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X Form Spell Issues

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Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
I've got a Druid hero who I want to give multiple forms to.

I first tried putting all the forms into a spellbook, then making the spell book level up and add one new form each level, which is the way I wanted it and the simplest way I could see to do it.

I based them all off of bear form and changed the order string. But orderstrings are fickle and I have no idea how they work. I don't get why some spells don't need spellIDs and some do, and why they're even important.

A problem with them was that they'd last 3 seconds, and the druid would barely change forms, or change forms funny. Not sure why.

I gave the 5 forms avatar, avenger, raven, bird, and robogoblin ID strings, but they'd still cross over and activate the wrong spell. So I figured the base spell is what determines the spell activation. But there's not 5 forms of transformation.

Alright so here's what I'm wondering:
Is there some way to do this with triggers or JASS? It seems really complex to do in triggers though. Not something I would be able to do. If someone knows how could you assist me for some +rep?

Also, how does the transformations corelate with the base unit? Can hero cross over to normal unit? Vice versa? If the transformation animal has a higher stat base and higher stat growth, is that applied? And are certain skills restricted? How do the hero skills differ if I was to change them from the base to the transformation?

Thanks for your help, this is a lot to answer :3
Level 5
May 27, 2007
ofc there are five transform spell (Metamorphosis; Bear Form ; Raven Form ; Robogoblin and Avatar) Use each spell for unique form
Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
Sorry, not so. Two of those Transform spells act differently then Three of the others. The avatar, metamorphasis, and robo-goblin are the same, giving the unit their alternate flag, while boosting the units hitpoints and changing the base unit. However, each of those have a time limit before it reverts back.

Raven and Bear form have no time limit, which is what I am working for. They're just an alternate form you can transform in to.

I'm surprised no one has any idea how to do this, or how these things work.
Level 5
May 27, 2007
just like just_specatting said set the duration to 0! or if it doesnt work try to do it wtih triggers replacing the unit with new one
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
You could create a set of dummy abilities (one for each form), which run a trigger.
The trigger adds the one form ability you want to use (they can all be based on the same ability) and order the unit to use it. Then remove it after the unit changes back.
Well, this could also crash the whole game, someone has to try it out.
Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
Alright, I tried these and unfortunately had some big issues. The hero's graphic didn't change when he used the skill, his skills changed to the skills of the alternate form though, and I did fill out every alternate form box appropriately. Only the actual bear and raven forms removed the other form's buttons, as well. So there was a serious overcrowding of buttons in their alternate form, and when you changed from one form to another without going back to druid, the buttons would revert to druid form as well as their selected animal form.

I know it works when only one button is on the druid. I was certain what was suggested would work, though.

Iunno, maybe what I'm attempting is way beyond my skills. I wish I knew what to do.

Mort has a plausible suggestion, but I'm not entirely sure what he's suggesting.
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
I just tested out this:
I have one main unit, with four dummy abilities. Then i have four BearForm-based abilities, and one unit for each form, which the BearForm ability (set as alternate).
When the main unit activates any of the dummy abilities, a triger adds it the BearForm ability and orders the unit to use it.
Only issue is that upon returing to the main unit form the death animation is played (just the animation, the unit is alive and the anim is reset when it moves or casts)
I attached my test map


  • Druid 4ms.w3x
    18 KB · Views: 62
Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
I took a look and tried it out. It's pretty good, and takes me several steps closer to getting this skill to work. Only problem with it now is after converting it to be a skill for a hero to use, it had several bugs.

Biggest bug is that the death animation makes it unusable, and I'm not entirely sure what's causing it to do that animation. In a RP combat map, it'd be far too noticable.

That was a problem before it converted though. After the conversion I had an issue of how do I cause the skills not to show when it reverts, and reapper when the hero reverts back.

I decided to use the Attribute Bonus as a dummy hero skill. The hero levels up the dummy Attribute Bonus skill related to his prefered form, and he's given the animal form button and the attribute bonus but stays hidden.

He can then use the button and revert to his preferred form with a handful of button space. Which would allow the forms to learn multiple skills specific to their animal.

Only problem is, when he reverts back the button dissappears since it's a form reset. I've tried setting up a trigger to input the button and it's skill level when he returns to his form, but it doesn't work.

Not to mention, if he levels up a skill in his alternate form, he can then use it in his alternate form for the duration he's in it.

So far these are the only 3 bugs that I'm currently having issues with in the skill.

Here's the updated version of the map attached. If you can help me figure it out, more rep and full credits upon implementation into the map. Every time I add a new skill to the VD&D map, I update it on the front page, people DL and play it, and viola. So you'll be able to see your name in the credits instantly once the skill is addable.

Even if you can't do it, I do appreciate your efforts. You went the step forward to help me without my asking, which is pretty cool.


  • Druid 4ms.w3x
    24 KB · Views: 44
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Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
I think the only real problem here is the revert trigger. I think it may have some problem with "(Casting unit)", because the unit is already replaced while the trigger is running. Once the revert trigger works, it should activate only when the unit reverts (your actual trigger activates even when unit changes to the alternate form), and return ALL of the dummy abilities (based on the AttributeBonus-abilities) to the hero.
Then the Learn triggers will only have to activate when the hero is in the main form (if he is in alternate, he will get the dummy when he reverts, so he won't get any dummy abilities while in another form)
I will look at it on Sunday(GMT), i won't have time till then.
Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
Alright, in the mean time I'll see what fixes I can come up with. I was aware that the unit changing would likely conflict. While doing Form 1 back to Base Form, the Casting Unit refers to Form 1 when the unit I want it applied to is the Base Form.

Problem is, what Event Response - Unit do I choose to apply it to the base form?

As well, one thing I've yet to figure out in triggers, when a hero levels up a specific skill, how do you make it level up another skill? Like the hero puts a point in Attribute Bonus - Panda and it raises his Panda Form Dummy skill. How do you make it do that?

Those answers would solve two problems. The last two problems are how to prevent the Death Animation and how to avoid giving the leveled up skill to his current Form and instead give it only to the Base Form. I'm sure figuring out the first probelm would lead to an answer to this.
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
The problem really was the Casting Unit, it referred to the unit right before transformation. I fixed that by Waiting 0.05 sec, while saving the Casting unit to a variable, for the Event Response functions doesn't work after waiting. Also, i used arrays so that all forms are managed by three triggers (Learn, Trasnform, Revert).
I also fixed the animation (well, improved at least), so it is cut just after it starts.


  • Druid 4ms.w3x
    24.3 KB · Views: 57
Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
Thanks M0RT ::D: I'm quiet grateful and sorry I couldn't do more with it before you got to it.

I transfered it to my map, and it's having some issues, so I'm gonna do my best to figure it out. I'm a little worried that the variables might stop it from being multi-instancable, but I haven't tested it yet to find out if they do.

I haven't looked over the trigger too much, just mainly surveyed it in the transfer process while changing all the data. I'll be looking it over closer as I go. However, I've added you to the Special Thanks on the top of the Map Quests already. Typically I just put people in the credits command.
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