THE_END: Surprisingly, the biggest ass from made a good skin! Hooray!
(1 ratings)
Wow. The infamous Wormskull. It seems that you have 3 skins under your belt. I am pretty amazed though. You have 3 skins that have been made, 1 that is popular, yet you bag on people and tell them that their skins suck. Wow real nice huh?
The face is the best part. Everything else sucks.
^That's how most of your reviews are.^
Except usually its "This is horrible. There is no shading. How much time did you spennd? 5 minutes? There is no freehand. All my stuff is freehand."
I'm not a skinner and I am not good at art but you are a very discouraging person and should keep your comments to yourself. If you hate everyone else's work, why not make a forum about it okay?
Wormskulls hate forum.
Just for you.
Ooo Maybe then you'd shut up and put your reviews in your own stupid forum. Wouldn't that be nice for a change?
this skin is worth 5/5 and nothing else.
Oh, and your avatar, it needs more freehand.
Oh, and your avatar, it needs more freehand.