Still missing:
- Update FontConverter
- Add ".appendImage()" method
- Write documentation
- Minor optimization
- For future versions: add dynamic fields which can be changed without having to rebuild the whole TextSplat.
- €: i think i forgot the destructor ^_°
Font (generated):
- Update FontConverter
- Add ".appendImage()" method
- Write documentation
- Minor optimization
- For future versions: add dynamic fields which can be changed without having to rebuild the whole TextSplat.
- €: i think i forgot the destructor ^_°
package TextSplat
import TextSplatConfig
import Char
constant int DISABLE_COLOR_ALPHA = -1
constant real DISABLE_MAX_WIDTH = 1.*'Peng'+'uins'
public class TextSplat
private vec2 pos // absolute world coordinates
private vec2 dimensions // bottom right corner in world coordinates
private vec2 cursor // absolute world coordinates
private real maxWidth // absolute world x-coordinate
private ImageList images
private Layer layer
private real fontSize // in world coordinates
/** Creates a TextSplat at specified position with the specified fontSize (in world coordinates). */
construct(vec2 pos, real fontSize)
this.pos = pos
this.fontSize = fontSize
images = new ImageList()
layer = Layer.L1
cursor = vec2(pos.y, pos.y - fontSize)
dimensions = pos
/** Defines a maximum width after which a line break will be inserted. */
function setMaxWidth(real maxWidth)
this.maxWidth = pos.x + maxWidth
/** Disables a previously set maximum width. */
function disableMaxWidth()
this.maxWidth = DISABLE_MAX_WIDTH
/** Returns the dimensions (width, height) of the whole TextSplat. */
function getDimensions() returns vec2
return vec2(dimensions.x - pos.x, pos.y - dimensions.y)
/** Clears the current text, if any, and displays the specified text. */
function setText(string text)
/** Appends the specified text at the current cursor position. */
function append(string text)
append(text, colorA(0, 0, 0, DISABLE_COLOR_ALPHA))
/** Appends the specified text at the current cursor position and colorizes it .*/
function append(string text, colorA col)
char c
real charWidth
for n = 0 to text.length()-1
c = char(text.charAt(n))
charWidth = fontSize * getFontWidth(c) / getFontResolution() // optimize: write fraction to array instead of width
if cursor.x + charWidth > maxWidth
if c != char(' ')
let img = CreateImage(getFontPath(c), fontSize, fontSize, 0, cursor.x, cursor.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, layer castTo int + 1)
if col.alpha != DISABLE_COLOR_ALPHA
cursor.x += charWidth
/** Inserts a line break. */
function newline()
cursor.x = pos.x
cursor.y -= fontSize * getFontHeight() / getFontResolution()
/** Moves the cursor horizontally. */
function hspace(real width)
cursor.x += width
/** Moves the cursor vertically. */
function vspace(real height)
cursor.y -= height
/** Sets the cursor x position (relative to the TextSplat position). */
function setCursorX(real x)
cursor.x = pos.x + x
/** Sets the cursor y position (relative to the TextSplat position). */
function setCursorY(real y)
cursor.y = pos.y - y
/** Returns the cursors position (relative to the TextSplat position). */
function getCursor() returns vec2
return vec2(cursor.x - pos.x, pos.y - cursor.y)
/** Clears this TextSplat and removes all its images. */
function clear()
cursor = vec2(pos.y, pos.y - fontSize)
dimensions = pos
private function updateDimX()
if cursor.x > dimensions.x
dimensions.x = cursor.x
private function updateDimY()
if cursor.y < dimensions.y
dimensions.y = cursor.y
class ImageListEntry
image img
ImageListEntry prev
construct(image img, ImageListEntry prev)
this.img = img
this.prev = prev
class ImageList
ImageListEntry last
last = null
function add(image i)
last = new ImageListEntry(i, last)
/** Removes all images from the list AND destroys them. */
function eraseAll()
var e = last
while e != null
destroy e
e = e.prev
last = null
function iterator() returns ImageListIterator
return new ImageListIterator(this)
class ImageListIterator
ImageListEntry current
construct(ImageList parent)
current = parent.last
function hasNext() returns boolean
return current != null
function next() returns image
let tmp = current
current = current.prev
return tmp.img
function close()
destroy this
Font (generated):
package FontArial
import Char
constant int FONT_HEIGHT = 56
constant int FONT_RESOLUTION = 64
string array paths
int array widths
public function getFontHeight() returns int
public function getFontResolution() returns int
public function getFontPath(char c) returns string
return paths[c.toInt()]
public function getFontWidth(char c) returns int
return widths[c.toInt()]
public function initFont(string path)
paths['!'] = path + "char1.blp"
