Nature Keeper 0010 <gen> to Move To (Center
  • of Open Door <gen>
    • Animation - Play Nature Keeper 0010 <gen>'s attack
  • animation
    • Wait 1.50 seconds
    • Destructive - Kill Icy Gate (Vertical) 0434 <gen>
I have a feeling I need to choose a different Condition, yet I

don't know which to use. I don't even know if the rest of the

trigger is correct.

  • The Bad Result
    • Events
    • Destructive - A destructive within The Tree Area <gen>
  • dies
    • Actions
    • Unit - Order Nature Keeper 0010 <gen> to Attack Escaper
  • 0000 <gen>
    • Sound - Play KeeperOfTheGroveYesAttack3 <gen> at 100%
  • volume, attached to Nature Keeper 0010 <gen>
The Actions are working fine. The problem is that it take a few

trees to die so the Actions will occoure. I use an Area of Effect

spell to kill a tree just so you know.

3. I want to make a critter cage. It doesn't work. I want multiple

types of units not to cross a specific Region.

  • Events
    • Unit - a unit enters Critter Cage 1 <gen>
    • Unit - a unit enters Critter Cage 1 b <gen>
    • Conditions
    • I don't know which condition to use Equal to True
    • Actions
    • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Move To (Random point in
  • Critter Prison <gen>)

Help will be highly appreciated! I won't appreciate with just words, but with reputation too! :)
1) You actually need a Raise Dead detection system to change the ownership properly. I'd do this:
  • Trigger1
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit uses an item
  • Conditions
    • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Rod of Necromancy
  • Actions
    • Set Point1 = (Position of (Triggering unit))
    • Unit - Create 1 dummy for (Neutral Passive) at Point1 facing default building degrees
    • Unit - Add Raise Dead (dummy) to (Last created unit)
    • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Undead Necromancer - Raise Dead
    • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Point1)
2) Currently, there is no default way to detect what unit killed which destructible. Simply add a Harvest ability and change the Data - Damage dealt to Tree to an amount that any tree will die once you hit it, so use 99999. Then, use
  • Trigger
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit is issued an order targeting an object
  • Conditions
    • (Issued order) Equal to (order(smart))
  • Actions
    • Set Destructible = (Target destructible of issued order)
  • Trigger2
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit starts the effect of an ability
  • Conditions
    • (Ability being cast) Equal to Harvest
  • Actions
    • Wait 0.10 seconds
    • If (All conditions are true) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
      • If - Conditions
        • (Destructible is dead) Equal to True //Boolean Comparison
      • Then - Actions
        • //Actions
      • Else - Actions
        • Destructible - Open Gate
The above trigger is not MUI. If you want a MUI version, let me know.

3) Choose Unit-type comparison
  • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Not Equal to Critter
Level 2
Jan 15, 2010
1) You actually need a Raise Dead detection system to change the ownership properly. I'd do this:
  • Trigger1
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit uses an item
  • Conditions
    • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Rod of Necromancy
  • Actions
    • Set Point1 = (Position of (Triggering unit))
    • Unit - Create 1 dummy for (Neutral Passive) at Point1 facing default building degrees
    • Unit - Add Raise Dead (dummy) to (Last created unit)
    • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Undead Necromancer - Raise Dead
    • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Point1)
2) Currently, there is no default way to detect what unit killed which destructible. Simply add a Harvest ability and change the Data - Damage dealt to Tree to an amount that any tree will die once you hit it, so use 99999. Then, use
  • Trigger
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit is issued an order targeting an object
  • Conditions
    • (Issued order) Equal to (order(smart))
  • Actions
    • Set Destructible = (Target destructible of issued order)
  • Trigger2
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit starts the effect of an ability
  • Conditions
    • (Ability being cast) Equal to Harvest
  • Actions
    • Wait 0.10 seconds
    • If (All conditions are true) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
      • If - Conditions
        • (Destructible is dead) Equal to True //Boolean Comparison
      • Then - Actions
        • //Actions
      • Else - Actions
        • Destructible - Open Gate
The above trigger is not MUI. If you want a MUI version, let me know.

3) Choose Unit-type comparison
  • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Not Equal to Critter

Gee, thanks! Even though I don't know what to do in my 2nd problem, I have my 1st and last done thanks to you! :grin:

About the 2nd problem.. it's hard for me to understand it. Which is the "bad" trigger and which is the "good"? Sorry for the misunderstanding. :sad:

By the way, why when you, in the last trigger, make a condition saying that the unit is not equal to a critter and doesn't work if I say the unit IS a critter?
Level 2
Jan 15, 2010
Ok, I'll forget about the 2nd trigger for now! Thanks alot for your help! Highly appreciated! :gg:

I can't add Reputation because I already added one point for you, and I need to spread some more reputation to other people if I want to add one to you again.
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