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Hero Druid Transform Malfunction

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Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
I am creating a druid hero that can transform into a panther (hero) and bear (hero):nemor:. The transformation is fine if i go from druid -> bear -> druid or druid -> panther -> druid however, if i go from druid -> bear -> panther -> druid or vice versa, it gets bugged and he cant change back into a normal druid. Help please!!

P.S. For the bear transform spell, normal form unit is druid, alternate is bear
For the panther transform spell, normal form unit is druid, alternate is bear This spell is being created in object editor/abilities
Level 3
Dec 14, 2008
you probably need to show what the spells looks like your using for the transformation for anyone to fix it becuase im not sure where the problem is without seeing the spells
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
I found following solution(maybe not the best one, but it works):
I used four abilities:
Base ability normal form -> alternate form
A: (Bear form based) Druid -> Bear
B: (Bear form based) Bear -> Panther
C: (Crow form based) Druid -> Panther
D: (Crow form based) Panther -> Bear

Then i created 3 units, each with 2 abilities:
Druid with A and C
Panther with B and C
Bear with A and D
(as you can see, each unit has one crow-based and one bear-based ability, so they will work together.)
Level 12
Aug 22, 2008
Note the following things:
Druid has dependency equivalents:
Druid -- Bear, Panther
Bear -- Druid
Panther -- Druid

Don't make the Druid able to morph into a bear from a panther, or the other way, because as you said it will get bugged.
The spell is made in a Turn on- Turn off way. If you turn panther on and then turn bear on what will happen? -That's right, a bug.

You might trigger your abilities, otherwise you simply get more and more confused. Tell me if you need help triggering, I'll be happy to help.
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
My solution works even switching from bear to panther. I forgot to mention the dependency equivalents, although i would add BOTH other forms for each of the units.
If you look at my previous post, you will see, that switching between bear and panther is done by 2 different abilities. The one that panther has says, that panther is alternate and bear normal, the one that bear has says the bear is alternate and panther normal. So, in short, this two abilities ensure that the hero stays marked as ALternate while switching from bear to panther (and the other way)

Anyway, if this doesn't work, which it does, you can use this system i designed together with Titanhex some time ago. It had 4 different forms for druid, each of them leveled, completely triggered, allowing to switch from any form to any other. But i recommend the system i posted before
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