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[General] WorldEditor v1.29.2 deletes system's TEMP folder on launch & exit

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Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
Edit: read the post below, it only deletes everything inside the temporary files folder.

The editor version 1.29c (6060) aka release 1.29.2 will delete all files and folders where you've saved your map when it exits.

1. Open WE (need to clear registry)
2. Save new empty map in a folder you want to be cleaned of ALL files and folders
3. Exit WE. It'll delete the entire folder where the map was saved in, if it can. It does not touch hidden files.

Information about WE .exe on Virustotal
MD5: d76c8443fc58215fbee97905c056e421
SHA256: e4547515dfa570f2f3450fd83249db59896b0a7896110f2c8897fb3fc9eb9e6e

If it happened to you and you don't have backups: Shut down your PC immediatelly by switching off power. Then talk to someone to recover deleted files (do not turn your PC on).
PS: In case anyone wondering: no, it only deleted the temp files folder. WE 1.29.2 is CCleaner.

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Hahaha. Does this happen only when using the "Exit" button or also when pressing the X to close the program?

This seems pretty bad if true. I have been averse to running the old game versions off of the Hive that some users want to promote as the future, for security reasons, but I imagine that I may start using them once I can get confirmation that the file checksums on these old programs match the file checksums from a direct, historical download from Blizzard on one of my own machines stored in a warehouse that I haven't visited in months.

This bug sounds like if you saved a map in your maps folder, then it would delete all of your other maps. This would be an epic end to Warcraft III, if @Ralle is indeed working presently on a new Hive news update advocating everyone to move back to 1.29 only to have it come out that this version also deletes all the maps from your map folder if you happen to click the Exit button or whatever. To be fair, William seemed to say that people should use 1.29 game but with 1.33 editor, but that's also ridiculous since the 1.33 game editor has a ton of absurd bugs that current leaked ETAs say Blizzard will never fix until next year, if ever.

Are you able to confirm if the 1.29 binary you are using is genuine @Luashine and matches a hash of an original download that you got from Blizzard Entertainment and not a third party? In other words, can you confirm that this is indeed an undetected bug from back in those days and not someone's idea of a practical joke? As someone a little security-paranoid who is still in the decision making phase about whether I would actually be OK running some random old binary off of Hive, and who did not run them yet (at least not recently), I would be interested to know.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If you are using a non-ENUS local of Warcraft III there is a chance it could be a localisation related issue. That version of WorldEditor might not be fully Unicode aware and so behave differently if exposed to operating systems using different code pages or if folders or files contain some glyphs.
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
False alarm! I will change the topic's title
Sort of. I've looked at 1.29.2 WE in Process Monitor: it does NOT delete the map folder. What it DOES is to delete the system's TEMP folder on launch AND exit. I jokingly called it CCleaner and that's what it really is
The temporary files folder is used by all sorts of running stuff and I used it to create junk files and to test the old editor. Of course I thought it deleted the entire map folder, when it's placed inside the system's temp folder. It's not nice but not bad as I thought.

Present in: v1.29.2.9231 (didn't test older versions)
Not present in: v1.30.0.9655

Update: It has been reported here, thanks Chepchel [Feedback] Compiled List of Bugs & Issues for 1.30.1+

it really is not just a "meh okay whatever" bug, since it doesn't clear the temp folder like some applications might, it straight up deletes it, which breaks some apps that for some reason won't create it if they can't find it

Treat: I've also filtered unknown registry fields that WE tried to load:
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit\Auto Cycle Random Groups
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit\Enforce Water Limits
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit\Enforce Camera Boundaries
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit\Reset Fixed Z When Moving Objects
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit\Control Configurations
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Internal
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III\Gfx NoFog
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III\Gfx EnablePixelFog
And this must be set to "0x43414b45" (probably a DWORD) which stands for "CAKE" - a super secret feature i heard
HKCU\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit\Have Your Cake And Eat It Too
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