paths['.'] = path + "char2.blp"
paths['#'] = path + "char3.blp"
paths['$'] = path + "char4.blp"
paths['%'] = path + "char5.blp"
paths['&'] = path + "char6.blp"
paths['''] = path + "char7.blp"
paths['('] = path + "char8.blp"
paths[')'] = path + "char9.blp"
paths['*'] = path + "char10.blp"
paths['+'] = path + "char11.blp"
paths[','] = path + "char12.blp"
paths['-'] = path + "char13.blp"
paths['.'] = path + "char14.blp"
paths['/'] = path + "char15.blp"
paths['0'] = path + "char16.blp"
paths['1'] = path + "char17.blp"
paths['2'] = path + "char18.blp"
paths['3'] = path + "char19.blp"
paths['4'] = path + "char20.blp"
paths['5'] = path + "char21.blp"
paths['6'] = path + "char22.blp"
paths['7'] = path + "char23.blp"
paths['8'] = path + "char24.blp"
paths['9'] = path + "char25.blp"
paths[':'] = path + "char26.blp"
paths[';'] = path + "char27.blp"
paths['<'] = path + "char28.blp"
paths['='] = path + "char29.blp"
paths['>'] = path + "char30.blp"
paths['.'] = path + "char31.blp"
paths['@'] = path + "char32.blp"
paths['A'] = path + "char33.blp"
paths['B'] = path + "char34.blp"
paths['C'] = path + "char35.blp"
paths['D'] = path + "char36.blp"
paths['E'] = path + "char37.blp"
paths['F'] = path + "char38.blp"
paths['G'] = path + "char39.blp"
paths['H'] = path + "char40.blp"
paths['I'] = path + "char41.blp"
paths['J'] = path + "char42.blp"
paths['K'] = path + "char43.blp"
paths['L'] = path + "char44.blp"
paths['M'] = path + "char45.blp"
paths['N'] = path + "char46.blp"
paths['O'] = path + "char47.blp"
paths['P'] = path + "char48.blp"
paths['Q'] = path + "char49.blp"
paths['R'] = path + "char50.blp"
paths['S'] = path + "char51.blp"
paths['T'] = path + "char52.blp"
paths['U'] = path + "char53.blp"
paths['V'] = path + "char54.blp"
paths['W'] = path + "char55.blp"
paths['X'] = path + "char56.blp"
paths['Y'] = path + "char57.blp"
paths['Z'] = path + "char58.blp"
paths['['] = path + "char59.blp"
paths['.'] = path + "char60.blp"
paths[']'] = path + "char61.blp"
paths['^'] = path + "char62.blp"
paths['_'] = path + "char63.blp"
paths['`'] = path + "char64.blp"
paths['a'] = path + "char65.blp"
paths['b'] = path + "char66.blp"
paths['c'] = path + "char67.blp"
paths['d'] = path + "char68.blp"
paths['e'] = path + "char69.blp"
paths['f'] = path + "char70.blp"
paths['g'] = path + "char71.blp"
paths['h'] = path + "char72.blp"
paths['i'] = path + "char73.blp"
paths['j'] = path + "char74.blp"
paths['k'] = path + "char75.blp"
paths['l'] = path + "char76.blp"
paths['m'] = path + "char77.blp"
paths['n'] = path + "char78.blp"
paths['o'] = path + "char79.blp"
paths['p'] = path + "char80.blp"
paths['q'] = path + "char81.blp"
paths['r'] = path + "char82.blp"
paths['s'] = path + "char83.blp"
paths['t'] = path + "char84.blp"
paths['u'] = path + "char85.blp"
paths['v'] = path + "char86.blp"
paths['w'] = path + "char87.blp"
paths['x'] = path + "char88.blp"
paths['y'] = path + "char89.blp"
paths['z'] = path + "char90.blp"
paths['{'] = path + "char91.blp"
paths['|'] = path + "char92.blp"
paths['}'] = path + "char93.blp"
paths['~'] = path + "char94.blp"
widths['!'] = 13
widths['.'] = 14
widths['#'] = 29
widths['$'] = 28
widths['%'] = 45
widths['&'] = 33
widths['''] = 9
widths['('] = 17
widths[')'] = 16
widths['*'] = 19
widths['+'] = 30
widths[','] = 14
widths['-'] = 18
widths['.'] = 14
widths['/'] = 13
widths['0'] = 28
widths['1'] = 28
widths['2'] = 27
widths['3'] = 27
widths['4'] = 28
widths['5'] = 28
widths['6'] = 28
widths['7'] = 27
widths['8'] = 28
widths['9'] = 28
widths[':'] = 14
widths[';'] = 13
widths['<'] = 29
widths['='] = 30
widths['>'] = 29
widths['.'] = 14
widths['@'] = 51
widths['A'] = 33
widths['B'] = 34
widths['C'] = 35
widths['D'] = 36
widths['E'] = 33
widths['F'] = 30
widths['G'] = 39
widths['H'] = 36
widths['I'] = 14
widths['J'] = 24
widths['K'] = 33
widths['L'] = 28
widths['M'] = 42
widths['N'] = 36
widths['O'] = 38
widths['P'] = 33
widths['Q'] = 39
widths['R'] = 36
widths['S'] = 34
widths['T'] = 30
widths['U'] = 36
widths['V'] = 32
widths['W'] = 46
widths['X'] = 32
widths['Y'] = 32
widths['Z'] = 30
widths['['] = 13
widths['.'] = 14
widths[']'] = 13
widths['^'] = 23
widths['_'] = 27
widths['`'] = 17
widths['a'] = 28
widths['b'] = 28
widths['c'] = 25
widths['d'] = 28
widths['e'] = 28
widths['f'] = 15
widths['g'] = 28
widths['h'] = 27
widths['i'] = 11
widths['j'] = 7
widths['k'] = 25
widths['l'] = 11
widths['m'] = 41
widths['n'] = 27
widths['o'] = 28
widths['p'] = 28
widths['q'] = 28
widths['r'] = 17
widths['s'] = 25
widths['t'] = 14
widths['u'] = 28
widths['v'] = 24
widths['w'] = 35
widths['x'] = 24
widths['y'] = 24
widths['z'] = 25
widths['{'] = 16
widths['|'] = 14
widths['}'] = 16
widths['~'] = 29
// Space:
widths[' '] = 29
Last edited: