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[AI] WoW-style Threat System

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Level 2
Jun 23, 2009
Hi All,

I've been working on a World of Warcraft - style threat system for a map I'm currently developing (Hero vs. mobs, the more damage/healing a player does to any one enemy, the more likely that mob will attack that player) and I was wondering if there was any call for such a thing on the Hive.

I currently have a working version, but it's undergoing a complete re-write to clean up the code and add special functionality for target-change actions (for a boss who charges madly whenever he changes target)

At the moment the system is designed to work on a one-to-one basis, i.e. each player has one hero against whom all of a players threat is calculated, and only mobs area affected by threat.

So basically:
1) Is this worth releasing and
2) Should it be made to be compatible with everybody affected by threat?

Thanks for your time and any suggestions for improvements/addons greatly appreciated.
Level 2
Jun 23, 2009
Oh brilliant, another few weeks of effort wasted :p thanks for the heads-up Anachron
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